Background: Many blood banks use upper age limits for donors out of concern for a higher donor complication rate in older donors. Experienced donors are known to have lower donor complication rates, and older donors are often more experienced, confounding the effect of age on donor complication rate.
Study Design And Methods: We studied donor complication rates in whole blood, plasma, and plateletpheresis donors from 2012 to 2022.
Study Design: Test-retest reliability study on grip strength in children.
Introduction: Measuring grip strength in children is difficult because of the weight and size of the instrument, brief attention span, and possible lack of task understanding. Therefore, adaptations to the measurement protocols to improve reliability would be very important for research and clinical evaluation.
Purpose: Previously, we studied normative and reliability data of palmar thumb abduction measurements (conventional goniometry, the Pollexograph thumb, the Pollexograph metacarpal, the Inter Metacarpal Distance, the American Society of Hand Therapists method, and the American Medical Association method) in healthy adults. Because many interventions aiming to improve palmar abduction are performed at an early age, the goal of this study was to assess normative and reliability data of these measurement methods in children.
Methods: We performed measurements with the Pollexograph thumb, the Pollexograph metacarpal and Inter Metacarpal Distance in 100 healthy children to acquire normative data.