The purpose of this study was to investigate a suitable occlusal height for an implant prosthesis by examining the responses of the periodontal tissues around a natural antagonist. The subjects were three Japanese females with two posterior missing teeth restored by ITI system implants (Straumann). Two kinds of experimental implant prostheses were adjusted as follows; one was adjusted in heavy clenching (HC), and the other was adjusted in light clenching (LC).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKokubyo Gakkai Zasshi
March 2003
The three-dimensional displacements of abutment teeth in fixed partial dentures (FPDs) during mastication were measured while changing the pontic occlusal design, for comparison against those of natural teeth. The purpose of this study was to clarify the influence of pontic occlusal form on the displacements of the abutment teeth, and to decide the optimum pontic occlusal design. Three subjects, who each had a single missing tooth (upper first molar or second premolar), were chosen.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn analysis of static occlusion including occlusal force and occlusal contact area in intercuspal position may be helpful but a dynamic analysis of occlusion should be regarded as more important for analyzing the stomatognathic system. Anthropological research has shown that the Japanese and the Mongolian populations share morphological and genetic similarities, although their dietary lives are not the same. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between environmental factors such as dietary life and stomatognathic function with a dynamic analysis of physiological tooth displacement.
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