Behav Ecol Sociobiol
February 2025
Unlabelled: The interconnecting links between individuals in an animal social network are often defined by discrete, directed behaviours, but where these are difficult to observe, a network link (edge) may instead be defined by individuals sharing a space at the same time, which can then be used to infer a social association. The method by which these associations are defined should be informed by the biological significance of edges, and therefore often vary between studies. Identifying an appropriate measure of association remains a challenge to behavioural ecologists.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Postpartum uterine disease (metritis) is common in dairy cows. The disease develops within 1 week after calving and is associated with microbial dysbiosis, fever, and fetid uterine discharge. Cows with metritis have a greater likelihood of developing endometritis and infertility later postpartum.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVet Clin North Am Equine Pract
April 2024
To create the next innovative product, participants in science need to understand which existing technologies can be combined, what new science must be discovered, and what new technologies must be invented. Knowledge of these often arrives by means of expert consensus or popularity metrics, masking key information on how intellectual efforts accumulate into technological progress. To address this shortcoming, we first present a method to establish a mathematical link between technological evolution and complex networks: a path of events that narrates innovation bottlenecks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBoxelder and sycamore maple contain hypoglycin A (HGA), the toxic metabolite of which, MCPA-CoA, inhibits fatty acid β-oxidation, causing seasonal pasture myopathy (SPM) or atypical myopathy (AM), respectively. White snakeroot and rayless goldenrod contain multiple benzofuran ketones (BFKs). The identity/toxicity of BFKs appear variable, possibly involving interactions between toxins/toxic metabolites, but ultimately inhibit cellular energy metabolism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe importance of seeing race as a socially constructed idea continues to produce unfair differences between humans and establishes power relations that lead to injustice and exposure to death. Since the racial justice movement in early 2020, there has been a heightened awareness of, and increased interest in, addressing historic racial disparities across Schools of Public Health (SPH) in Canada. Steps have been taken to recognize systemic racism and increase diversity through structural reforms to advance equity and inclusion; however, addressing racism demands collectively uprooting racist institutional designs still inherent in learning, teaching, research, service, and community engagement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnimal sociality, an individual's propensity to associate with others, has fitness consequences through mate choice, for example, directly, by increasing the pool of prospective partners, and indirectly through increased survival, and individuals benefit from both. Annually, fitness consequences are realized through increased mating success and subsequent fecundity. However, it remains unknown whether these consequences translate to lifetime fitness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA series of imidazolium-based symmetrical and asymmetrical dicationic ionic liquids (DcILs) with alkyl spacers of different length and with [FeCl Br] as counter ion have been synthesized. The synthesized DcILs are characterized by using FTIR and Raman spectroscopy as well as mass spectrometry, along with single-crystal XRD analysis. Physicochemical properties such as solubility, thermal stability and magnetic susceptibility are also measured.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIron ores are principal input materials for iron and steel-making industries. Quality of iron ores is one of the critical parameters for formation of environmental pollutants related to the steel-making process. Dioxins are identified as one of the most toxic pollutants emitted during ironmaking, specifically during the sintering process.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
July 2022
This is the fourth Active Healthy Kids (AHK) Wales Report Card. The 2021 card produced grades on children and young people's physical activity (PA) using pre-COVID-19 data that were not used in previous versions. Eleven quality indicators of PA were graded through expert consensus and synthesis of the best available evidence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhilst participation in regular exercise and sport has generally increased over recent decades globally, fundamental questions remain regarding the influence of growth, maturation, and sex on the magnitude of training response throughout adolescence. Trained (108 participants, 43 girls; age: 14.3 ± 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Environ Sci (China)
February 2022
This study investigated concentrations of PM, PM, SO, NO, CO and O, and air quality index (AQI) values across 368 cities in mainland China during 2015-2018. The study further examined relationships of air pollution status with local industrial capacities and vehicle possessions. Strong correlations were found between industrial capacities (coal, pig iron, crude steel and rolled steel) and air pollution levels.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study the evolution of networks through 'triplets'-three-node graphlets. We develop a method to compute a transition matrix to describe the evolution of triplets in temporal networks. To identify the importance of higher-order interactions in the evolution of networks, we compare both artificial and real-world data to a model based on pairwise interactions only.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMetal production industries are associated with positive economic benefits, however their activities are significantly resource and energy intensive, contributing to emission of pollutants and greenhouse gases to the environment. The balance between the economic inputs and environmental footprint of the metal production industries determines their contribution to sustainability. This work provides environmental impact assessment of the production of aluminium, copper, gold, iron and steel, lead, nickel and zinc, and considers their contribution to the economy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Initiation of statins for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) should be based on CVD risk estimates, but their use is suboptimal.
Aim: To investigate the factors influencing statin prescribing when clinicians code and do not code estimated CVD risk (QRISK2).
Design And Setting: A historical cohort of patients who had lipid tests in a database (IQVIA Medical Research Data) of UK primary care records.
Four decades after the Declaration of Alma-Ata, its vision of health for all and strategy of primary health care are still an inspiration to many people. In this article we evaluate the current status of primary health care in the era of the Declaration of Astana, the sustainable development goals, universal health coverage and the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. We consider how best to guide greater application of the primary health care strategy, reflecting on tensions that remain between the political vision of primary health care and its implementation in countries.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To describe the uptake and outputs of the National Health Service Health Check (NHSHC) programme in England.
Design: Observational study.
Setting: National primary care data extracted directly by NHS Digital from 90% of general practices (GP) in England.
Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract
November 2020
This article addresses diagnostic challenges involving toxicology cases that are multifactorial in nature, often involving sublethal exposures to multiple toxicants and/or other etiologies that are not toxic. Gold standard diagnostic approaches were developed under the assumption that cases were undoubtedly intoxications, and they still are applicable to those cases. A more integrated diagnostic approach, focusing on the initial problem list, is consistent with how veterinarians diagnose most cases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAtrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhytmia, characterized by the chaotic motion of electrical wavefronts in the atria. In clinical practice, AF is classified under two primary categories: paroxysmal AF, short intermittent episodes separated by periods of normal electrical activity; and persistent AF, longer uninterrupted episodes of chaotic electrical activity. However, the precise reasons why AF in a given patient is paroxysmal or persistent is poorly understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Price model, the directed version of the Barabási-Albert model, produces a growing directed acyclic graph. We look at variants of the model in which directed edges are added to the new vertex in one of two ways: using cumulative advantage (preferential attachment) choosing vertices in proportion to their degree, or with random attachment in which vertices are chosen uniformly at random. In such networks, the longest path is well defined and in some cases is known to be a better approximation to geodesics than the shortest path.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChina has the largest share of global iron and steel production, which is considered to play a significant contribution to air pollution. This study aims to investigate trace element contamination at different fractions of particulate matter (PM) at industrial areas in China. Three PM fractions, PM2.
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