Contact Dermatitis
January 2025
Background: Hand eczema (HE) is common among hospital cleaners, yet no specific prevention programme exists for this group in Denmark.
Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of visual aids (pictograms and video scenes) based on evidence-based skin care and protection recommendations on HE outcomes, focusing on disease severity, point prevalence and skin care and protection knowledge.
Methods: A cluster-randomised controlled trial was conducted in professional cleaners from three Danish hospitals.
Background: Hand eczema (HE) is a prevalent disease among professional cleaners.
Objectives: To investigate how often cleaners have their self-reported HE, induced or worsened by cleaners' occupational activities, reported as an occupational disease to the authorities in Denmark and to identify reasons for underreporting. In addition, consultation by physicians and treatment for HE among cleaners were also investigated.
Background: Most studies investigating the prevalence of hand eczema (HE) in professional cleaners use self-reported questionnaire-based data. However, no validation studies of self-reporting of HE among professional cleaners have previously been conducted.
Objectives: To investigate (1) the point prevalence of self-reported HE, (2) the point prevalence of HE estimated by physical examination of the hands and (3) the sensitivity and specificity of self-reporting of HE compared with the diagnosis based on physical examination among professional cleaners.
Introduction: Insufficient knowledge about protection and care of the skin among Danish hospital cleaners, particularly immigrant cleaners, is guessed to be a widespread issue that can increase the likelihood of them developing occupational hand eczema (OHE). This study aimed to design and validate 10 pictograms and 10 short video clips showing recommendations for skin care that would help prevent OHE among professional cleaners.
Methods: Ten pictograms and 10 short, educational video clips, based on standard, recommended information were developed in collaboration with a medical illustrator and a video director.
Background: Professional cleaners are commonly affected by hand eczema (HE) due to wet work and exposure to cleaning products in the work environment.
Objective: To investigate (1) the prevalence of HE in a group of professional hospital cleaners, (2) the association of HE with various comorbidities and self-reported signs/symptoms of skin lesions and (3) the association of HE with various occupational and personal risk factors in the same population.
Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study including all cleaners working in three hospitals in Denmark.
Background: Correct daily skin care is important regarding hand eczema (HE). However, only a few studies have evaluated the level of knowledge among hospital cleaners.
Objective: To examine the level of knowledge regarding skin protective behaviour and risk factors with respect to HE in hospital cleaners.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence, risk factors, and prevention of occupational contact dermatitis (OCD), as well as risk factors and consequences of OCD among professional cleaners.
Methods: A systematic review following PRISMA guidelines was performed using Medline, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library.
Results: Thirty-nine studies containing over 109.