Publications by authors named "Tim Fellerhoff"

The corpus callosum (CC) has been identified as an important structure in the context of cognitive aging (Fling et al., 2011). Interhemispheric transfer time (IHTT) is regularly used in order to estimate interhemispheric integration enabled by the CC (Marzi, 2010; Nowicka and Tacikowski, 2011).

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Age-related cognitive decline has been attributed to degeneration of the corpus callosum (CC), which allows for interhemispheric integration and information processing [22,69]. Along with decreased structural integrity, altered functional properties of the CC may cause impaired cognitive performance in older adults, yet this aspect of age-related decline remains insufficiently researched [59]. In this context, potential sex-related differences have been proposed [31,58].

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Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on hemodialysis (HD) experience treatment-related immobility and physical deconditioning, which is responsible for an increased risk of frailty and a high burden of multi-morbidity. Exercise has been shown to counteract this vicious cycle; however, its effectiveness has only been investigated in small cohorts. Therefore, the objective of the Dialysis Training Therapy (DiaTT) trial will be to assess the effects of a 12-month intradialytic exercise program on physical functioning, frailty and health economics in a large cohort of HD patients in a real-world setting.

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