The article clarifies the diagnostic criteria for syntropic heart damage - cardiomyopathy in patients with Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis before the clinical signs of heart damage appear. As a result of the examination of 64 patients with Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy, of which 51 patients were identified without clinical signs of heart damage (study group 1), 13 patients with clinical signsof heart damage (study group 2), and 23 patients without cardiomyopathy (comparison group), it was found that: 1) in patients with Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy (both with and without manifestation of clinical signs of heart damage), there is a violation of its diastolic and systolic functions, which can be diagnosed by change of parameters of the natriuretic peptide in the blood plasma, the frequency of supraventricular premature beats and premature ventricular contractions, the duration of the QT interval, the maximum blood flow velocity in the phase of early filling of the left ventricle and the left atrium systole, their ratio, the myocardial functional capacity index, end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes of the left ventricle and left atrium; 2) in patients with Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy without clinical manifestations, significantly lower (p<0.05) indicators of the natriuretic peptide, the frequency ofextrasystoles, the end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes of the left ventricle and left atrium, and a higher rate of ejection fraction of the left ventricle were revealed than in patients with the clinical manifestation of this disease; 3) we found high accuracy, specificity and sensitivity of the indicators of the natriuretic peptide, the QT interval (maximum, maximum corrected, average, mid-corrected), maximum blood flow velocity in the phase of early filling of the left ventricle and of the systole of the left atrium, their ratio, as well as the myocardial functional capacity index in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis with an asymptomatic course of cardiomyopathy that allows to use them to verify the diagnosis of Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy until the first clinical signs of myocardial damage appear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Liver is one of the first organs to be exposed to reactive oxygen species (ROS). But the data about the levels of redox homeostasis parameters in the patients with liver cirrhosis (LC) are contradictory. We hypothesized that the levels of malondialdehyde and catalase should change in accordance with the LC severity causing the endothelial dysfunction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim - to investigate the effect of oxidative stress on the autonomic nervous system state in patients with liver cirrhosis. In a randomized way with the preliminary startification by the presence of LC 81 patients - 55 (67.9%) males, 26 (32.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the article the features of the autonomic nervous system state were estimated by the method of heart rate variability in patients with cirrhosis with syntropic damages of cardiovascular system - cardiomyopathy and arterial hypotension. As a result of an examination of 50 patients with liver cirrhosis and cardiomyopathy (investigational group A), 54 patients with liver cirrhosis and arterial hypotension (investigational group B), and 45 patients with liver cirrhosis also those who don't have the damages of cardiovascular system (group of comparison) it was established that: 1) they have the peculiarities of vegetative imbalance the characteristics of which are the low summarized activity of vegetative influence on heart rhythm and special dynamics of indexes of percentage structure of general spectral power; 2) they depend on the clinical variant of this damage - in patients with cirrhosis and syntropic cardiomyopathy the regulating of internal processes involve the humoral-metabolic influence, i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study, we comprehensively examined 93 patients with liver cirrhosis, selected in a randomized manner, with the preliminary stratification by the presence of hepatopulmonary syndrome with the aim to study the nature and frequency of extrahepatic syntropic lesions of organs and systems and their dependence on the severity of lung injury that is necessary for the appointment of the most effective individualized comprehensive treatment. The results of our calculations showed that with the increasing of the hepatopulmonary syndromeseverity degree, the nature and the frequency of the syntropic co- and polymorbid functional and organic extrahepatic lesions of the organs and body systems was significantly (p<0.05) changing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInvestigation of autonomic nervous system state was realized in 98 cirrhotic patients. Learned correlating connections between indexes of heart rhythm variability and difficulty of liver cirrhosis according to Child-Pugh let us elaborate criteria of difficulty stage of vegetative disorders and form a computerized program "Hepatovega".
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLiver cirrhosis as a stage in chronic diffuse liver diseases development manifests itself in structural remodeling of parenchyma and appearance of the main syndrome--portal hypertension. In turn it leads to hemorrhage in 54,3% with death rate of 30-50%. In the article research of hemodynamics in abdominal vessels by the means of modified sonographic Doppler flowmetry and prognosis of high risk esophageal varices are described.
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