Publications by authors named "Tracy A"

The Surface Dust Analyser (SUDA) is a mass spectrometer onboard the Europa Clipper mission for investigating the surface composition of the Galilean moon Europa. Atmosphereless planetary moons such as the Galilean satellites are wrapped into a ballistic dust exosphere populated by tiny samples from the moon's surface produced by impacts of fast micrometeoroids. SUDA will measure the composition of such surface ejecta during close flybys of Europa to obtain key chemical signatures for revealing the satellite's composition such as organic molecules and salts, history, and geological evolution.

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Background: Promoting academic integrity is an essential role of nurse educators. This scoping review examined best practices for orienting undergraduate nursing students on academic integrity policies. Methods: CINAHL Plus, ERIC, and Academic Search Premier databases were searched for studies published in English since 2013.

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Adolescence is a developmental period marked by significant social shifts accompanied by concurrent changes across biological, cognitive, and emotional domains. Within adolescence, the high school transition is a pivotal time for youth that is ripe with opportunities yet has the potential to disrupt functioning. An increasingly sophisticated understanding of health and developmental biology indicates that the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis plays an important role in transducing social experiences into physiological changes that have long-term impacts on health and wellbeing.

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Co-infecting parasites modify infection outcomes in the wild. However, it is unclear how multiple environmental factors influence co-infection. The Chesapeake Bay metapopulation of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, provides an opportunity to test the importance of co-infection across heterogeneous environments because multiple parasites infect oysters across a broad salinity gradient.

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Osteocalcin is a bone-derived hormone implicated in the acute stress response and recently linked to adult depression. Yet it is unclear whether osteocalcin is a biomarker of other forms of psychopathology and whether osteocalcin-psychopathology associations emerge during developmentally sensitive periods earlier in life. Thus, in the current pilot study we examined salivary osteocalcin and psychiatric symptoms and disorders among 48 early adolescents during a period of stress.

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Introduction: Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), a phthalate congener, is widely utilized in consumer products and medication coatings. Women of reproductive age have a significant burden of DBP exposure through consumer products, occupational exposure, and medication. Prenatal DBP exposure is associated with adverse pregnancy/fetal outcomes and cardiovascular diseases in the offspring.

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Teen dating violence (TDV) is a significant public health problem that can have lifelong consequences. Using a longitudinal, cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT), this study examines whether the Dating Matters comprehensive prevention model, implemented in middle school, prevented TDV and negative relationship behaviors and promoted positive relationship behaviors in high school (9th-11th grades), when compared with a standard of care intervention. Dating Matters includes programs for sixth to eighth grade youth and their parents, training for school staff, a youth communications program, and policy and data activities implemented in the community.

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Background/objectives: Disease improvement for difficult-to-control pediatric atopic dermatitis may be more challenging to achieve when directed by single specialties due to disjointed and conflicting dialogue with patients.

Methods: The Multidisciplinary Atopic Dermatitis Program (MADP) was developed through collaborations with the Rady Children's Hospital and UC San Diego Health Divisions of Dermatology, Allergy & Immunology and Clinical Pharmacy, to create team-based evaluation and management of children and adolescents with atopic dermatitis (AD). The MADP allows concurrent, comprehensive evaluations by multiple specialists to develop treatment plans.

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Introduction: Co-rumination is an interpersonal emotion regulation strategy in which negative feelings and problems are discussed perseveratively with another person. Although co-rumination is salient in adolescence, research to date has focused on co-rumination occurring in person and has not kept pace with the surge in digital communication that begins in adolescence. This study examined the degree, associations among, and consequences (i.

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In children and adults, individual differences in patterns of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA; i.e., interactions between resting RSA and RSA reactivity to stress) have emerged as a central predictor of internalizing symptoms.

