Publications by authors named "Tret'iakov S"

Study covered 20 females with chronic intoxication with organic solvents, who worked long as painters on industrial enterprise. To reveal clinically significant cognitive disorders, Mini-Cog scale was applied. Drawing test helped to reveal visual and spatial disorders, restults were expressed in scores.

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The purpose of work was creation of quantative immunochromatographic tests (ICT) for measuring concentrations of the marker substance associated with somatic diseases: immunoglobulin E (IgE), C-reactive protein (CRP) and fibrin D-dimer in blood serum (plasma), which is carried out with the help of videodigital analyzers of domestic development "Reflecom" and "Zondaj". ICT were designed in sandwich-format, using colloid gold and monoclonal antibodies. It is shown, that calibration curves received with the help of ICTand devices of videodigital registration, are well approximated by exponential dependence Y = Aexp(-x/B)+y0, where Y--device readings, x--analytes concentration, A, B, y0--constants.

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Vibration disease patients with chronic uranium intoxication in after contact period demonstrate moderate cognitive disorders of amnestic multifunctional type in 100% of cases. Individuals having occupational diseases due to physical, toxic and radiation hazards, associated with cardiovascular problems, in after contact period manifest mostly with visual-spatial functions, short-term, operative, visual and aural memory disorders. Visual-spatial functions, short-term, operative, visual and aural memory are decreased more in patients with remote period of chronic uranium intoxication.

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State of left heart contractility in patients having IHD and AH during long-term period of chronic uranium intoxication depends on duration of exposure to toxic radiation factor. The authors revealed left ventricle myocardium weight decreased by 11.7% on exposure up to 10 years and that decreased by 18.

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A group of individuals with occupational diseases caused by chemical factors demonstrate higher incidence and severity of depression, frustration, rigidity, cognitive and sleep disorders, if compared to the group of individuals with occupational diseases caused by physical factors. In the occupational diseases group, encephalopathy is seen more frequently, individuals subjected to physical factors have prevailing encephalopathy of I and II grades, those subjected to chemical factors--of II-III and III grades, more severe encephalopathy in the group of chemical factors is seen among the individuals subjected to uranium compounds.

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Heterometric mechanism of cardiac autoregulation is characteristic for patients with occupational vibration disease, as an example of physical factor in occupational disease pathogenesis. For chemical factor inducing occupational disease, as exemplified by chronic intoxication with organic solvents, homeometric mechanism of cardiac autoregulation is characteristic.

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We examined 94 patients (mean age 61,7 +/- 9,9 years) with unstable angina and myocardial infarction. Comparative characterization of prognostic value of Q-T and J-T intervals obtained at conventional 12-lead electrocardiography and 35-lead electrocardiotopography in assessment of risk of repetitive coronary events during follow up for 1 year was carried out. It was found that prolongation of maximal corrected Q-T interval obtained by electrocardiotopography at admission had greater prognostic significance for assessment of risk of unfavorable outcome.

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The use of immunochromatographic indicatory elements based on antibody conjugates and colloidal gold was suggested to detect cells and the antigens of extremely dangerous infectious pathogens. The specificity and specific activity (sensitivity) of the mentioned elements were studied on vaccinal strains of plague, anthrax, and tularemia pathogens. The researchers studied a possibility to increase the sensitivity of immunochromatographic analysis using computed scanning and Reflecom, a specialized digital video recorder of immunochromatogramms.

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Aim: To study contractile and diastolic function of the right ventricle, mechanic activity of the right heart, hemodynamics of the pulmonary circulation in patients with vibration disease (VD).

Material And Methods: The study group consisted of patients in contact with vibration (15 subjects without VD symptoms, 44 patients with VD of the first degree and 10 patients with VD of the second degree). 20 control males had no contact with vibration.

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The paper analyzes a contingent of children and adolescents from a tuberculous sanatorium in 2000-2002. It was established that the children and adolescents with local forms of tuberculosis amounted to 14.5%, the children with a variety of tuberculin reactions were 33.

