Objectives: Nursing home dementia specialty care units are highly publicized as beneficial for residents with dementia, but we know little about these units and what makes them "special." Leveraging primary data from a national survey of nursing home representatives and the LTCfocus data, this study aims to describe characteristics and features of dementia specialty care units and examine variations in nursing home quality ratings.
Design: National survey.
Data regarding cardiogenic shock (CS) from safety-net hospitals serving socioeconomically-disadvantaged patients are limited. In addition, little is known regarding long-term outcomes and management of heart failure-related CS (HF-CS), a population potentially especially vulnerable to adverse social determinants of health (SDOH). A single-center retrospective cohort study of patients with Stage C, D, or E CS at a public safety-net hospital between 2017 and 2023 was performed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe ( C677T gene polymorphism is associated with neurological disorders and schizophrenia. Patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder and controls ( 134) had data collected for risk factors, molecular and neuro-sensory variables, symptoms, and functional outcomes. Promising gene variant-related predictive biomarkers were identified for diagnosis by Receiver Operating Characteristics and for illness duration by linear regression.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Acute liver failure (ALF) has no effective treatment other than liver transplantation and is commonly caused by paracetamol overdose. New treatments are needed to treat and prevent ALF. Alternatively-activated macrophages (AAMs) can promote resolution of liver necrosis and stimulate hepatocyte proliferation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Frailty is in an increasing focus for acute care systems due to its association with adverse health outcomes. The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) is a judgement-based frailty assessment tool, which classifies the frailty status of older adults, but more research involving general medicine inpatients is necessary. The objectives of this study were to describe the predictive ability of CFS, administered by geriatric medicine trained nurses, for adverse outcomes including the following: acute unit and total length of stay (LOS), new nursing home (NH) admission, 12-month mortality and readmission within 30-day.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: This study investigates which local area characteristics, included in the Healthy Ageing/Vulnerable ENvironment (HAVEN) Index, are the strongest factors predicting transition into permanent residential aged care (PRAC) and mortality, and the geographic distribution of these factors.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study of older individuals living in the community in Adelaide who received their first eligibility assessment for age care services between 2013 and 2015 (n = 16,939) was conducted. The study cohort, from the Registry of Senior Australians (ROSA), was linked by postcode to HAVEN Index items, selected following item response theory (IRT) analysis to determine the strongest local area factors associated with PRAC and mortality.
Background: Protection afforded by inactivated influenza vaccines can theoretically be improved by inducing T-cell responses to conserved internal influenza A antigens. We assessed whether, in an influenza controlled human infection challenge, susceptible individuals receiving a vaccine boosting T-cell responses would exhibit lower viral load and decreased symptoms compared with placebo recipients.
Methods: In this single centre, randomised, double-blind phase 2 study, healthy adult (aged 18-55 years) volunteers with microneutralisation titres of less than 20 to the influenza A(H3N2) challenge strain were enrolled at an SGS quarantine facility in Antwerp, Belgium.
For decades, researchers have held that wood specific gravity was an indicator or surrogate for both shade tolerance and successional status. However, recent research in dry tropical forests has shown very different associations regarding wood specific gravity. Past analyses of the tolerance and wood properties of tree species have focused on pooled coniferous and angiosperm species in temperate regions; fewer analyses have been conducted separately for conifers and angiosperm species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: This study aimed to explore the feasibility (including recruitment, safety and adherence) and the effects of a twice weekly supervised Judo-based exercise program over eight weeks on mobility, balance, physical performance, quality of life, fear of falling and physical activity (including by frailty status) in community-dwelling older people aged ≥65 years.
Design: Pre-post study.
Participants: A total of 17 participants (mean age 74.
