Publications by authors named "Timothy J Sheppard"

The fast-growing microbe is capable of natural transformation where it draws DNA in from media via an active process under physiological conditions. Using an engineered strain with a genomic copy of the master competence regulator from in combination with a new minimal competence media (MCM) that uses acetate as an energy source, we demonstrate naturally competent cells which are created, transformed, and recovered entirely in the same media, without exchange or addition of fresh media. Cells are naturally competent to plasmids, recombination with linear DNA, and cotransformation of both to select for scarless and markerless genomic edits.

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In electromicrobial production (EMP), electricity is used as microbial energy to produce complex molecules starting from simple compounds like CO. The aviation industry requires sustainable fuel alternatives that can meet demands for high-altitude performance and modern emissions standards. EMP of jet fuel components provides a unique opportunity to generate fuel blends compatible with modern engines producing net-neutral emissions.

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Rare earth elements (REE) are essential ingredients in many modern technologies, yet their purification remains either environmentally harmful or economically unviable. Adsorption, or biosorption, of REE onto bacterial cell membranes offers a sustainable alternative to traditional solvent extraction methods. But in order for biosorption-based REE purification to compete economically, the capacity and specificity of biosorption sites must be enhanced.

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Microbes which participate in extracellular electron uptake (EEU) or H oxidation have the ability to manufacture organic compounds using electricity as the primary source of metabolic energy. So-called electromicrobial production could be valuable to efficiently synthesize drop-in jet fuels using renewable energy. Here, we calculate the upper limit electrical-to-fuel conversion efficiency for a model jet fuel blend containing 85% straight-chain alkanes and 15% terpenoids.

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