Publications by authors named "Timothy Carter"

We present the case of a 72-year-old man diagnosed with an aortic root aneurysm who was then diagnosed with Marfan syndrome. The patient suffered an intraoperative type B dissection with lower extremity malperfusion managed with an axillary-bifemoral extra-anatomic bypass.

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We present the case of a 59-year-old male who sustained an ascending aortic injury and a subdural hematoma after a head on collision. After undergoing emergent craniotomy for evacuation of the subdural hematoma, he was maintained with strict blood pressure control. Once able to be safely anticoagulated, he underwent replacement of the ascending aorta.

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Emerging infectious diseases threaten wildlife populations. Without well monitored wildlife systems, it is challenging to determine accurate population and ecosystem losses following disease emergence. North American temperate bats present a unique opportunity for studying the broad impacts of wildlife disease emergence, as their federal monitoring programs were prioritized in the USA throughout the 20 century and they are currently threatened by the invasive fungal pathogen, (), which causes white-nose syndrome.

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Estimates of future climate change impacts using numerical impact models are commonly based on a limited selection of projections of climate and other key drivers. However, the availability of large ensembles of such projections offers an opportunity to estimate impact responses probabilistically. This study demonstrates an approach that combines model-based impact response surfaces (IRSs) with probabilistic projections of climate change and population to estimate the likelihood of exceeding pre-specified thresholds of impact.

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The Canada goose () population has radically changed over the past 60 years-from once being extirpated in the state of Indiana to the current level of approximately 113,000. High urban densities have resulted in persistent human-wildlife conflicts and novel interactions between geese and their physical environment. Canada geese typically choose nest sites that are on the ground or slightly elevated sites such as muskrat lodge, but we report observations of Canada geese nesting on rooftops 2.

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COVID-19 has revealed how challenging it is to manage global, systemic and compounding crises. Like COVID-19, climate change impacts, and maladaptive responses to them, have potential to disrupt societies at multiple scales via networks of trade, finance, mobility and communication, and to impact hardest on the most vulnerable. However, these complex systems can also facilitate resilience if managed effectively.

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Objective:  Hybrid arch procedures (arch vessel debranching with thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair [TEVAR] coverage of arch pathology) have been presented as an alternative to total arch replacement (TAR). But multicenter-based analyses of these two procedures are needed to benchmark the field and establish areas of improvement.

Methods:  The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) Adult Cardiac Surgery Database from July 2014 to December 2015 was queried for elective TAR and hybrid arch procedures.

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Introduction: The role of the mental health nurse in relation to medications remains complex. Despite an increasing focus on pharmacology within pre-registration nurse education, there is limited research exploring how mental health service users experience mental health nurses' knowledge and skills in relation to medication.

Aim: To explore the experiences of service users working with mental health nurses, in relation to the nurses' knowledge and skills associated with medicines management.

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Long-term global scenarios have underpinned research and assessment of global environmental change for four decades. Over the past ten years, the climate change research community has developed a scenario framework combining alternative futures of climate and society to facilitate integrated research and consistent assessment to inform policy. Here we assess how well this framework is working and what challenges it faces.

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Climate change adaptation is a complex human process, framed by uncertainties and constraints, which is difficult to capture in existing assessment models. Attempts to improve model representations are hampered by a shortage of systematic descriptions of adaptation processes and their relevance to models. This paper reviews the scientific literature to investigate conceptualisations and models of climate change adaptation, and the ways in which representation of adaptation in models can be improved.

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The normal aortic valve is a sophisticated and dynamic structure whose equal replacement has not yet been actualized by modern technology. The use of the pulmonary autograft as a substitute for a diseased aortic valve (the Ross procedure) has been in practice for several decades in many types of patient. In the adult, it has not been adopted widely due to concerns about its technical challenge, complex perioperative care, the development of pulmonic valve disease, and concerns about long-term dilatation of the neo-aortic root, among others.

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This article explores the role and importance of Pharmacology within mental health nurse education. The article proposes that a lack of pharmacology content within undergraduate mental health nurse education may not fully prepare nurses for their role once qualified and as a result influence negatively upon service user care.

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Despite the increasing prevalence of hospital admissions for self-harm in children and young people (CYP), there is paucity of registered children's nurse (rCN) training or involvement of children to improve care for this often stigmatized patient group. This article describes a participatory approach towards using co-production with CYP and rCN to develop a digital educational programme to improve nurses' knowledge, attitudes and confidence in caring for CYP with self-harm injuries. A priority-setting workshop with rCNs was used to establish consensus of information needs.

