Publications by authors named "Trainer M"

Titan is an ocean world with a plethora of organic material in its atmosphere and on its surface, making it an intriguing location in the search for habitable environments beyond Earth. Settled aerosols will mix with transient surface melts following cryovolcanic eruptions and impact events, driving hydrolysis reactions and prebiotic chemistry. Previous studies have shown that the hydrolysis of laboratory-synthesized Titan organics leads to the production of amino acids and other prebiotic molecules.

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Laboratory investigations of photochemical reactions in simulated Titan-like atmospheric systems provide insight into the formation of gas and aerosol products and the influence of different environmental parameters on the types of organic molecules generated. Studying the gas-phase products as a function of reaction time provides further insight into the reaction pathways that lead to organic production. The stable isotopes in the reactants and products serve as tracers and help to disentangle these reaction pathways.

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Background And Purpose: The adoption of hypo-fractionated stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for treating prostate cancer has led to an increase in specialised techniques for monitoring prostate motion. The aim of this study was to comprehensively review a radiation therapist (RTT) led treatment process in which two such systems were utilised, and present initial findings on their use within a SBRT prostate clinical trial.

Materials And Methods: 18 patients were investigated, nine were fitted with the Micropos RayPilot (RP) system (Micropos Medical, Gothenburg, SE) and nine were fitted with the Micropos Raypilot Hypocath (HC) system.

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Thanks to the Cassini-Huygens space mission between 2004 and 2017, a lot was learned about Titan, the biggest satellite of Saturn, and its intriguing atmosphere, surface, and organic chemistry complexity. However, key questions about the potential for the atmosphere and surface chemistry to produce organic molecules of direct interest for prebiotic chemistry and life did not find an answer. Due to Titan potential as a habitable world, NASA selected the Dragonfly space mission to be launched in 2027 to Titan's surface and explore the Shangri-La surface region for minimum 3 years.

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Among future space missions, national aeronautics and space administration (NASA) selected two of them to analyze the diversity in organic content within Martian and Titan soil samples using a gas chromatograph - mass spectrometer (GC-MS) instrument. The Dragonfly space mission is planned to be launched in 2027 to Titan's surface and explore the Shangri-La surface region for years. One of the main goals of this mission is to understand the past and actual abundant prebiotic chemistry on Titan, which is not well characterized yet.

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Progress in developing new tools, assays, and approaches to assess human hazard and health risk provides an opportunity to re-evaluate the necessity of dog studies for the safety evaluation of agrochemicals. A workshop was held where partic­ipants discussed the strengths and limitations of past use of dogs for pesticide evaluations and registrations. Opportunities were identified to support alternative approaches to answer human safety questions without performing the required 90-day dog study.

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One of the main objectives of present and future space exploration missions dedicated to astrobiology is the detection of organic molecules of interest for life (e.g. amino and fatty acids).

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Titan is a key planetary body for astrobiology, with the presence of a subsurface ocean and a dense atmosphere, in which complex chemistry is known to occur. Approximately 1-Titan-year after the Cassini-Huygens mission arrived in the saturnian system, rotorcraft will land on Titan's surface by 2034 for an exhaustive geophysical and chemical investigation of the Shangri-La organic sand sea region. Among the four instruments onboard , the Dragonfly Mass Spectrometer (DraMS) is dedicated to analyze the chemical composition of surface samples and noble gases in the atmosphere.

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The present agrochemical safety evaluation paradigm is long-standing and anchored in well-established testing and evaluation procedures. However, it does not meet the present-day challenges of rapidly growing populations, food insecurity, and pressures from climate change. To transform the current framework and apply modern evaluation strategies that better support sustainable agriculture, the Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) assembled a technical committee to reframe the safety evaluation of crop-protection products.

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Decades of air quality improvements have substantially reduced the motor vehicle emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Today, volatile chemical products (VCPs) are responsible for half of the petrochemical VOCs emitted in major urban areas. We show that VCP emissions are ubiquitous in US and European cities and scale with population density.

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We present an updated fuel-based oil and gas (FOG) inventory with estimates of nitrogen oxide (NO) emissions from oil and natural gas production in the contiguous US (CONUS). We compare the FOG inventory with aircraft-derived ("top-down") emissions for NO over footprints that account for ∼25% of US oil and natural gas production. Across CONUS, we find that the bottom-up FOG inventory combined with other anthropogenic emissions is on average within ∼10% of top-down aircraft-derived NO emissions.

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Despite decades of declining air pollution, urban U.S. areas are still affected by summertime ozone and wintertime particulate matter exceedance events.

