Publications by authors named "Tulasne J"

Introduction: Paul Tessier was a leading French oculoplastic surgeon who took part in several surgical missions in Iran to manage victims of the Iraq-Iran conflict in the late 1980's and early 1990's.

Methods: We collected the records of 322 patients who underwent surgical procedures for the management of wartime injuries by Paul Tessier's team in Iran from 1990 to 1993. We also report one of the most representative cases of orbital reconstruction performed by Tessier.

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The Iraq-Iran war (1980-88) resulted in numerous maxillofacial injuries. More than 400,000 people were wounded and required specialist care. Paul Tessier, a leading French plastic surgeon and pioneering craniofacial surgeon, was involved in several missions to Iran and operated on a vast cohort of patients with complex war trauma sequelae.

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Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome (PLS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of keratinization associated with palmoplantar keratoderma and severe periodontitis resulting in complete edentulism in late adolescence. The pathognomonic dental features of PLS are pathologic migration, hypermobility, and exfoliation of the teeth without any signs of root resorption. It has been suggested that an effective way to treat PLS patients presenting early in the disease progression is extraction of the erupted primary dentition or hopeless permanent teeth followed by antibiotic coverage with periodontal therapy for the remaining teeth.

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Iraq-Iran war resulted in more than 400,000 people requiring prolonged medical care in Iran. An international team of prominent reconstructive surgeons led by Paul Tessier, the founder of craniofacial surgery, was invited to Iran during the war by official organizations entitled to support war victims. This team provided up-to-date oral and maxillofacial rehabilitation to patients with severe trauma defects in the lower third of the face.

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[Anterior mandibular bone grafts by sub-mental approach].

Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Orale

April 2015

Introduction: Some cases of totally edentulous mandibles are associated with extreme osseous resorption which do not allow the placement of dental implants, even in the symphysis area. We present a bone graft technique performed by mean of a submental approach.

Technical Note: The reconstruction is performed under general anesthesia by mean of calvarial bone bone grafts affixed on the superior face and occasionally on the inferior face of the mandibular symphysis, between the mental foramens.

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This second part follows on from part 1 published in the previous issue of this journal. The aim of this publication is to offer teams specializing in the primary and secondary treatment of labio-alveolar-palatal clefts a prosthetic evaluation for more rational management of the dental sequellae of clefts for patients who, when they reach adulthood, often wish to improve their facial esthetics, in which the dental element plays an important part. The reorganization and restoration of the maxillary anterior teeth and their esthetic integration with respect to the face and lips would then be less of a problem for plastic surgeons and orthodontists.

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The aim of this publication is to offer teams specializing in the primary and secondary treatment of labio-alveolar-palatal clefts a prosthetic evaluation for more rational management of the dental sequellae of clefts for patients who, when they reach adulthood, often wish to improve their facial esthetics, in which the dental element plays a significant part. The reorganization and restoration of the upper anterior teeth, and their esthetic integration with respect to the face and lips, would then be less of a problem for plastic surgeons or orthodontists. In this respect, the installation in this sector of implants, following ambitious bone surgery involving the sacrifice, in bilateral forms, of the teeth of the medial process is a protocol that could usefully be taken into account.

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Introduction: Extreme maxillary atrophy results from partial or total maxillary bone defect, affecting the alveolar and basal segments. The residual bone is only a few millimeters high and does not allow retention of dental prostheses (complete edentulation), or placing implants. Bone reconstruction with cranial bone grafts usually allows obtaining enough bone volume in a single step to place implants for prosthetic rehabilitation, 3 months later.

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Introduction: We present a literature reviewed of pre-implant posterior mandible reconstruction, and report our experience with 107 patients exclusively reconstructed with cranial bone grafts.

Material And Methods: Over a period of 15 years, 167 patients presenting with sometimes extremely severe bone resorption were grafted using various techniques depending on the type of resorption.

Results: The mean bone augmentation was 7.

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Introduction: The sphenomandibular ligament is strong and its insertion below the medial cut of the sagittal split osteotomy explains that it is a barrier to the mobilization of the distal segment. It is the main obstacle to ramus lengthening. We describe the disinsertion technique with an anatomical dissection.

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Objective: Despite its clinical usefulness, the internal structure and remodelling of parietal bone remained poorly documented. The aim of this study was to gain reliable information on parietal bone remodelling in living humans.

Materials And Methods: This study provided a site-specific analysis of static indices of turnover in relation to gender and age by using leftovers of parietal bone sampled in 100 patients (78 females; 22 males, aged 16-79 years).

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Alloplastic bone substitutes can be used to alter facial contour. In contrast, autogenous bone grafts have a successful 80-year history of restoring facial contour as well as the basic functional support of the craniofacial skeleton. The traditional procedures for harvesting and using autogenous bone grafts are not obsolete.

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[Bone graft healing].

Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac

June 2005

Bone graft healing involves an invasive process where vessels and cells penetrate the graft material to enable neoformation of bone. The origin of the material and its intrinsic properties and morphology are factors which affect its resorption and replacement. The first step involve formation of bone via the osteoconductive properties of the graft.

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Particulate parietal bone is used for maxillary sinus floor elevation procedure prior to dental implant placement. However, data on internal structure of the parietal bone and on graft remodeling and incorporation in the host bone are limited. We determined the structure and remodeling activities of 24 parietal bone specimens sampled at time of sinus grafting (T1 samples), and the amount and turnover of bone formed at the recipient site at time of implant placement (T2 samples, obtained 10 months after T1 samples, on average).

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