Publications by authors named "Titia Beek"

Background: Web-based sexual health interventions may be more acceptable to people compared with face-to-face support, given the stigma and embarrassment often associated with sexual problems. The Dutch public sexual health clinics (SHCs) conducted an implementation pilot with 4 web-based self-training programs on sexual dysfunctions (WSTPs) for young people. In addition to a basic sexuality program, the WSTPs focused on the following complaints: pain during intercourse, premature ejaculation, and no sex drive.

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The World Health Organization general assembly approved the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) in 2019 which will be implemented in 2022. Gender identity-related diagnoses were substantially reconceptualized and removed from the mental health chapter so that the distress criterion is no longer a prerequisite. The present study examined reliability and clinical utility of gender identity-related diagnoses of the ICD-11 in comparison with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-5, ICD-10, and DSM-IV.

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: Non-binary gender measurement has grown out of a need for accurate representation in scholarship and public health services available to a diverse gender population. The Genderqueer Identity Scale (GQI) was developed to allow for a multidimensional assessment of genderqueer identity, including non-binary identity, socially constructed versus essentialist gender, theoretical awareness of gender concepts, and gender fluidity. The GQI was designed to assess gender identity across a full spectrum of gender, at any age after mid-adolescence, and at various stages of gender identity development, including prior to, during, and after a gender transition, where applicable.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) is revising the tenth version of the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10). This includes a reconceptualization of the definition and positioning of Gender Incongruence of Childhood (GIC). This study aimed to: 1) collect the views of transgender individuals and professionals regarding the retention of the diagnosis; 2) see if the proposed GIC criteria were acceptable to transgender individuals and health care providers; 3) compare results between two countries with two different healthcare systems to see if these differences influence opinions regarding the GIC diagnosis; and 4) determine whether healthcare providers from high-income countries feel that the proposed criteria are clinically useful and easy to use.

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According to the facial feedback hypothesis, people's affective responses can be influenced by their own facial expression (e.g., smiling, pouting), even when their expression did not result from their emotional experiences.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently updating the tenth version of their diagnostic tool, the International Classification of Diseases (ICD, WHO, 1992). Changes have been proposed for the diagnosis of Transsexualism (ICD-10) with regard to terminology, placement and content. The aim of this study was to gather the opinions of transgender individuals (and their relatives/partners) and clinicians in the Netherlands, Flanders (Belgium) and the United Kingdom regarding the proposed changes and the clinical applicability and utility of the ICD-11 criteria of 'Gender Incongruence of Adolescence and Adulthood' (GIAA).

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In this article we discuss the changes in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) classification of gender identity-related conditions over time, and indicate how these changes were associated with the changes in conceptualization. A diagnosis of 'transsexualism' appeared first in DSM-III in 1980. This version also included a childhood diagnosis: gender identity disorder of childhood.

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Introduction: Historically, only individuals with a cross-gender identity who wanted to receive a full treatment, were eligible for "complete sex reassignment" consisting of feminizing/masculinizing hormone treatment and several surgical interventions including genital surgery (full treatment). Currently, it is unclear what motives underlie a request for hormones only or surgery only or a combination of hormones and surgery (e.g.

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In a series of four experiments, Topolinski and Sparenberg (2012) found support for the conjecture that clockwise movements induce psychological states of temporal progression and an orientation toward the future and novelty. Here we report the results of a preregistered replication attempt of Experiment 2 from Topolinski and Sparenberg (2012). Participants turned kitchen rolls either clockwise or counterclockwise while answering items from a questionnaire assessing openness to experience.

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Within the literature on emotion and behavioral action, studies on approach-avoidance take up a prominent place. Several experimental paradigms feature successful conceptual replications but many original studies have not yet been replicated directly. We present such a direct replication attempt of two seminal experiments originally conducted by Chen and Bargh (1999).

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Dutch sexual minority youth and young adults (106 females and 86 males, 16-24 years old) were assessed to establish whether there was a relation between gender nonconformity and psychological well-being and whether this relation was mediated by perceived experiences of stigmatization due to perceived or actual sexual orientation and moderated by biological sex. The participants were recruited via announcements on Dutch LGBTQ-oriented community websites and then linked to a protected online questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to measure gender nonconformity, perceived experiences of stigmatization, and psychological well-being.

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