Publications by authors named "Ts LAGUTINA"

As many as 33 children operated on for congenital meningocele of the inferior parts of the spine were subjected to clinicoelectromyographic studies. Alterations seen in the amplitude of the maximum M-response serve as one of the objective indicators of the degree of neuromuscular lesions. According to the magnitude of that amplitude, the patients were distributed into 4 groups: I /0 mV/, group II /0-1 mV/, group III /1-6 mV/, group IV /more than 6 mV/.

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The activity of superior and inferior rectus muscles of the eye in a gaze upwards, downwards, to the right, to the left and in primary position has been electrographically determined in 13 adults without disturbances in eye motility. The analysis of the results obtained has shown that there doesn't exist adducent action of these muscles as an active physiologic function. Anatomically conditioned, but practically low and weak, adducent action of the muscles, being passive by nature, can be in norm caused by the weakening of the external rectus muscle in adduction of the eye, because in horizontal moving it preserves the level of activity characteristic for primary position of the eye.

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Combination of clinical manifestations of skin hyperplasia in spinal hernias with signs of connective tissue lesion (articular hypermobility, skin hyperelasticity, trophic disorders) indicates involvement of the spinal cord and its radicles which is confirmed by electromyographic findings. Early surgical treatment of spinal hernias prevents the development of irreversible changes in the nervous system and progression of neurological manifestations. It is also important that such patients find occupation which would not be associated with excessive strain on the vertebral column and overextension of the limb ligaments.

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Neurological complications were examined in 30 patients with multiple myeloma. The neurological syndromes which play the key role in the clinical picture of the disease were distinguished. The pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of the individual symptoms and the methods for their treatment are discussed.

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The use of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) in the treatment of vertebrogenic ischemic myelopathies makes it possible not only to arrest the progression of the disease but also to achieve stable regress of motor disturbances in a relatively short period, which helps to reduce the time of treatment and hospitalization. In lateral amyotrophic sclerosis HBO therapy produces a minimum and short positive effect only in some patients. In most cases the therapy failed to control or stabilize neurological disorders.

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Patients with logoneuroses showed a considerable increase in the activity of some muscles and the generation of activity in others during speech even in cases where the patient succeeded in speaking without stammering. The predominance of the activity on the left versus the right side was observed in all groups of muscles. The blood content in the cerebral vessels could be both consistent with the age-specific normal values and differing from them in both directions.

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On the basis of a study of 11 normals and 19 patients, the clinical and EMG features of iloinguinal nerve lesions are described. In lesions of this nerve there are EMG changes in the internal oblique abdominal muscles, which indicate an involvement into the pathological process of not only of the nerve conductors, but central structures. The EMG method may be recommended as a supplementary one for detecting subclinical forms of the disease, clarification of the diagnosis and determination of the degree of nerve lesions.

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