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Patients with chronic organic solvents intoxication are characterized by left ventricle hyperfunction mostly isometric type, with left ventricle diastole disordered due to impaired both passive filling and active relaxation, given the chamber geometry is normal and hypokinetictype hemodynamics is prevalent. Phase analysis of left heart mechanic activity in patients with chronic organic solvents intoxication demonstrated I degree hypodinamia syndrome and left ventricle outlet stenosis.

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The formation of the heterometric mechanism responsible for the autoregulation of cardiac performance (the development of the left ventricle (LV) mainly as isotonic) is characteristic of patients with vibration disease and arterial hypertension (AH). The homeometric mechanism of autoregulation of cardiac performance (the development of LV hyperfunction mainly as isometric) is typical of patients with chronic intoxications (with organic solvents and uranium). In AH, LV hyperfunction is leveled in the late postconduct period of exposure to a physical agent, but preserved in the late postconduct period of exposure to a chemical agent.

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Aim: To develop medicinal approaches to correction of hemodynamic disturbances in vibration disease (VD) associated with arterial hypertension.

Material And Methods: The study compared hypotensive and hypodynamic efficiency of amlodipin, diltiazem, enalapril, perindopril and indapamide in 74 VD patients with arterial hypertension (SAP 140-179 mm Hg, DAP 90-109 mm Hg; mean age 54.8 years, mean exposure to vibration 26.

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Aim: To characterize clinically and electrocardiographically the condition of the heart in chronic iron deficient anemia (IDA), to study hemodynamic mechanisms of heart impairment for early detection of diastolic myocardial dysfunction in long-term course of sideropenia.

Material And Methods: Clinical and ECG examinations were made in 400 IDA patients. Echocardiography and dopplerechocardiography were made in 95 and 27 patients, respectively.

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Vibration disease induces disorder of cardiac functional state in accordance with the disease severity. Cardiac dysfunctions are changed geometry and weight of left ventricle, disordered diastole of both ventricles, altered left atrium activity, increased pressure in pulmonary artery, higher postload on right ventricle.

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The mobility of phospholipid chains in membranes of liposomes consisting of egg lecitin, cholesterol, dicetylphosphate, sensitized by the lipopolysaccharide antigen F. tularensis by the action of a homologous antiserum and a rabbit complement preparation was studied using 5- and 16-doxylstearate spin probes. It was shown that, during the immune lysis of liposome membranes, changes in the dynamics of spin probes occur, which correlate with the formation of transmembrane channels and exit of the fluorescent marker from the interior of liposomes.

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Aim: To study effects of occupational vibrations on the myocardium, to elucidate early alterations in cardiac performance and to introduce approaches to their correction.

Materials And Methods: Doppler echocardiography was made to evaluate diastolic function of the heart ventricles in 54 men with vibration disease. Mean exposure to local vibration was 22.

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Left and right ventricular diastolic function was investigated at doppler echocardiography in patients with myocardiodystrophy exposed to organic aromatic solvents (30 female house painters). The control group consisted of healthy females and females with autonomic-dyshormonal myocardiodystrophy. The study group exhibited diastolic dysfunction characterized by disturbed active relaxation assessed by duration of isometric left and right ventricular relaxation.

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171 iron-deficient painters and 20 subjects with chronic intoxication with aromatic hydrocarbons were studied in a large aircraft construction factory. After correlative analysis of iron metabolism, ferritin, erythrocytes, diameter and perimeter of reticulocytes, length of service three types of iron-deficiency were identified: typical, with evident toxicity, with a high risk of toxic damage. An important role of lipid peroxidation activity and toxic erythrocyto-membranopathy for pathomorphosis of iron deficiency anemia and progress of toxic anemia is demonstrated.

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We studied release of the fluorescent calcein marker from egg-lecithin liposomes under action of intact delta-endotoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis var. israilensis, and hydrolysed preparation of delta-endotoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki together with the motional parameters of 5- and 12-doxyl stearic radical probes in the liposomal membrane.

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The solid-phase liposomal immunoassay procedure for the determination of Francisella tularensis lipopolysaccharide (LPS) has been developed. This assay has been made with the use of monolayer liposomes, on the average, 360 nm in diameter with their phospholipid bilayer modified with F. tularensis LPS and their internal space filled with calcein used as fluorescent marker.

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