Publications by authors named "Torres Montoya Eh"

Sucrose intake is a potential risk factor for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Individual characteristics such as sex, play arole in the biological variation of the disease, potentially related to genetic regulation. This research evaluated sex differences in biochemical, histopathological, and gene expression responses associated with NAFLD in C57bl/6N mice on a high sucrose diet.

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Culicoides species adults were collected in light traps located on the coast of Elota, Sinaloa, Mexico, in February 2022. All specimens were females, and it was determined based on their morphology that they belonged to the Culicoides variipennis complex. The identification of the species was carried out by means of a comparative analysis of genetic sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene, which resulted in C.

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Developing methods for the isolation and replication of dengue virus (DENV), based on nonhematophagous insect models to assess virus-host interaction, would contribute, for instance, to the creation of drugs or vaccines and eventually to the control of the disease. In this regard, nonhematophagous mosquitoes have been used as biological hosts for the isolation of DENV because they are specific and sensitive to a low viral load and viral particles with low infectivity. However, implementation of these models is mainly affected by the complexity of the establishment of the entomological colonies.

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Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue are global severe public health threats. Due to the lack of efficient control methods, alternative approaches to decreasing arboviral transmitted diseases are prioritized to reduce morbidity and mortality in every endemic region. Mosquito midgut bacteria play an essential role in physiological development, fitness, and the arthropods´ vectorial capacity.

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The transmission pathways of dengue virus (DENV) among mosquitoes are a topic that has gained relevance in recent years because they could explain the maintenance of the virus in the wild independently of the human-mosquito horizontal transmission cycle. In this regard, larvae exposed to supernatants of C6/36 cells infected with DENV-4 were evaluated for virus excretion in feces and viability of infection in immature stages (larvae). The results demonstrate that larvae excrete DENV-4 in their feces with the potential to at least infect immature individuals of the same species.

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Mosquito larvae were collected in the urban area of the city of Culiacan, Sinaloa, in September of 2020. The immature stages were placed in emergence containers and fed with Aedes aegypti larvae. The adults that emerged from the immature stages were mounted on insect pins and characterized based on their morphology.

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Dengue virus (DENV) is transmitted to humans by the bite of the vector . Several researchers have suggested that the mechanism of vertical transmission of DENV in the vector is a key aspect for the prevalence of the virus in the environment and the potentiation of epidemic outbreaks of the disease. In this context and as part of an integrated study of DENV serotypes in mosquitoes of urban areas in Sinaloa, Mexico, the presence of DENV-4 in larval stages of was evaluated to demonstrate the vertical transmission of this serotype.

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Purpose: Mexico is considered endemic for Leishmania; recent reports indicate autochthonous human and canine leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania mexicana in Sinaloa state. Lutzomyia sand fly are the primary vector of the parasite, although no records of phlebotomine vectors of Leishmania exist from Sinaloa. Other hematophagous dipterans, like Culicoides, could represent possible vectors of Leishmania in absence of phlebotomines.

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Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by different species of protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania. Dogs have been proven as primary hosts of the parasite. Cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis in humans caused by Leishmania mexicana have been reported in Sinaloa; however, the vectors and hosts involved in the epidemiology of the parasite in northwestern Mexico are still unknown.

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Background & Objectives: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections play a crucial role in the aetiology of cervical cancer (CC), and HPV16 is the primary viral genotype associated with CC. A number of variants of the HPV16 E6 gene are involved in the progression of CC, differing in their prevalence and biological and biochemical properties. This study was designed to determine the frequency of HPV types 16/18 and to identify the presence of HPV16 E6-variants in asymptomatic Mexican women.

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Fourteen pools of Aedes aegypti larvae collected within the urban area of Culiacán, Sinaloa, were analyzed by RT-PCR. The results demonstrate, for the first time, the vertical infection of serotype-2 dengue virus (DENV-2) in Sinaloa, Mexico, suggesting that Ae. aegypti acts as a natural reservoir of DENV-2 in this region.

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Gnathostoma turgidum is a nematode parasite that exploits the stomach of Virginian opossums, Didelphis virginiana, in Latin America. The opossum is the definitive host of G. turgidum in the wild.

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We report here the discovery of Aedes albopictus for the first time in Sinaloa state, Mexico. The mosquito larvae were collected from small water containers in the urban area of Culiacan city, Sinaloa state. Identification of the species was done primarily by morphology, followed by confirmation with polymerase-chain-reaction-based molecular method.

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Gnathostoma turgidum is a nematode that parasitizes the stomach of opossums, Didelphis virginiana. Despite its wide distribution in the Americas, its natural life cycle is poorly understood. Recently, we found an endemic area for G.

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An increasing number of human cases of gnathostomiasis have been reported in Sinaloa, Mexico, most of whom have a custom of eating of raw fish dishes such as 'cebiche'. Here we report five adult patients, three women and two men, having an acute episode of vomiting and abdominal pain a few minutes after eating a dish of cebiche prepared from a spotted sleeper perch (Eleotris picta) fished from a nearby lake in southern Sinaloa. All five patients experienced acute throat pain, chest and joint pains, headache and fever.

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