Publications by authors named "Tobias Krieger"

Introduction: Many studies have demonstrated that social anxiety disorder (SAD) can be effectively treated with psychotherapy, particularly cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), including internet-based CBT (ICBT). Despite evidence-based treatments, many individuals do not sufficiently benefit from them. Identifying the active components could help improve the effectiveness of SAD treatment.

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Mental health and well-being in veterinary students has become an important area of study, given the high levels of mental distress compared to other professions. Although research has identified poor mental health of veterinary students, few studies have examined positive factors such as self-compassion, which can have a favorable effect on mental health. The aim of this study was to examine self-reported symptoms of depression and factors influencing this construct, such as loneliness, self-compassion, and various demographic aspects in Swiss veterinary students.

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Background: Recently, the phenomenon of loneliness has received increasing attention. Loneliness is widespread and can have adverse consequences for mental and physical health if prolonged. Internet-based interventions (IBIs) for self-help have proven to be effective for a variety of psychological disorders.

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Unlabelled: A quantum-light source that delivers photons with a high brightness and a high degree of entanglement is fundamental for the development of efficient entanglement-based quantum-key distribution systems. Among all possible candidates, epitaxial quantum dots are currently emerging as one of the brightest sources of highly entangled photons. However, the optimization of both brightness and entanglement currently requires different technologies that are difficult to combine in a scalable manner.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study explores the impact of blended cognitive behavioral therapy (bCBT) on the working alliance and clinical outcomes in treating depression, comparing it to usual treatment (TAU).
  • Researchers analyzed data from the E-COMPARED trial involving 943 participants across Europe to evaluate working alliance scores and depression severity after 3 months.
  • Key findings include potential differences in working alliance between bCBT and TAU, and the relationship between system usability and working alliance within the bCBT group.
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Introduction: Delivering cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia over the internet bears the advantage of accessibility and uptake to many patients suffering from chronic insomnia. In the current study, we aimed to investigate the effectiveness of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (iCBT-I) in routine care.

Materials And Methods: We conducted a two-arm non-blinded randomized controlled trial with care as usual (CAU) as a control condition.

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Introduction: Limited research exists on intervention efficacy for comorbid subclinical anxiety and depressive disorders, despite their common co-occurrence. Internet- and mobile-based interventions (IMIs) are promising to reach individuals facing subclinical symptoms.

Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a transdiagnostic and self-tailored IMI in reducing subclinical anxiety and depressive symptom severity with either individualized (IG-IMI) or automated (AG-IMI) guidance compared to a waitlist control group with care-as-usual access (WLC).

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Loneliness is a prevalent and stigmatized phenomenon associated with adverse (mental) health outcomes. However, evidence-based interventions to alleviate loneliness are scarce. This randomized controlled trial (ClinicalTrials.

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Solid-state quantum emitters embedded in circular Bragg resonators are attractive due to their ability to emit quantum light with high brightness and low multiphoton probability. As for any emitter-microcavity system, fabrication imperfections limit the spatial and spectral overlap of the emitter with the cavity mode, thus limiting their coupling strength. Here, we show that an initial spectral mismatch can be corrected after device fabrication by repeated wet chemical etching steps.

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Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) is promising in alleviating loneliness in adults. Identifying individuals who benefit from ICBT for loneliness is pivotal to offering this intervention in a more targeted way and improving the intervention for those who do not benefit. This secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) aimed to identify predictors and moderators of outcome of an ICBT with guidance or automated messages for loneliness.

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Importance: Variables such as severe symptoms, comorbidity, and sociodemographic characteristics (eg, low educational attainment or unemployment) are associated with a poorer prognosis in adults treated for depressive symptoms. The exclusion of patients with a poor prognosis from RCTs is negatively associated with the generalizability of research findings.

Objective: To compare the prognostic risk factors (PRFs) in patient samples of RCTs of face-to-face therapy (FTF) and internet-based therapy (IBT) for depression.

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This study aimed to develop and test algorithms to determine the individual relevance of two psychotherapeutic change processes (i.e., mastery and clarification) for outcome prediction.

