Publications by authors named "Tomas Altamirano"

The Magellanic sub-Antarctic Forest is home to the world's southernmost avian community and is the only Southern Hemisphere analogue to Northern Hemisphere temperate forests at this latitude. This region is considered among the few remaining pristine areas of the world, and shifts in environmental conditions are predominantly driven by climate variability. Thus, understanding climate-driven demographic processes is critical for addressing conservation issues in this system under future climate change scenarios.

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Endothermy, understood as the maintenance of continuous and high body temperatures owing to the combination of metabolic heat production and an insulative cover, is severely challenged in small endotherms inhabiting cold environments. As a response, social clustering combined with nest use (=communal nesting) is a common strategy for heat conservation. To quantify the actual amount of energy that is saved by this strategy, we studied the social marsupial Dromiciops gliroides (monito del monte), an endemic species of the cold forests of southern South America.

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Alpine ecosystems represent varied climates and vegetation structures globally, with the potential to support rich and functionally diverse avian communities. High mountain habitats and species are under significant threat from climate change and other anthropogenic factors. Yet, no global database of alpine birds exists, with most mountain systems lacking basic information on species breeding in alpine habitats, their status and trends, or potential cryptic diversity (i.

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Accurate biodiversity and population monitoring is a requirement for effective conservation decision making. Survey method bias is therefore a concern, particularly when research programs face logistical and cost limitations.We employed point counts (PCs) and autonomous recording units (ARUs) to survey avian biodiversity within comparable, high elevation, temperate mountain habitats at opposite ends of the Americas: nine mountains in British Columbia (BC), Canada, and 10 in southern Chile.

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Homegardens are coupled social-ecological systems that act as biodiversity reservoirs while contributing to local food sovereignty. These systems are characterized by their structural complexity, while involving management practices according to gardener's cultural origin. Social-ecological processes in homegardens may act as filters of species' functional traits, and thus influence the species richness-functional diversity relationship of critical agroecosystem components like beetles (Coleoptera).

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Mountains produce distinct environmental gradients that may constrain or facilitate both the presence of avian species and/or specific combinations of functional traits. We addressed species richness and functional diversity to understand the relative importance of habitat structure and elevation in shaping avian diversity patterns in the south temperate Andes, Chile. During 2010-2018, we conducted 2202 point-counts in four mountain habitats (successional montane forest, old-growth montane forest, subalpine, and alpine) from 211 to 1,768 m in elevation and assembled trait data associated with resource use for each species to estimate species richness and functional diversity and turnover.

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