The HEALing (Helping to End Addiction Long-term) Communities Study (HCS) aims to test the effectiveness of the Communities That HEAL intervention in decreasing opioid overdose deaths in 67 communities across four U.S. states.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCommunity-driven responses are essential to ensure the adoption, reach and sustainability of evidence-based practices (EBPs) to prevent new cases of opioid use disorder (OUD) and reduce fatal and non-fatal overdoses. Most organizational approaches for selecting and implementing EBPs remain top-down and individually oriented without community engagement (CE). Moreover, few CE approaches have leveraged systems science to integrate community resources, values and priorities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The number of opioid-involved overdose deaths in the United States remains a national crisis. The HEALing Communities Study (HCS) will test whether Communities That HEAL (CTH), a community-engaged intervention, can decrease opioid-involved deaths in intervention communities (n = 33), relative to wait-list communities (n = 34), from four states. The CTH intervention seeks to facilitate widespread implementation of three evidence-based practices (EBPs) with the potential to reduce opioid-involved overdose fatalities: overdose education and naloxone distribution (OEND), effective delivery of medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD), and safer opioid analgesic prescribing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The implementation of evidence-based practices to reduce opioid overdose deaths within communities remains suboptimal. Community engagement can improve the uptake and sustainability of evidence-based practices. The HEALing Communities Study (HCS) aims to reduce opioid overdose deaths through the Communities That HEAL (CTH) intervention, a community-engaged, data-driven planning process that will be implemented in 67 communities across four states.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPeople in community corrections have rates of HIV and sexual risk behaviors that are much higher than the general population. Prior literature suggests that criminal justice involvement is associated with increased sexual risk behaviors, yet these studies focus on incarceration and use one-sided study designs that only collect data from one partner. To address gaps in the literature, this study used the Actor Partner-Interdependence Model with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), to perform a dyadic analysis estimating individual (actor-only) partner-only, and dyadic patterns (actor-partner) of criminal justice involvement and greater sexual risks in a sample of 227 men on probation and their intimate partners in New York City, United States.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIncreasing human activity along the coast has amplified the extinction risk of inshore delphinids. Informed selection and prioritisation of areas for the conservation of inshore delphinids requires a comprehensive understanding of their distribution and habitat use. In this study, we applied an ensemble species distribution modelling approach, combining results of six modelling algorithms to identify areas of high probability of occurrence of the globally Vulnerable Australian humpback dolphin in northern Ningaloo Marine Park (NMP), north-western Australia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: This study examines the relationship between experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV), exposure to prior childhood adversity, lifetime adverse experiences, drug-related relationship dependencies with intimate partners and overdose, hospitalization for drug use, friends and family members who overdosed and witnessing overdose.
Methodology: This paper included a sample of 201 women who use drugs in heterosexual relationships with criminal justice-involved men in New York City. We included measures of experiencing overdose, hospitalization for drug use, witnessing overdose, and having friends and family who overdosed.
The following study investigates factors associated with discharge from OAT due to incarceration in a sample of 64,331 discharges in the United States. Multinomial regression investigated the association between demographic factors, prior arrest, referral source (i.e criminal justice agency) intravenous drug use, types of drug used, length of prior treatment and discharge due to incarceration compared to completing treatment or discharge due to other reasons.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOver the last decade, New York State has experienced one of the greatest increases in opioid overdose deaths in the United States, particularly from heroin and synthetic opioids. This study investigated spatial patterns in the distribution of county-level rates of overdose deaths in New York State and associations between prescriptions for opioid pain relievers, race, and overdose deaths from 2013-2015. Global and local Moran's I tests for spatial autocorrelation examined Bayesian smoothed rates of overdose for clusters of counties with high and low rates of overdose mortality.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Multiple drug and sexual risk behaviors among people who inject drugs (PWID) in intimate relationships increase the risk of HIV and HCV transmission. Using data on PWID in intimate partnerships in Almaty, Kazakhstan, this study performed latent class analysis (LCA) on drug and sexual risk behaviors and estimated associations between dyadic relationship factors and membership in latent classes.
Methods: LCA was performed on a sample of 510 PWID (181-females/FWID, 321-males/MWID) to identify levels of drug and sexual risk behaviors.
Background: Growing rates of HIV and high rates of injection drug use in Kazakhstan call for examining access to testing and treatment among people who inject drugs and their intimate partners.
Objectives: We examine how access to health and drug treatment services as well as risk environment factors are associated with ever being tested for HIV and ever receiving any general HIV medical care among 728 male and female intimate partners where at least one partner injects drugs.
Methods: Multivariate random effects logistic regression with random effects for couple were conducted to examine associations between access to health and drug treatment services, risk environment factors, and HIV testing and HIV medical care outcomes.