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Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is expressed by both male and female fetuses during mammalian development, with males expressing AMH earlier and at significantly higher concentration. The aim of the current study was to explore the potential impact of pregnancy and fetal sex on maternal AMH and to determine if plasma (Pl) AMH or placenta intercotyledonary membrane and cotyledonary AMH receptor 2 (AMHR2) mRNA expression differ in pregnant cows carrying male vs. female fetuses.

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Background: Randomized trials, for example, RECESS, comparing "young" (median, 7-day) versus "middle-aged" (median, 28-day) red blood cells (RBCs), showed no difference in outcome. These data are important; however, they do not inform us about the safety and effectiveness of the oldest RBCs, which some patients receive. It may not be feasible to conduct a clinical trial randomizing patients to receive the oldest blood.

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This study was conducted to evaluate plasma anti-Mullerian hormone (Pl AMH), follicular fluid AMH (FF AMH) and granulosa cell AMH transcript (GC AMH) levels and their relationships with reproductive parameters in two cattle subspecies, Bos taurus indicus (Zebu), and Bos taurus taurus (European type cattle). Two-dimensional ultrasound examination and serum collection were performed on Zebu, European type and crossbreed cows to determine antral follicle count (AFC), ovary diameter (OD) and Pl AMH concentration. Slaughterhouse ovaries for Zebu and European type cattle were collected to determine FF AMH concentrations, GC AMH RNA levels, AFC, oocyte number, cleavage and blastocyst rate.

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The biological effects of exposure to radioactive fluorodeoxyglucose ((18)F-FDG) were investigated in the lymphocytes of patients undergoing positron emission tomography (PET) procedures. Low-dose, radiation-induced cellular responses were measured using 3 different end points: (1) apoptosis; (2) chromosome aberrations; and (3) γH2AX foci formation. The results showed no significant change in lymphocyte apoptosis, or chromosome aberrations, as a result of in vivo (18)F-FDG exposure, and there was no evidence the PET scan modified the apoptotic response of lymphocytes to a subsequent 2 Gy in vitro challenge irradiation.

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African clawed frogs, genus Xenopus, are extraordinary among vertebrates in the diversity of their polyploid species and the high number of independent polyploidization events that occurred during their diversification. Here we update current understanding of the evolutionary history of this group and describe six new species from west and central sub-Saharan Africa, including four tetraploids and two dodecaploids. We provide information on molecular variation, morphology, karyotypes, vocalizations, and estimated geographic ranges, which support the distinctiveness of these new species.

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Introduction: Risk models to predict 30-day mortality following isolated coronary artery bypass graft is an active area of research. Simple risk predictors are particularly important for cardiothoracic surgeons who are coming under increased scrutiny since these physicians typically care for higher risk patients and thus expect worse outcomes. The objective of this study was to develop a 30-day postoperative mortality risk model for patients undergoing CABG using the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database.

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Management of anemic patients refusing blood transfusion remains challenging. Concomitant coronary artery disease further complicates management. We sought to decrease the likelihood of cardiac events by employing hypothermia and neuromuscular blockade, in addition to limited phlebotomy, in a critically anemic Jehovah's Witness patient following emergent colectomy.

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Plethodontid salamanders of genus Bolitoglossa constitute the largest and most diverse group of salamanders, including around 20% of living caudate species. Recent studies have indicated the occurrence of five recognized species in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest. We present here the first cytogenetic data of a Brazilian salamander, which may prove to be a useful by contribution to the cytotaxonomy of the genus.

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Nitric oxide (NO) is a cell-signaling molecule that regulates a variety of molecular pathways. We investigated the role of NO during preimplantation embryonic development by blocking its production with an inhibitor or supplementing in vitro bovine embryo cultures with its natural precursor, L-arginine, over different periods. Endpoints evaluated included blastocyst rates, development kinetics, and embryo quality.

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Objective: This study was designed to determine whether the volume and type of fluid administered for pancreaticoduodenectomy impacts postoperative outcomes.

Background: Three percent hypertonic saline (HYS) has been suggested as a means of reducing the volume of fluid required to sustain tissue perfusion in the perioperative period.

Methods: Between May 2011 and November 2013, patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy were enrolled in an institutional review board-approved, single-center, prospective, parallel, randomized controlled trial (NCT 01428050), comparing lactated Ringers (LAR) (15 mL/kg/hr LAR intraoperation, 2 mL/kg/hr LAR postoperation) with HYS (9 mL/kg/hr LAR and 1 mL/kg/hr HYS intraoperation, 1 mL/kg/hr HYS postoperation).

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Introduction: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation has become rescue therapy for adults with overwhelming cardiac and/or respiratory failure. Not all patients are saved, creating a new cohort of potential organ donors. This study examines the outcomes of liver and kidney allografts procured from donors on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).

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