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With traffic emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) decreasing rapidly over the last decades, the contributions of the emissions from other source categories, such as volatile chemical products (VCPs), have become more apparent in urban air. In this work, in situ measurements of various VOCs are reported for New York City, Pittsburgh, Chicago, and Denver. The magnitude of different emission sources relative to traffic is determined by measuring the urban enhancement of individual compounds relative to the enhancement of benzene, a known tracer of fossil fuel in the United States.

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Rationale: Quadrupole mass spectrometers equipped with an electron ionization (EI) sources have been widely used in space exploration to investigate the composition of planetary surfaces and atmospheres. However, the complexity of the samples and the minimal calibration for the fragmentation of molecules in the ionization chambers have prevented the deconvolution of the majority of the mass spectra obtained at different targets, thus limiting the determination of the exact composition of the samples analyzed. We propose a Monte-Carlo approach to solve this issue mathematically.

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In this study, we develop an alternative Fuel-based Oil and Gas inventory (FOG) of nitrogen oxides (NO ) from oil and gas production using publicly available fuel use records and emission factors reported in the literature. FOG is compared with the Environmental Protection Agency's 2014 National Emissions Inventory (NEI) and with new top-down estimates of NO emissions derived from aircraft and ground-based field measurement campaigns. Compared to our top-down estimates derived in four oil and gas basins (Uinta, UT, Haynesville, TX/LA, Marcellus, PA, and Fayetteville, AR), the NEI overestimates NO by over a factor of 2 in three out of four basins, while FOG is generally consistent with atmospheric observations.

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Variable levels of methane in the martian atmosphere have eluded explanation partly because the measurements are not repeatable in time or location. We report in situ measurements at Gale crater made over a 5-year period by the Tunable Laser Spectrometer on the Curiosity rover. The background levels of methane have a mean value 0.

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Recent studies suggest overestimates in current U.S. emission inventories of nitrogen oxides (NO = NO + NO).

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Saturn's moon Titan has all the ingredients needed to produce "life as we know it." When exposed to liquid water, organic molecules analogous to those found on Titan produce a range of biomolecules such as amino acids. Titan thus provides a natural laboratory for studying the products of prebiotic chemistry.

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A gap in emission inventories of urban volatile organic compound (VOC) sources, which contribute to regional ozone and aerosol burdens, has increased as transportation emissions in the United States and Europe have declined rapidly. A detailed mass balance demonstrates that the use of volatile chemical products (VCPs)-including pesticides, coatings, printing inks, adhesives, cleaning agents, and personal care products-now constitutes half of fossil fuel VOC emissions in industrialized cities. The high fraction of VCP emissions is consistent with observed urban outdoor and indoor air measurements.

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Development of different PHAs as alternatives to petrochemically derived plastics can be facilitated by mining metagenomic libraries for diverse PHA cycle genes that might be useful for synthesis of bio-plastics. The specific phenotypes associated with mutations of the PHA synthesis pathway genes in Sinorhizobium meliloti and Pseudomonas putida, allows the use of powerful selection and screening tools to identify complementing novel PHA synthesis genes. Identification of novel genes through their function rather than sequence facilitates the functional proteins that may otherwise have been excluded through sequence-only screening methodology.

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Recognizing whether a planet can support life is a primary goal of future exoplanet spectral characterization missions, but past research on habitability assessment has largely ignored the vastly different conditions that have existed in our planet's long habitable history. This study presents simulations of a habitable yet dramatically different phase of Earth's history, when the atmosphere contained a Titan-like, organic-rich haze. Prior work has claimed a haze-rich Archean Earth (3.

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Natural emissions of ozone-and-aerosol-precursor gases such as isoprene and monoterpenes are high in the southeast of the US. In addition, anthropogenic emissions are significant in the Southeast US and summertime photochemistry is rapid. The NOAA-led SENEX (Southeast Nexus) aircraft campaign was one of the major components of the Southeast Atmosphere Study (SAS) and was focused on studying the interactions between biogenic and anthropogenic emissions to form secondary pollutants.

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The ratios of the stable isotopes that comprise each chemical species in Titan's atmosphere provide critical information towards understanding the processes taking place within its modern and ancient atmosphere. Several stable isotope pairs, including C/C and N/N, have been measured or probed spectroscopically by Cassini-borne instruments, space telescopes, or through ground-based observations. Current attempts to model the observed isotope ratios incorporate fractionation resulting from atmospheric diffusion, hydrodynamic escape, and primary photochemical processes.

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The deuterium-to-hydrogen (D/H) ratio in strongly bound water or hydroxyl groups in ancient martian clays retains the imprint of the water of formation of these minerals. Curiosity's Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) experiment measured thermally evolved water and hydrogen gas released between 550° and 950°C from samples of Hesperian-era Gale crater smectite to determine this isotope ratio. The D/H value is 3.

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