Introduction: The Dual Prevention Pill (DPP) combines oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with oral contraception (OC) to prevent HIV and pregnancy. Noting the significant role played by the private sector in delivering family planning (FP) services in countries with high HIV burden, high level of private sector OC uptake, and the recent growth in self-care and technology-based private sector channels, we undertook qualitative research in Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe to prioritize private sector service delivery approaches for the introduction of the DPP.
Methods: Between March 2022 and February 2023, we conducted a literature review and key informant interviews with 34 donors and implementing partners, 19 government representatives, 17 private sector organizations, 13 pharmacy and drug shop representatives, and 12 telehealth agencies to assess the feasibility of DPP introduction in private sector channels.