Aust N Z J Public Health
February 2007
Objectives: To assess the prevalence of blood-borne viruses and associated risk factors among prison entrants at seven Australian prisons across four States.
Design: Consecutive cross-sectional design. Voluntary confidential testing of all prison entrants for serological markers of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C (HCV) and hepatitis B (HBV) over 14 consecutive days in May 2004.
Aust N Z J Public Health
August 2005
Objective: To compare the health of Queensland women prisoners with that of community women using the target areas of public health promotion identified by Health Determinants Queensland as a framework.
Methods: Data from the Queensland Women Prisoners' Health Survey was compared with published community data in each of the target areas.
Results: Queensland women prisoners had poorer nutrition, did less exercise, had higher rates of smoking and had a greater prevalence of asthma and diabetes than women in the community.