Publications by authors named "Truter J"

Crocodilians exhibit continuous tooth replacement (i.e., polyphyodonty) and have been identified as suitable models for tooth regeneration research due to the similarity in dental cavity and tooth anatomy between these creatures and humans.

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Thyroid hormones play critical roles in body growth and development as well as reproduction. They also influence the activities of a wider variety of tissues and biological functions, such as osmoregulation, metabolism, and especially metamorphosis in organisms, such as frogs. These complex activities of thyroid hormones are prone to disruption by agricultural pesticides, often leading to modulation of growth and the reproductive system in particular.

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Globally, amphibians are experiencing widespread abnormalities and population declines. One potential contributor to these challenges is the use of pesticides, particularly aquatic herbicides applied to aquatic habitats inhabited by amphibians. Critical issues of concern are the potential toxicity and teratogenicity of these herbicides towards amphibians.

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Aphids are economically important insect pests of crops worldwide. Despite resistant varieties being available, resistance is continuously challenged and eventually broken down, posing a threat to food security. In the current study, the epigenome of two related Russian wheat aphid (, Kurdjumov) biotypes (i.

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Ample evidence around the world exists suggesting a link between exposure to glyphosate, toxicity and perturbed physiological functions in non-target organisms. Although glyphosate formulations are widely used for weed and alien plant management, their ecotoxicological information remain scanty. Using the 96-hour Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xenopus protocol, embryotoxicity and teratogenicity of three glyphosate-based formulations were assessed.

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The broad-snouted caiman (Caiman latirostris) is a crocodilian species that inhabits South American wetlands. As in all other crocodilians, the egg incubation temperature during a critical thermo-sensitive window (TSW) determines the sex of the hatchlings, a phenomenon known as temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). In C.

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Knowledge regarding the potential impacts of crude oil on endocrine signaling in freshwater aquatic vertebrates is limited. The expression of selected genes as biomarkers for altered endocrine signaling was studied in African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, tadpoles and juvenile Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, exposed to weathered bunker and unweathered refinery crude oil water accommodated fractions (WAFs). In addition, the expression of the aforementioned genes was quantified in X.

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Although bioassay approaches are useful for identifying chemicals of potential concern, they provide little understanding of the mechanisms of chemical toxicity. Without this understanding, it is difficult to address some of the key challenges that currently face aquatic ecotoxicology. To overcome this, the toxicity potential of the water samples was assessed and surviving organisms (Physa acuta) were used for protein activity measurements and gene expression profiling by making use of complementary DNA amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) analysis.

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The Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters) population inhabiting Lake Loskop, South Africa, is characterized by a high incidence of obesity and pansteatitis. We investigated potential links between the impaired health of Lake Loskop O. mossambicus and the endocrine system by assessing the expression of selected genes associated with the thyroid and adrenal endocrine axes as well as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (pparg).

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The biodiversity of an agroecosystem is not only important for its intrinsic value but also because it influences ecological functions that are vital for crop production in sustainable agricultural systems and the surrounding environment. A concern about genetically modified (GM) crops is the potential negative impact that such crops could have on diversity and abundance of nontarget organisms, and subsequently on ecosystem functions. Therefore, it is essential to assess the potential environmental risk of the release of a GM crop and to study its effect on species assemblages within that ecosystem.

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Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a global environmental concern due to detrimental impacts on river ecosystems. Little is however known regarding the biological impacts of neutralized AMD on aquatic vertebrates despite excessive discharge into watercourses. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the endocrine modulatory potential of neutralized AMD, using molecular biomarkers in the teleost fish Oreochromis mossambicus in exposure studies.

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Posttreatment changes of orthodontically treated dentitions are inherent to every orthodontic practice. Various studies have documented the ideal posttreatment dental and cephalometric norms that could pertain to stable long-term occlusal results. Clinically, changes in these parameters are often observed as mandibular incisor crowding.

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