Highly automated driving (HAD) vehicles are predicted to have several societal benefits, including reduced accidents and fatalities, reduced congestion, efficient traffic networks and improved productivity. However, the adoption of technology is dependent on the willingness of people to adopt the technology. For a smooth transition to driverless vehicles, it is essential to investigate the public perception of driverless vehicles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGrass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) is a rich source of protein cultivated as an insurance crop in Ethiopia, Eritrea, India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Its resilience to both drought and flooding makes it a promising crop for ensuring food security in a changing climate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSymbiotic interactions between rhizobia and legumes result in the formation of root nodules, which fix nitrogen that can be used for plant growth. Rhizobia usually invade legume roots through a plant-made tunnel-like structure called an infection thread (IT). RPG (Rhizobium-directed polar growth) encodes a coiled-coil protein that has been identified in Medicago truncatula as required for root nodule infection, but the function of RPG remains poorly understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA set of mutant pea lines carrying induced mutations within the major seed-expressed starch-branching enzyme gene has been characterised at the molecular, chemical and agronomic levels. Eight of the induced mutations, three of which predicted a premature stop codon, were compared with the naturally occurring starch-branching enzyme mutation within the same genetic background. Starch, amylose and sugar measurements, coupled with analysis by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-size exclusion chromatography of starches, identified a range of phenotypes which were grouped according to the nature of the mutation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlant roots depend on sucrose imported from leaves as the substrate for metabolism and growth. Sucrose and hexoses derived from it are also signalling molecules that modulate growth and development, but the importance for signalling of endogenous changes in sugar levels is poorly understood. We report that reduced activity of cytosolic invertase, which converts sucrose to hexoses, leads to pronounced metabolic, growth, and developmental defects in roots of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKarrikins (KARs), smoke-derived butenolides, are perceived by the α/β-fold hydrolase KARRIKIN INSENSITIVE2 (KAI2) and thought to mimic endogenous, yet elusive plant hormones tentatively called KAI2-ligands (KLs). The sensitivity to different karrikin types as well as the number of KAI2 paralogs varies among plant species, suggesting diversification and co-evolution of ligand-receptor relationships. We found that the genomes of legumes, comprising a number of important crops with protein-rich, nutritious seed, contain two or more KAI2 copies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) is an underutilised crop with high tolerance to drought and flooding stress and potential for maintaining food and nutritional security in the face of climate change. The presence of the neurotoxin β-L-oxalyl-2,3-diaminopropionic acid (β-L-ODAP) in tissues of the plant has limited its adoption as a staple crop. To assist in the detection of material with very low neurotoxin toxin levels, we have developed two novel methods to assay ODAP.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) symbioses contribute to global carbon cycles as plant hosts divert up to 20% of photosynthate to the obligate biotrophic fungi. Previous studies suggested carbohydrates as the only form of carbon transferred to the fungi. However, fatty acid (FA) synthesis has not been observed in AM fungi in absence of the plant.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBacterial accommodation inside living plant cells is restricted to the nitrogen-fixing root nodule symbiosis. In many legumes, bacterial uptake is mediated via tubular structures called infection threads (ITs). To identify plant genes required for successful symbiotic infection, we screened an ethyl methanesulfonate mutagenized population of Lotus japonicus for mutants defective in IT formation and cloned the responsible gene, ERN1, encoding an AP2/ERF transcription factor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRhizobial infection of legume root hairs requires a rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton to enable the establishment of plant-made infection structures called infection threads. In the SCAR/WAVE (Suppressor of cAMP receptor defect/WASP family verpolin homologous protein) actin regulatory complex, the conserved N-terminal domains of SCAR proteins interact with other components of the SCAR/WAVE complex. The conserved C-terminal domains of SCAR proteins bind to and activate the actin-related protein 2/3 (ARP2/3) complex, which can bind to actin filaments catalyzing new actin filament formation by nucleating actin branching.