Background: Optimal ventilation strategies and use of neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) in neonates and small infants undergoing anaesthesia remain unclear. We examined the association of perioperative ventilation strategies and administration of NMBAs on respiratory adverse events in the NEonate-Children sTudy of Anaesthesia pRactice IN Europe (NECTARINE) cohort.
Methods: We performed a secondary analysis of NECTARINE, which included infants up to 60 weeks' postmenstrual age undergoing anaesthesia for surgical or diagnostic procedures.
Background: Despite advancements in surgical techniques and perioperative care, pediatric cardiac patients remain at an increased risk of adverse events. The APRICOT (2017) study aimed to establish the incidence of severe critical events in children undergoing anesthesia in Europe, while the NECTARINE (2021) study aimed to assess anesthesia practices and outcomes in neonates and infants under 60 weeks postconceptual age. Our goal was to conduct a secondary analysis of the cardiac cohorts from these two studies to determine mortality rates and other outcomes after cardiac procedures at 30 and 90 days, identify factors influencing mortality, illustrate clinical practices, and assess the methodology of the two studies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActa Anaesthesiol Scand
January 2025
The propulsive fins of ray-finned fish are used for large scale locomotion and fine maneuvering, yet also provide sensory feedback regarding hydrodynamic loading and the surrounding environment. This information is gathered via nerve cells in the webbing between their fin rays. A similar bioinspired system that can gather force feedback from fin motion could enable valuable insight into robotic underwater locomotion improving swimming efficiency and orientation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAtlantic salmon is an important aquaculture species that has fascinated naturalists for centuries, resulting in its biology being widely characterized. Certain details about the early development and the inheritance of meristic variation in the post-cranial axial skeleton are, however, largely unexplored. The present study gives a detailed description of the sequence of formation of the post-cranial axial skeleton based on whole-mount staining and used radiology to investigate the inheritance of meristic variation in isogenic hybrid all-male families of Atlantic salmon (~4 kg).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActa Anaesthesiol Scand
January 2025
Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol
June 2024
This review discusses the evolution of preoperative fasting guidelines and examines the incidence of pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents and suggested treatments. Nine guidelines developed by professional societies and published in peer-reviewed journals since 1994 were identified. The recommendations on preoperative fasting for various categories have undergone only small adaptations in the following three decades in pediatric anesthesia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn commercial aquaculture, the production of triploid fish is currently the most practical approach to prevent maturation and farm-to-wild introgression following escapes. However, triploids often exhibit poor welfare, and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Inheritance issues associated with sub-optimal hydrostatic pressure treatments used to induce triploidy, or the genetic background of parental fish, have been speculated to contribute.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPolyploidy occurs naturally across eukaryotic lineages and has been harnessed in the domestication of many crops and vertebrates. In aquaculture, triploidy can be induced as a biocontainment strategy, as it creates a reproductive barrier preventing farm-to-wild introgression, which is currently a major conservation issue for the industry. However, recent work suggests that triploidisation protocols may, on occasion, produce 'failed triploids' displaying diploidy, aneuploidy and aberrant inheritance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurrent procedures to establish vertebral column regionalization (e.g., histology) in fish are time consuming and difficult to apply.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) is an oocyte-specific growth factor important for successful female reproduction in mammals. While mutations in BMP15/Bmp15 cause ovulatory deficiency and/or infertility in certain mammalian species, loss of bmp15 in zebrafish, a continuous spawner and the only bmp15 knockout model in fish to date, results in complete arrest of follicle development and later female-to-male sex reversal, preventing to examine effects on ovulation/fertilization. Here, we used Atlantic salmon, a seasonal spawner, and generated bmp15 mutants to investigate ovarian development and fertility.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMelanized focal changes (MFCs) in the fillet of farmed Atlantic salmon is a major quality concern. The changes are thought to initially appear as acute red focal changes (RFCs) that progress into chronic MFCs. Recent findings have indicated that hypoxia may be important in their development, possibly leading to necrosis affecting not only myocytes but also adipocytes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe thymus of fishes is located as a dual organ in a rostrodorsal projection within the gill chamber and is covered by the operculum. The histological organization of the teleost fish thymus displays considerable diversity, particularly in salmonids where a clear distinction between the thymus cortex and medulla is yet to be defined. Recent interest has focused on the role of B cells in thymic function, but the presence of these cells within the salmon thymus remains poorly understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActa Anaesthesiol Scand
August 2024
Background: Remimazolam, a novel intravenous benzodiazepine recently approved by both the European Medicines Agency and the Food and Drug Agency, shows considerable promise in clinical practice. Its pharmacodynamic profile closely resembles that of midazolam, while its pharmacokinetic properties are similar to those of remifentanil. While research in adult populations continues to accumulate, the pace of pediatric studies is not as significant.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActa Anaesthesiol Scand
July 2024
Background: Remimazolam, a novel intravenous benzodiazepine recently approved by both the European Medicines Agency and the Food and Drug Agency, holds significant promise in clinical practice. Its pharmacodynamic profile closely mirrors that of midazolam, while its pharmacokinetics properties bear resemblance to remifentanil. Research in adult populations continues to accumulate, but the pediatric studies' pace is not significant.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEarly puberty poses a significant challenge for male Atlantic salmon in aquaculture due to its negative impact on growth and welfare. The regulation of puberty in vertebrates involves 2 key reproductive hormones: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) and their gonadal receptors. In male mice lacking FSH receptor, testes size is reduced, but fertility is maintained, while medaka and zebrafish with a disrupted fshr gene exhibit near normal testis size and fertility.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUsing low trophic marine resources such as sugar kelp () is of great interest to increase the circular food production in the ocean. Sugar kelp does, however, contain high levels of carbohydrates and iodine and does not have considerable levels of protein and lipids, which may make it less suitable as a feeding ingredient. A 10-week feeding trial was done to investigate the effect of graded dietary inclusion levels of fermented sugar kelp (FSK), on growth performance, digestibility, retention of nutrients, and mineral composition in postsmolt Atlantic salmon ( L.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe newly discovered IgT B cell is thought to play a dominant role in mucosal immunity, but limited studies have examined its distribution in fish species, hindering our understanding of its function. This study investigated IgT and poly Ig receptor (pIgR) mRNA cell distribution in Atlantic salmon () gut using RNAscope in situ hybridization (ISH) and assessed the effects of vaccination. The pyloric caeca, mid-intestine (first and second parts), and posterior segment in two weight stages (Group 1: avg.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur J Anaesthesiol
December 2023
Background: Oesophageal atresia with or without a tracheo-oesophageal fistula is a congenital abnormality that usually requires surgical repair within the first days of life.
Objective: Description of the perioperative anaesthetic management and outcomes of neonates undergoing surgery for oesophageal atresia with or without a tracheo-oesophageal fistula, included in the 'neonate and children audit of anaesthesia practice in Europe' (NECTARINE) database.
Design: Sub-analyses of prospective observational NECTARINE study.
Unlabelled: Remimazolam is anticipated to be an interesting anaesthetic and sedative. It combines the pharmacodynamic properties of midazolam with pharmacokinetic properties similar to remifentanil. However, worrisome case reports of anaphylaxis, delayed emergence and re-sedation have emerged recently and necessitate further investigation.
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