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Background: Transdiagnostic interventions targeting shared mechanisms may improve treatment of mental health disorders. One way of providing such interventions is through blended treatment. This study examined the addition of an internet-based emotion regulation intervention to face-to-face psychotherapy in an outpatient setting.

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Introduction: Internet-based self-help interventions have shown to be effective in the treatment of depression. Several meta-analyses indicated that human contact has a crucial impact on adherence and outcome. While most research focused on the role of guidance during interventions, a review by Andersson and Johansson (2012) suggested that contact before the intervention too may play an important role.

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Understanding which factors predict the outcome of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (iCBT-I) may help to tailor this intervention to the patient's needs. We have conducted a secondary analysis of a randomized, controlled trial comparing a multicomponent iCBT-I (MCT) and an online sleep restriction therapy (SRT) for 83 chronic insomnia patients. The difference in the Insomnia Severity Index from pre- to post-treatment and from pre-treatment to follow-up at 6 months after treatment was the dependent variable.

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Guided web-based self-help programs for individuals with depressive symptoms have shown to be more efficacious than unguided programs. However, research has paid little attention to why guided interventions are superior. The present study investigated whether working alliance and adherence to the program mediated the effect of guidance on depressive symptom outcome.

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Introduction: The combination of internet-based intervention and psychotherapy, commonly termed blended therapy (BT), has gained popularity in recent years. While advantages and disadvantages of BT have been identified from the patient and therapist perspective, the two perspectives have rarely been examined within the same treatment. Moreover, almost all available research on patient and therapist experiences with BT is disorder-specific.

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Objectives: This paper presents a randomized controlled trial on assimilative integration, which is aimed at integrating elements from other orientations within one approach to enrich its conceptual and practical repertoire. Elements from Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) were integrated into a form of cognitive behavior therapy: Psychological Therapy (PT). In one treatment condition, EFT was added to PT (+EFT) with the intent to enhance therapists' working with emotions.

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Background: Loneliness, or perceived social isolation, is prevalent in both the general population and clinical practice. Although loneliness has repeatedly been associated with mental and physical health, research on interventions that reduce loneliness effectively is still rather scarce.

Objective: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of a guided and an unguided version of the same internet-based cognitive behavioral self-help program for loneliness (SOLUS-D) for adults.

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Background: Although major depressive disorder (MDD) is characterized by a pervasive negative mood, research indicates that the mood of depressed patients is rarely entirely stagnant. It is often dynamic, distinguished by highs and lows, and it is highly responsive to external and internal regulatory processes. Mood dynamics can be defined as a combination of mood variability (the magnitude of the mood changes) and emotional inertia (the speed of mood shifts).

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Background: Sleep disturbance symptoms are common in major depressive disorder (MDD) and have been found to hamper the treatment effect of conventional face-to-face psychological treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy. To increase the dissemination of evidence-based treatment, blended cognitive behavioral therapy (bCBT) consisting of web-based and face-to-face treatment is on the rise for patients with MDD. To date, no study has examined whether sleep disturbance symptoms have an impact on bCBT treatment outcomes and whether it affects bCBT and treatment-as-usual (TAU) equally.

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Web-based self-help programs for individuals with depressive symptoms are efficacious. Differences in effect sizes and adherence rates might be due to contextual factors. This randomized factorial trial investigated the effects of four potentially supportive contextual factors on outcome and adherence.

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Introduction: Treatment as usual (TAU) is the most frequently used control group in randomized trials of psychotherapy for depression. Concerns have been raised that the heterogeneity of treatments in TAU leads to biased estimates of psychotherapy efficacy and to an unclear difference between TAU and control groups like waiting list (WL).

Objective: We investigated the impact of control group intensity (i.

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Background: Behavioral activation (BA), either as a stand-alone treatment or as part of cognitive behavioral therapy, has been shown to be effective for treating depression. The theoretical underpinnings of BA derive from Lewinsohn et al's theory of depression. The central premise of BA is that having patients engage in more pleasant activities leads to them experiencing more pleasure and elevates their mood, which, in turn, leads to further (behavioral) activation.

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