Publications by authors named "Trakhtenberg I"

A porous material has been produced by pressing spongy titanium granules with subsequent vacuum sintering. The material with porosity of more than 30% has an open system of interconnecting pores. The Young's modulus and 0.

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Production of lead crystal, ceramic paints and roentgenologic grids is associated with air lead levels exceeding the MAC and occurrence of other toxic chemicals in air. Ambient air in populated area near crystal production appeared to contain high lead levels. The authors specified measures aimed to prevent lead influence on the exposed workers and population.

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An effect was studied of lead on certain physiologic, hematological and biochemical parameters in workers engaged in the lead-acid cell manufacture, as was a prophylactic action of pectin in the aforementioned groups of persons. Elimination of lead from the organism was found to be on the increase after the intake of pectin-vitamin preparation (PVP, 3-4 g daily for one month), with the above parameters returning to normal. It is recommended that regular courses of pectin prophylaxis be delivered under control of adequate tests and levels of lead in indicator biological media if we are to achieve a maximal effect in prevention of chronic lead poisoning.

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The authors analyze distribution of mercury in the contaminated zone depending on the chemical formula of mercury and routes of entry, enumerate the norm rating and indices to be used in ecologo-hygienic evaluation of the hazards degrees of the actual level of mercury in the water, atmospheric air and soil, describe numerous sources of technical solutions of reducing mercury entry to environment from technogenous sources. Modern achievements of science and technology make it possible to exclude entry of mercury and its compounds into the environment.

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The pectin-vitamin composition (PVC) and its complex with active carbon (AC) was investigated for use as an oral sorbent to protect radionuclide (Sr-85, Cs-137) accumulation. PVC is composed of the natural mixture of cellulose, pectin (Ca-salt), flavonoides, vitamins of the B-group, PP and C. Investigation of PVC radioprotective action was carried out on the two groups of rats (n = 30) which received 1306 Bk/animal of Sr-85 or 343 Bk/animal of Cs-137 daily.

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The purpose of the study is to generalize the experience of the improvement of sanitary legislation on prevention of occupational mercurialism. The results of the research specific to differentiated standards of permissible content of mercury and its nonorganic compounds in the workplace air are presented along with the data on substantiation of new effective measures on prevention and reduction of mercury steam release into the workplace air, development of the means of protection of building constructions, equipment and furniture from mercury penetration. Some legal normative methodological documents, regulating safety requirements for those working with mercury and its compounds, are described.

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