Publications by authors named "Timothy A Gowan"

The purpose of many wildlife population studies is to estimate density, movement, or demographic parameters. Linking these parameters to covariates, such as habitat features, provides additional ecological insight and can be used to make predictions for management purposes. Line-transect surveys, combined with distance sampling methods, are often used to estimate density at discrete points in time, whereas capture-recapture methods are used to estimate movement and other demographic parameters.

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Article Synopsis
  • Age-specific survival probabilities are crucial for age-structured population models and conservation efforts, but determining individual ages in wildlife can be challenging.
  • The researchers introduced a hidden Markov model designed to estimate these probabilities using capture-recapture data and imprecise age indicators, tested through simulations and applicable with maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods.
  • This model was successfully applied to Florida manatees' genetic capture-recapture data, highlighting its usefulness in understanding how environmental changes and management strategies affect population dynamics through minimally invasive techniques.
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Accurate and precise abundance estimation is vital for informed wildlife conservation and management decision-making. Line transect surveys are a common sampling approach for abundance estimation. Distance sampling is often used to estimate abundance from line transect survey data; however, search encounter spatial capture-recapture can also be used when individuals in the population of interest are identifiable.

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Animal movement plays a fundamental role in the ecology of migratory species, and understanding migration patterns is required for effective management. To evaluate intrinsic and environmental factors associated with probabilities of endangered North Atlantic right whales Eubalaena glacialis migrating to a wintering ground off the southeastern United States (SEUS), we applied a multistate temporary emigration capture-recapture model to 22 years of photo-identification data. Migration probabilities for juveniles were generally higher yet more variable than those for adults, and non-calving adult females were the least likely group to migrate.

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We conducted health evaluations of 69 wild and 22 captive Morafka's desert tortoises (Gopherus morafkai) in Mexico between 2005 and 2008. The wild tortoises were from 11 sites in the states of Sonora and Sinaloa, and the captive tortoises were from the state-managed Centro Ecológico de Sonora Zoo in Hermosillo and a private residence in the town of Alamos. We tested 88 tortoises for mycoplasmal upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for specific antibody and by culture and PCR for detection of Mycoplasma agassizii and Mycoplasma testudineum.

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The coastal waters off the southeastern United States (SEUS) are a primary wintering ground for the endangered North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis), used by calving females along with other adult and juvenile whales. Management actions implemented in this area for the recovery of the right whale population rely on accurate habitat characterization and the ability to predict whale distribution over time. We developed a temporally dynamic habitat model to predict wintering right whale distribution in the SEUS using a generalized additive model framework and aerial survey data from 2003/2004 through 2012/2013.

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The ability to perform key behaviors, particularly those associated with reproduction, has been linked to reproductive success. However, it remains unclear as to which underlying mechanisms govern variation in the performance capacities of these behaviors. Due to its ability to mediate physiological and morphological changes, the steroid hormone testosterone has been hypothesized to influence performance.

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