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This study describes rates of violence victimization, perpetration, and witnessing in 6th-11th grade for a multisite sample ( = 3,466) of predominantly Black and Hispanic middle- and high-school students from urban areas with high rates of crime and economic disadvantage. Students completed surveys in middle and high school assessing teen dating violence, stalking, sexual violence and harassment, bullying, cyberbullying, and physical violence perpetration and victimization, as well as witnessing violence. The highest prevalence rates are observed most often in 8th or 9th grade.

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Article Synopsis
  • - The study examines the impact of multiple adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on mental health, substance use, and sexual risk behaviors in young men and women aged 19-24 in five Sub-Saharan African countries.
  • - Researchers identified six classes of ACEs for females and three for males, revealing that higher ACEs were associated with increased mental distress and substance use, particularly in males.
  • - The findings suggest that addressing and preventing ACEs could potentially improve mental health outcomes for young individuals in low- and middle-income countries.
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Introduction: Early adolescence represents a time of heightened vulnerability for depression. Negative interpretation biases have been associated with increases in depressive symptoms during this developmental period; however, the mechanisms underlying the association between interpretation biases and depression remain poorly understood. Cognitive theories posit that interpretation biases give rise to depression by modulating daily affect, particularly in the context of stress.

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Psychiatric illness in adolescence is associated with long-term impairments, making it critical to identify predictors of adolescent psychiatric distress. Individual differences in stress sensitivity could be associated with longitudinal trajectories of internalizing symptoms. Historically, researchers have operationalized stress sensitivity by assessing either objective or subjective responses to stress.

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Adeno-associated virus-based gene therapies have demonstrated substantial therapeutic benefit for the treatment of genetic disorders. In manufacturing processes, viral capsids are produced with and without the encapsidated gene of interest. Capsids devoid of the gene of interest, or "empty" capsids, represent a product-related impurity.

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Objective: Early treatment of RA improves clinical outcomes; however, the impact on health economic outcomes is unclear. This review sought to investigate the relationship between symptom/disease duration and resource utilization/costs and the responsiveness of costs following RA diagnosis.

Methods: A systematic search was performed on Pubmed, EMBASE, CINAHL and Medline.

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Background: While dupilumab has shown efficacy in improving atopic dermatitis, few studies have assessed the long-term clinical data of dupilumab use in pediatric patients.

Objective: In the present study, we reviewed the current literature to assess reported efficacies, side effects, and risks of using dupilumab to treat atopic dermatitis in pediatric populations.

Methods: Using PRISMA guidelines, the authors searched PubMed/MEDLINE and Embase for studies related to dupilumab treatment for atopic dermatitis in pediatric patients aged 6-11 years old.

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Emotion regulation (ER) is central to adolescent mental health and wellbeing. However, the mechanisms underlying two common ER strategies - rumination and its interpersonal counterpart, co-rumination - are insufficiently understood in youth. Past research has documented that attentional disengagement biases are associated with rumination in adults, particularly among individuals with elevated depressive symptoms.

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Primary pulmonary synovial sarcoma (PPSS) is an extremely rare tumor, with approximately 50 cases being reported in the English literature (Golota et al., 2018). Difficulties are often encountered in the diagnosis of PPSS as it can be confused with other spindle or round cell tumors, such as fibrosarcoma, hemangiopericytoma, mesothelioma, sarcomatoid carcinoma, or metastatic sarcomas.

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Objective: To describe a population of sick dogs administered rivaroxaban monitored with a rivaroxaban-calibrated anti-Xa activity assay (aXa).

Design: Descriptive retrospective study.

Setting: Two veterinary teaching hospitals.

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So-called COVID toes is probably the most publicized cutaneous manifestation of COVID-19. The parents of 4 patients pursued dermatology evaluation with concerns about COVID-19 infection in their children who presented with symmetric, focal, erythematous lesions of the hands or feet, or both. We elicited a history of extended time in swimming pools for the 4 patients that was associated with COVID-19 restrictions during summer months of the pandemic and recognized findings of frictional and pressure-induced erythema and scaling, leading to a diagnosis of pool palms and feet-an extension of pool palms.

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