Background: Xylogenesis is synchronous among trees in regions with a distinct growing season, leading to a forest-wide time lag between growth and carbon uptake. In contrast, little is known about interspecific or even intraspecific variability of xylogenesis in tropical forests. Yet an understanding of xylogenesis patterns is key to successfully combine bottom-up (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Quantitative wood anatomy is critical for establishing climate reconstruction proxies, understanding tree hydraulics, and quantifying carbon allocation. Its accuracy depends upon the image acquisition methods, which allows for the identification of the number and dimensions of vessels, fibres, and tracheids within a tree ring. Angiosperm wood is analysed with a variety of different image acquisition methods, including surface pictures, wood anatomical micro-sections, or X-ray computed micro-tomography.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThroughout their lifetime, trees store valuable environmental information within their wood. Unlocking this information requires quantitative analysis, in most cases of the surface of wood. The conventional pathway for high-resolution digitization of wood surfaces and segmentation of wood features requires several manual and time consuming steps.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the tropics, more precisely in equatorial dense rainforest, xylogenesis is driven by a little distinct climatological seasonality, and many tropical trees do not show clear growth rings. This makes retrospective analyses and modeling of future tree performance difficult. This research investigates the presence, the distinctness, and the periodicity of growth ring for dominant tree species in two semi-deciduous rainforests, which contrast in terms of precipitation dynamics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTropical forest phenology directly affects regional carbon cycles, but the relation between species-specific and whole-canopy phenology remains largely uncharacterized. We present a unique analysis of historical tropical tree phenology collected in the central Congo Basin, before large-scale impacts of human-induced climate change. Ground-based long-term (1937-1956) phenological observations of 140 tropical tree species are recovered, species-specific phenological patterns analyzed and related to historical meteorological records, and scaled to characterize stand-level canopy dynamics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn X-ray computed tomography (CT) toolchain is presented to obtain tree-ring width (TRW), maximum latewood density (MXD), other density parameters, and quantitative wood anatomy (QWA) data without the need for labor-intensive surface treatment or any physical sample preparation. The focus here is on increment cores and scanning procedures at resolutions ranging from 60 µm down to 4 µm. Three scales are defined at which wood should be looked at: (i) inter-ring scale, (ii) ring scale, i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCommon beech (Fagus sylvatica) is one of the most important deciduous tree species in European forests. However, climate-change-induced drought may threaten its dominant position. The Sonian Forest close to Brussels (Belgium) is home to some of the largest beech trees in the world.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWood identification is a key step in the enforcement of laws and regulations aimed at combatting illegal timber trade. Robust wood identification tools, capable of distinguishing a large number of timbers, depend on a solid database of reference material. Reference material for wood identification is typically curated in botanical collections dedicated to wood consisting of samples of secondary xylem of lignified plants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The current data paper aims to interlink the African plant collections of the Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR) and the Royal Museum for Central Africa Xylarium (Tw). Complementing both collections strengthens the reference value of each institutional collection, as more complete metadata are made available and it enables increased quality control for the identification of wood specimens. Furthermore, the renewed connection enables the linking of available wood trait data with data on phenology, leaf morphology or even molecular information for many tree species, allowing assessments of performance of individual trees.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Aims: Tree rings, as archives of the past and biosensors of the present, offer unique opportunities to study influences of the fluctuating environment over decades to centuries. As such, tree-ring-based wood traits are capital input for global vegetation models. To contribute to earth system sciences, however, sufficient spatial coverage is required of detailed individual-based measurements, necessitating large amounts of data.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Aims: Wood traits are increasingly being used to document tree performance. In the Congo Basin, however, weaker seasonality causes asynchrony of wood traits between trees. Here, we monitor growth and phenology data to date the formation of traits.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Aims: Disentangling tree growth requires more than ring width data only. Densitometry is considered a valuable proxy, yet laborious wood sample preparation and lack of dedicated software limit the widespread use of density profiling for tree ring analysis. An X-ray computed tomography-based toolchain of tree increment cores is presented, which results in profile data sets suitable for visual exploration as well as density-based pattern matching.
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