Objectives: We examined whether mobility, migrant status, and risk environments are associated with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV risk behaviors (e.g. sex trading, multiple partners, and unprotected sex).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough the incidence of HIV among women on probation, parole and alternatives to incarceration programs is significant to public health, drivers of this concentrated epidemic among women under community corrections remain understudied. This study examined prevalence of HIV and sexually transmitted infections and the associations between substance use, socio-demographic factors and the prevalence of biologically-confirmed HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among a sample of 337 substance-using women recruited from community correction sites in New York City. Prevalence of HIV was 13% and sexually transmitted infections was 26% ( Chlamydia, trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhea).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDetermining the sex of free-ranging cetaceans can be challenging. Sexual dimorphism among external features may allow inferences on sex, but such patterns may be difficult to detect and are often confounded by age and geographic variation. Dorsal fin images of 107 female and 54 male Australian humpback dolphins, Sousa sahulensis, from Western Australia (WA) and Queensland (QLD) were used to investigate sex, age and geographic differences in colouration, height/length quotient and number of notches.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAmong the many cetacean species that occupy Australian coastal waters, Australian humpback dolphins, Sousa sahulensis, are one of the most vulnerable to extirpation due to human activities. This review summarises the existing knowledge, presently occurring and planned research projects, and current conservation measures for humpback dolphins in Western Australia (WA). Rapid and wide-scale coastal development along the northern WA coastline has occurred despite a lack of baseline data for inshore dolphins and, therefore, without a precautionary approach to their conservation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Real-time magnetic resonance imaging (rtMRI)-guided transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) offers improved visualization, real-time imaging, and pinpoint accuracy with device delivery. Unfortunately, performing a TAVR in a MRI scanner can be a difficult task owing to limited space and an awkward working environment. Our solution was to design a MRI-compatible robot-assisted device to insert and deploy a self-expanding valve from a remote computer console.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
May 2016
Objectives: To demonstrate the feasibility of Real-time magnetic resonance imaging (rtMRI) guided transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) with an active guidewire and an MRI compatible valve delivery catheter system in a swine model.
Methods: The CoreValve system was minimally modified to be MRI-compatible by replacing the stainless steel components with fluoroplastic resin and high-density polyethylene components. Eight swine weighing 60-90 kg underwent rtMRI-guided TAVR with an active guidewire through a left subclavian approach.
Tim Hunt took an undergraduate degree in Natural Sciences at Cambridge in 1964, and his PhD and subsequent work focussed on the control of protein synthesis until 1982, when his adventitious discovery of the central cell cycle regulator cyclin, while he was teaching at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, redirected him to the study of cell cycle regulation. From 1990 to his retirement Tim worked in the Clare Hall Laboratories of Cancer Research UK. He shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine with Lee Hartwell and Paul Nurse in 2001, and talked to us about the series of coincidences that led him to the prizewinning discovery.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCommunity Ment Health J
November 2016
This paper examines individual, social, and structural factors associated with depression among 728 people who inject drugs (PWID) and their intimate partners in Kazakhstan, with separate multivariate models by gender. Depression scores were higher on average among participants of both genders who recently experienced sexual intimate partner violence, food insecurity, and who had lower levels of self-rated health. Among females, higher depression scores were associated with experiencing childhood sexual abuse, lower levels of social support, and not having children.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImportance: This study is designed to address the need for evidence-based HIV/STI prevention approaches for drug-involved women under criminal justice community supervision.
Objective: We tested the efficacy of a group-based traditional and multimedia HIV/STI prevention intervention (Project WORTH: Women on the Road to Health) among drug-involved women under community supervision.
Design, Setting, Participants, And Intervention: We randomized 306 women recruited from community supervision settings to receive either: (1) a four-session traditional group-based HIV/STI prevention intervention (traditional WORTH); (2) a four-session multimedia group-based HIV/STI prevention intervention that covered the same content as traditional WORTH but was delivered in a computerized format; or (3) a four-session group-based Wellness Promotion intervention that served as an attention control condition.
Objective: Project Renaissance is a randomized controlled trial of an HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV)/sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention intervention conducted in Almaty, Kazakhstan. We hypothesized that couples assigned to the intervention of interest will have lower incidence of HIV, HCV, STIs, rates of unprotected sex, and unsafe injection over the 12-month follow-up period compared with those assigned to an attention control arm.
Design: A total of 300 couples (600 participants) where one or both partners reported injecting drugs in the past 90 days were randomized to 1 of 2 arms: (1) a 5-session HIV/HCV/STI prevention intervention (risk reduction: RR) or (2) a 5-session Wellness Promotion (WP) intervention.
Background: Kazakhstan and other countries in Central Asia are experiencing a rapidly growing HIV epidemic, which has historically been driven by injection drug use, but is more recently being fueled by heterosexual transmission.
Methods: This paper examines HIV and HCV infection, as well as sexual and drug-related risks among female partners of men who inject drugs (MWID), comparing females who inject drugs (FWID) to non-injecting female partners on socio-demographic, relationship context, and structural characteristics.
Results: The prevalence rate of HIV was 30.