Various members of the viral genera Furovirus and Bymovirus are damaging pathogens of a range of crop species. Infection of the soil-borne plasmodiophorid Polymyxa graminis transmits both Japanese soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (JSBWMV) and the barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV) to barley, but their interaction during an episode of their co-infection has not been characterized to date. Here, we present an analysis of the titer of JSBWMV and BaYMV in plants of winter barley growing over a five-month period from late fall until mid-spring.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn early spring 2018, significant mosaic disease symptoms were observed for the first time on barley leaves ( L., cv. New Sachiho Golden) in Takanezawa, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwo modern high-quality Japanese malting barley cultivars, 'Sukai Golden' and 'Sachiho Golden', were subjected to RNA-sequencing of transcripts extracted from 20-day-old immature seeds. Despite their close relation, 2,419 Sukai Golden-specific and 3,058 Sachiho Golden-specific SNPs were detected in comparison to the genome sequences of two reference cultivars: 'Morex' and 'Haruna Nijo'. Two single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) clusters respectively showing the incorporation of (1) the barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV) resistance gene from six-row non-malting Chinese landrace Mokusekko 3 on the long arm of 3H, and (2) the anthocyanin-less gene from a two-row Dutch cultivar on the long arm of 2H were detected specifically in 'Sukai Golden'.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInfection by the (JSBWMV) can lead to substantial losses in the grain yield of barley and wheat crops. While genetically based resistance to this virus has been documented, its mechanistic basis remains obscure. In this study, the deployment of a quantitative PCR assay showed that the resistance acts directly against the virus rather than by inhibiting the colonization of the roots by the virus' fungal vector .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe soil-borne plasmodiophorid is a vector for (BaYMV), which can severely damage barley plants. Although 22 disease resistance genes have been identified, only a few have been used for breeding virus-resistant cultivars. Recently, BaYMV strains capable of overcoming the effects of some of these genes have been detected.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF(SBWMV), a ubiquitous pathogen commonly encountered in temperate regions of the Northern hemisphere, can damage a number of economically important cereal crops, notably wheat and barley. Given that the plasmodiophorid cercozoan , which acts as the vector of SBWMV, can survive in the soil for many decades, the only feasible control measure is the deployment of resistant cultivars. Here, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) approach was taken to characterize the genetic basis of the SBWMV resistance exhibited by the barley cultivar Haruna Nijo.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Delayed syncopal-type complications are infrequent among blood donors, but sometimes have critical consequences, such as severe injury. We retrospectively investigated the characteristics of donors with delayed syncopal-type complications or falls.
Study Design And Methods: We defined a delayed reaction (DR) as syncopal-type complications occurring >20 min after needle removal.
J Nonverbal Behav
September 2017
In face-to-face communication, eye gaze is known to play various roles such as managing the attention of interlocutors, expressing intimacy, exercising social control, highlighting particular speech content, and coordinating floor apportionment. For second language (L2) communication, one's perception of eye gaze is expected to have more importance than for native language (L1) because eye gaze is assumed to partially compensate for the deficiencies of verbal expressions. This paper examines and clarifies the efficiency of the function of eye gaze in the coordination of floor apportionment through quantitative analyses of eye gaze during three-party conversations in L1 and L2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLipoxygenase-1 (LOX-1) null 'New Sachiho Golden' is a two-row malting barley ( L.) cultivar released in 2015 that was developed at the Tochigi Prefectural Agricultural Experimental Station by backcross breeding using the high-yield leading cultivar 'Sachiho Golden' as a recurrent parent and the LOX-1 null mutant 'Daikei LM1' as a non-recurrent parent. To develop 'New Sachiho Golden' we used a simple LOX activity assay and marker-assisted selection.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA class II transposable element, mPing exists in the rice genome ubiquitously and can transpose even in ordinary cultivation conditions. A copy of mPing was identified at the long arm of chromosome 12. In reciprocal backcrossed F1s between a heterozygote and a homozygote without mPing, the male gametes with this mPing from heterozygotes were transmitted to the next generation at a lower frequency than those without mPing, resulting in distorted genetic segregation in self-fertilized progenies, as well as in F1s after backcrossing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA super-high-yielding rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar, Takanari, and a traditional japonica rice cultivar, Nakateshinsenbon, were grown under field conditions to compare partitioning of C-labelled photosynthate to different plant organs during the period of reproductive development. The flag leaf and the two leaves immediately below it on the main culm were exposed individually to CO and the movement of the heavy carbon isotope to grains, hull, panicle branches and vegetative parts of plant was assessed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe evaluated a two-component transposon iAc/Ds system for generating a library of insertional mutants in rice. The constructs used have gene or enhancer trapping properties, plasmid rescue and T-DNA/Ds launching pad reporter facilities. Mutagenic iAc/Ds lines were produced by three methods: crossing iAc and Ds containing lines; co-transformation with iAc and Ds constructs; and super-transformation of iAc transgenic calli with Ds constructs.
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