Publications by authors named "Tonea A"

Brackets are metallic dental devices that are very often associated with acidic soft drinks such as cola and energy drinks. Acid erosion may affect the bonding between brackets and the enamel surface. The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of brackets' adhesion, in the presence of two different commercially available drinks.

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Background: In dental practice, different situations require etching the enamel layer. Acid etching, the present golden standard, may be replaced by other methods, such as laser etching. The main focus of our scoping review is to assess the existent literature regarding the effectiveness of different types of lasers, to identify the main aspects studied so far, and to understand where new search strategies are needed.

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National databases for pancreaticoduodenectomies (PD) have contributed to better postoperative outcomes after such complex surgical procedure because the multicentre collection of data allowed more reliable analyses with quality assessment and further improvement of technical issues and perioperative management. The current practice and outcomes after PD are poorly known in Romania because there was no national database for these patients. Thus, in 2016 a national-intent electronic registry for PD was proposed for all Romanian surgical centers.

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Introduction: The bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw was first referred to in 2003. Bisphosphonates action is focused on the osteoclasts. The drastic inhibition of the osteoclastic function is harmful for the jaws which are the only bones of the human skeleton in relative contact with the external environment.

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Background And Aims: The sterilization of the entire root canal system represents the main goal of every endodontist, given the fact that the control of the microbial flora is the key point of every root canal treatment. The diversity of microorganisms found inside the root canal and also the resistance of some bacterial species to intracanal medications led to a continuous development of new endodontic products. The present study focuses on the comparison of the antibacterial and antifungal properties of different endodontic products, two commercially available, one experimental plant based extract, and two control substances.

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Intestinal occlusion due to intussusception produced by intestinal tumors is a very rare condition. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors are also rare digestive neopasias, with an impredictable malignant behavior, which are usually growing outside the intestinal wall, being rarely the initiators of an intestinal intussusception. We present the case of a 59 years old female, admitted in our hospital to elucidate the etiology of her iron deficient anaemia, which developed an intestinal occlusion at the intestinal preparation for colonoscopy.

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Unlabelled: Insulinoma is the most frequent neuroendocrine pancreatic tumor and is the main cause for hypoglicemia due to endogenous hyperinsulinism. We performed an analysis of a clinical series in order to study the clinical and biological spectrum of presentation, the preoperatory imagistic diagnosis and results of the surgical approach. Between 1986-2009, 30 patients with symptoms suggesting an insulinoma were hospitalized in our department.

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Background: Angiodysplasia (AD) of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a rare cause of surgical GI bleeding. It frequently poses difficult problems in diagnosis and treatment. The purpose of this study is to find answers to these problems for a better management of the AD patients.

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Gastrointestinal stromal tumors are the most frequent non-epithelial digestive tumors, being classified in the group of primitive mesenchymal tumors of the digestive tract. These tumors have a non predictable evolution and where stratified regarding the risk for malignant behavior in 4 categories: very low risk, low risk, intermediate risk and high risk. We performed a retrospective non randomised study including the patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors treated in the Department of General Surgery and Liver Transplantation of Fundeni Clinical Institute in the period January 2002 - June 2007, to define the epidemiological, clinico-paraclinical, histological and especially evolutive features of the gastrointestinal stromal tumors from this group, with a special regard to the risk factors for their malignant behavior.

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Aorto-esophageal fistula is a rare entity, determining huge digestive bleeding with a very poor prognostic most often. We present the case of a patient with aorto-esophageal fistula of unknown origin, treated successfully in the Center of Surgery and Liver Transplantation from Fundeni Clinical Institute. A young man, 21 years old, was admitted in our clinic from another hospital for repetitive severe upper gastrointestinal bleeding, with hematemesis and melena, pale, asthenia, without any pain; the bleeding stopped when he was admitted.

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Background And Study Aims: An analysis of the diagnosis difficulties in periampullary carcinoma (PAC) is done, the consequences being the possible therapeutically insufficiencies.

Patients And Methods: During 10 years (1990-1998) 54 patients have been operated on for a PAC. Sex ratio: 34 males (63%)/20 females (37%).

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Aims: The problems of positive and differential clinic-pathologic diagnosis, the optimal therapeutic decision and importance of surgery in a series of patients with adrenal gland (AG) diseases was studied.

Material And Methods: Between 1987-1999, 91 patients (pts.) with adrenal diseases were operated on.

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The diagnosis of the malignancies of the stomach is generally late (stages III and IV to a medium value of 80% of patients). Therefore it is necessary a surgical treatment in order to effectuate the extirpation of the lesions and to warn or to treat the complications in course of the neoplastic disease. The indications and the results of the palliative total gastrectomy (PTG) are analyzed in the present study.

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Unlabelled: This is a clinical series of 83 cases, admitted in the Surgical Department of Fundeni Hospital between 1988-1996 of severe acute peritonitis in which scheduled reoperations (at least one planned reoperation at 24-48 hours after the first operation) were performed. The main criteria for scheduled reoperations were; unresolved source of contamination, acute peritonitis older than 48 hours and the presence of multiple system organ failures. 63 cases (76%) were postoperative peritonitis.

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We report the case of a 66-year-old woman with a bleeding adenocarcinoma of the lower thirty of the rectum. The laparoscopic procedure was initiated with mobilization of the sigmoid colon. The left ureter was identified as it crosses the left iliac vessels.

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