Publications by authors named "Tina Hannemann"

Introduction: Living in socioeconomic disadvantage has been conceptualised as a chronic stressor, although this contradicts evidence from studies using hair cortisol and cortisone as a measure of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity. These studies used complete case analyses, ignoring the impact of missing data for inference, despite the high proportion of missing biomarker data. The methodological limitations of studies investigating the association between socioeconomic position (SEP) defined as education, wealth, and social class and hair cortisol and cortisone are considered in this study by comparing three common methods to deal with missing data: (1) Complete Case Analysis (CCA), (2) Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) and (3) weighted Multiple Imputation (MI).

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This study investigates the formation of endogamous and exogamous marriages among immigrants and their descendants in the United Kingdom. We apply event history analysis to data from the Understanding Society study and use multiple imputation to determine the type of marriage for individuals with missing information on the origin of their spouse. The analysis shows, first, significant differences among immigrants and their descendants in the likelihood of marrying within and outside their ethnic groups.

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The current study investigated the relationship between psychopathy and theory of mind (ToM), by comparing the performance of nonpsychopathic offenders (n = 40), psychopathic offenders (n = 42), and nonoffender controls (n = 26) on Happé's test of ToM (Happé, 1994). In addition, we investigated whether offenders' ToM skills would moderate the association between the antisocial psychopathy component (Factor 2) and self-presentation (i.e.

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