Publications by authors named "Tien Sang Trieu"

Background: To optimize the multiplex polymerase chain reaction (M-PCR) technique to diagnose microdeletions of azoospermia factors (AZF) on the Y chromosome and initially apply the technique to diagnose male patients with sperm density less than 5×10 million sperm/mL was assigned to do a test to check for AZF microdeletions on the Y chromosome.

Methods: Based on the positive control samples which belong to male subjects who have had 2 healthy children without any assisted reproductive technologies, the M-PCR method was developed to detect simultaneously and accurately AZF microdeletions on 32 male patients with sperm densities below 5×10 million sperm/mL of semen at the Department of Biology and Medical Genetics - Vietnam Military Medical University.

Results: Successful optimization of the M-PCR technique including 7 reactions arranged according to each AZFabc region using 24 STS/gene on the Y chromosome.

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Background: Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DEB) is a rare inherited disorder characterized by skin fragility leading to trauma-induced subepidermal blisters and healing with scarring. DEB is caused by mutations in COL7A1, the gene encoding for type VII collagen (COLVII). The DEB inheritance trait is divided into dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DDEB) and recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB).

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of varicocele on DNA fragmentation index (DFI), zinc concentration and seminal parameters in infertile patients. In this prospective study, 179 men with at least 1-year history of infertility and varicocele were examined for semen quality at Hanoi Medical University Hospital (HMUH), Hanoi, Vietnam. In addition, an inverse correlation between zinc concentration and the degree of sperm DNA fragmentation in patients with clinical varicocele was found.

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