Background: Asymptomatic hypoglycemia in neonates may contribute to neurologic deficits during development. Whole-blood glucose sensors are often imprecise and inaccurate at the low glucose concentrations found in neonates.
Subjects And Methods: In this study, a glucose sensor using a mutated glucose dehydrogenase that does not cross-react significantly with maltose was evaluated at three pediatric centers.
Background: The bleeding time test is difficult to perform, standardize, and interpret in children. In this study the authors evaluated the sensitivity, specificity, and efficiency of the bleeding time test and the PFA-100 in a series of children referred for possible bleeding problems.
Patients And Methods: Between February 2000 and August 2001 patients aged more than 6 months and less than 18 years of age who were referred to the authors' institution for a hemostatic evaluation were included in the study if residual blood was available for testing on the PFA-100 instrument.
Purpose: To report a comparison of international normalization ratio (INR) measurements on four near-patient (point-of-care or bedside) whole blood INR monitors in children.
Patients And Methods: The INR results from 19 ambulatory pediatric subjects (30 hospital visits) receiving warfarin sodium were analyzed on four near-patient monitors and compared with plasma INR measurements on the laboratory CA-1000 Analyze. The instruments evaluated were CoaguChek, Hemochron Jr.
Background: A new total bilirubin (B(T)) method, based on multiple wavelength absorbance measurements, and an algorithm to calculate concentration, were evaluated for accuracy in specimens containing variable amounts of unconjugated bilirubin (B(U)), conjugated bilirubin (B(C)) and delta (protein-bound) bilirubin (B(D)).
Methods: Quantitation of B(U), B(C), and B(T) (with calculation of B(D)) using a Vitros 250 analyzer served as the comparison method.
Results: Analysis of neonatal specimens using a preliminary algorithm yielded good overall agreement with the Vitros B(T) method, but there was considerable variation in the agreement for individual specimens.