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious analysis of the Lotus histidine kinase1 (Lhk1) cytokinin receptor gene has shown that it is required and also sufficient for nodule formation in Lotus japonicus. The L. japonicus mutant carrying the loss-of-function lhk1-1 allele is hyperinfected by its symbiotic partner, Mesorhizobium loti, in the initial absence of nodule organogenesis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPerenniality and vegetative re-growth vigour represent key agronomic traits in forage legume (Fabaceae) species. The known determinants of perenniality include the conservation of the vegetative meristem during and after the flowering phase, and the separation of flowering from senescence. The ability of the plants to store nutrient resources in perennial organs and remobilize them may also play an important role in the perennial growth habit, and in determining the capacity of the plant to re-grow following grazing or from one season to the next.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi form nutrient-acquiring symbioses with the majority of higher plants. Nutrient exchange occurs via arbuscules, highly branched hyphal structures that are formed within root cortical cells. With a view to identifying host genes involved in AM development, we isolated Lotus japonicus AM-defective mutants via a microscopic screen of an ethyl methanesulfonate-mutagenized population.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe physiological role of K(+)-dependent and K(+)-independent asparaginases in plants remains unclear, and the contribution from individual isoforms during development is poorly understood. We have used reverse genetics to assess the phenotypes produced by the deficiency of K(+)-dependent NSE1 asparaginase in the model legume Lotus japonicus. For this purpose, four different mutants were identified by TILLING and characterized, two of which affected the structure and function of the asparaginase molecule and caused asparagine accumulation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMature seeds of both the high-starch starch-excess1 (sex1) mutant and the almost starchless phosphoglucomutase1 mutant of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) have 30% to 40% less lipid than seeds of wild-type plants. We show that this is a maternal effect and is not attributable to the defects in starch metabolism in the embryo itself. Low lipid contents and consequent slow postgerminative growth are seen only in mutant embryos that develop on maternal plants with mutant phenotypes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTargeting induced local lesions in genomes (TILLING), initially a functional genomics tool in model plants, has been extended to many plant species and become of paramount importance to reverse genetics in crops species. Because it is readily applicable to most plants, it remains a dominant non-transgenic method for obtaining mutations in known genes. The process has seen many technological changes over the last 10 years; a major recent change has been the application of next-generation sequencing (NGS) to the process, which permits multiplexing of gene targets and genomes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIsoflavonoids are a class of phenylpropanoids made by legumes, and consumption of dietary isoflavonoids confers benefits to human health. Our aim is to understand the regulation of isoflavonoid biosynthesis. Many studies have shown the importance of transcription factors in regulating the transcription of one or more genes encoding enzymes in phenylpropanoid metabolism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are obligate symbionts dependent for completion of their life cycle on plant carbohydrates, which they trade for mineral nutrients. Plant colonization by AM fungi is therefore expected to induce profound changes in plant carbon metabolism. We have previously observed that on one hand starch accumulation increases in responses to pre-symbiotic fungal signals and on the other hand, it decreases in mycorrhizal Lotus japonicus roots (Gutjahr et al.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe number of root nodules developing on legume roots after rhizobial infection is controlled by the plant shoot through autoregulation and mutational inactivation of this mechanism leads to hypernodulation. We have characterised the Pisum sativum (pea) Sym28 locus involved in autoregulation and shown that it encodes a protein similar to the Arabidopsis CLAVATA2 (CLV2) protein. Inactivation of the PsClv2 gene in four independent sym28 mutant alleles, carrying premature stop codons, results in hypernodulation of the root and changes to the shoot architecture.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwo cDNA clones coding for α-type carbonic anhydrases (CA; EC 4.2.1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLegumes form symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi and nitrogen fixing root nodule bacteria. Intracellular root infection by either endosymbiont is controlled by the activation of the calcium and calmodulin-dependent kinase (CCaMK), a central regulatory component of the plant's common symbiosis signaling network. We performed a microscopy screen for Lotus japonicus mutants defective in AM development and isolated a mutant, nena, that aborted fungal infection in the rhizodermis.
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