The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology celebrates its 50th anniversary of publication in 2023. Here four previous Editors-in-Chief and the current Editor reflect on the Journal's history and the changes that have occurred during that time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe worldwide pooled prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children is 13.4%. Studying the prevalence of childhood psychiatric disorders across radically different economic systems and social structures could indicate universal factors leading to their development.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Nursing students often report anxiety about the performance of resuscitation in a placement context. Rapid cycle deliberate practice which involves re-running the scenario after de-brief allowing for the correction of errors and improved practice has been widely used to develop skills in resuscitation. Few studies have examined the use of rapid cycle deliberate practice to improve resuscitation confidence and self-efficacy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDiagnostic uncertainty and relapse rates in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder are relatively high, indicating the potential involvement of other pathological mechanisms that could serve as diagnostic indicators to be targeted for adjunctive treatment. This study aimed to seek objective evidence of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T genotype-related bio markers in blood and urine. Vitamin and mineral cofactors related to methylation and indolamine-catecholamine metabolism were investigated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSquat defects are one of the most common rail surface defects. Significant research effort has gone into understand squat defects over the last 10 years which has brought about important developments in the understanding of their initiation mechanism; however, further work is still required to fully understand squat and the best methods to control them. This study considers records of squat defects over a period 9 years, considering 2600 km of track across 8 different routes on the GB mainline network.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The redeployment of staff which involves moving staff from one clinical setting to another is a key feature of health care management. Rising demand associated with chronic disease and seasonal variation makes redeployment increasingly commonplace. During the COVID-19 pandemic preparation for the influx of patients included sourcing equipment and resources and the redeployment of staff to respiratory wards and critical care.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Nitrogen fertiliser is the major input and cost for wheat production, being required to support the development of the canopy to maximise yield and for the synthesis of the gluten proteins that are necessary for breadmaking. Consequently, current high-yielding cultivars require the use of nitrogen fertilisation levels above the yield optimum to achieve the grain protein content needed for breadmaking. This study aimed to reduce this requirement by identifying traits that allow the use of lower levels of nitrogen fertiliser to produce wheat for breadmaking.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNoncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) play pivotal roles in the regulation of gene expression and represent a promising target for the development of new therapeutic approaches. Among these ncRNAs, microRNAs (miRNAs or miRs) are involved in the regulation of gene expression, and their dysregulation has been linked to several diseases such as cancers. Indeed, oncogenic miRNAs are overexpressed in cancer cells, thus promoting tumorigenesis and maintenance of cancer stem cells that are resistant to chemotherapy and often responsible for therapeutic failure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To perform an umbrella review of systematic reviews with meta-analyses (MAs) examining the effectiveness of comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) delivered within community settings to general populations of community-dwelling older people against various health outcomes.
Design: Umbrella review of MAs of randomized controlled trials (RCTs).
Setting And Participants: Systematic reviews with MAs examining associations between CGA conducted within the community and any health outcome, where participants were community-dwelling older people with a minimum mean age of 60 years or where at least 50% of study participants were aged ≥60 years.
Objectives: Excessive daytime sleepiness is an increasingly frequent condition among older adults with comorbidities and living in nursing homes (NHs). This study investigated associations between participants' characteristics and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS); the ability of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) scores, EDS, and EDS severity levels to predict mortality at 12 months of follow-up; and the optimal cut-off for ESS to predict mortality among NH residents.
Design: Prospective and cross-sectional analysis in a prospective study.
Introduction: Moral distress can have a significant impact on the mental health and well-being of practitioners. Causes of moral distress in critical care have been identified as futile treatment, conflict between family members and staff, lack of resources, and dysfunctional teams.
Objectives: This study explores the sources of moral distress during the COVID-19 pandemic and the meaning that staff attached to these events.
Multicomponent methods are a conceptually simple way to include nuclear quantum effects into quantum chemistry calculations. In multicomponent methods, the electronic molecular orbitals are described using the linear combination of atomic orbitals approximation. This requires the selection of a one-particle electronic basis set which, in practice, is commonly a correlation-consistent basis set.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTransmission spectroscopy of exoplanets has revealed signatures of water vapour, aerosols and alkali metals in a few dozen exoplanet atmospheres. However, these previous inferences with the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes were hindered by the observations' relatively narrow wavelength range and spectral resolving power, which precluded the unambiguous identification of other chemical species-in particular the primary carbon-bearing molecules. Here we report a broad-wavelength 0.
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