Accurate detection and quantification of biomarkers at ultra-low levels is critical for disease diagnosis and effective treatment. Traditional detection technologies often lack the sensitivity, specificity, throughput, or multiplexing capacity required for comprehensive diagnostics, providing only a subset of these requirements. Here, we introduce AVAC, an automated optical technology for rapid and accurate biomarker detection with ultra-high sensitivity that significantly outperforms standard clinical assays.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFACS Appl Polym Mater
November 2024
This study investigates the potential of thermoresponsive hydrogels as innovative substrates for future in vitro diagnostic (IVD) applications using AVAC technology, developed and patented by the Mecwins biomedical company. In order to convert the hydrogel in a substrate compatible with AVAC technology, the following prerequisites were established: (1) the hydrogel layer needs to be permeable to gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), and (2) the optical properties of the hydrogel should not interfere with the detection of AuNPs with AVAC technology. These two key aspects are evaluated in this work.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCase Summary: A 4-year-old cat was presented with acute onset of lateralised neurological central nervous system (CNS) signs and seizures. Haematological and serum biochemical parameters were within normal limits. Imaging diagnostics revealed severe CT and MRI abnormalities of the right brain, similar to Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome (DDMS) in human medicine.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the rapidly emerging field of biomedical applications, multifunctional nanoparticles, especially those containing magnetic and plasmonic components, have gained significant attention due to their combined properties. These hybrid systems, often composed of iron oxide and gold, provide both magnetic and optical functionalities and offer promising avenues for applications in multimodal bioimaging, hyperthermal therapies, and magnetically driven selective delivery. This paper focuses on the implementation of advanced characterization methods, comparing statistical analyses of individual multifunctional particle properties with macroscopic properties as a way of fine-tuning synthetic methodologies for their fabrication methods.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlasmonic nanoparticles have a wide range of applications in science and industry. Despite the numerous synthesis methods reported in the literature over the last decades, achieving precise control over the size and shape of large nanoparticle populations remains a challenge. Since variations in size and shape significantly affect the plasmonic properties of nanoparticles, accurate metrological techniques to characterize their morphological features are essential.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlasmonic nanoparticles are widely used in multiple scientific and industrial applications. Although many synthesis methods have been reported in the literature throughout the last decade, controlling the size and shape of large populations still remains as a challenge. As size and shape variations have a strong impact in their plasmonic properties, the need to have metrological techniques to accurately characterize their morphological features is peremptory.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Only few studies have been conducted on pancreatic diabetes and data from large epidemiological studies are missing. Our main objective was to study the most important differences and similarities between pediatric individuals with pancreatic diabetes and type 1 diabetes (T1D).
Methods: Patients <20 years of age were identified from the diabetes patient follow-up registry (DPV).
Detection and sizing of corrosion are critical issues across many industries such as for the oil and gas industry or the petrochemical industry. Inspections may become difficult and time-consuming when the structures under inspection are only partially accessible such as for pipes under insulation or at pipe supports. It has been demonstrated in the literature that the cutoff frequency-thickness product of high order ultrasonic guided wave modes can be used in medium to long-range thickness gauging.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The objective was to evaluate the 25(OH) vitamin D (25(OH)D) status of patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and determine whether the 25(OH)D level is associated with disease activity and the course of JIA.
Methods: Patients ≤ 16 years of age with recently diagnosed JIA (< 12 months) were enrolled in the inception cohort of patients with newly diagnosed JIA (ICON), an ongoing prospective observational, controlled multicenter study started in 2010. Clinical and laboratory parameters were ascertained quarterly during the first year and half-yearly thereafter.
Introduction: Posttransplantation diabetes mellitus (PTDM) increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, graft loss, and decreased survival. Follow-up treatment after solid organ transplantation (SOT) needs to focus on, inter alia, maintaining balanced glucose metabolism. This study aimed to ascertain the prevalence of PTDM and describe patient characteristics in the large DPV (Diabetes Patienten Verlaufsdokumentation) pediatric diabetes database.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To determine the prevalence of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and to characterize patients having both.
Study Design: Diabetes comorbidity was recorded in the National Pediatric Rheumatologic Database since 2012. Data from the North Rhine-Westphalian diabetes registry served as the reference population for the prevalence of diabetes in the general population.
Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) diagnosis by means of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) is a current challenge for the development of computer-aided detection (CAD) tools. An innovative CAD-software (Watson Elementary™) was proposed to achieve high sensitivity and specificity, as well as to allege a correlate to Gleason grade.
Aim/objective: To assess the performance of Watson Elementary™ in automated PCa diagnosis in our hospital´s database of MRI-guided prostate biopsies.
Objective: To investigate the clinical presentation and medical treatment of patients with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) during the first year of illness. Our study focused on 3-year outcomes in a subsample of patients who were followed up longitudinally.
Methods: From 2000 to 2013, 597 patients with systemic JIA and a disease duration of ≤12 months were recorded in the National Pediatric Rheumatologic Database.
Objective: Research on β-cell autoimmunity in cystic fibrosis (CF)-related diabetes (CFRD) is still rare. We aimed to analyze the frequency of β-cell autoimmunity and the influence on age at diabetes onset, insulin requirement, type of insulin therapy, and hypoglycemic or ketoacidotic events in patients with CFRD compared with antibody-negative patients with CFRD in the Diabetes Patienten Verlaufsdokumentation (DPV) registry.
Research Design And Methods: We analyzed data of 837 patients with CFRD in the German/Austrian DPV database by multivariable mixed-regression modeling.
The coincidence resolving time (CRT) of scintillation detectors is the parameter determining noise reduction in time-of-flight PET. We derive an analytical CRT model based on the statistical distribution of photons for two different prototype scintillators. For the first one, characterized by single exponential decay, CRT is proportional to the decay time and inversely proportional to the number of photons, with a square root dependence on the trigger level.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: The aim of this study was to characterize the phenotype and treatment of young patients (manifestation <30 years) with diabetes of mitochondrial origin (DMO), based on the German/Austrian DPV (Diabetes Patienten Verlaufsdokumentation) registry. Only 13 (0.02 %) of all patients with diabetes in this cohort were identified with DMO, mainly due to the Kearns-Sayre (n = 5), Pearson (n = 3), or mitochondrial myopathy, encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) syndrome (n = 2).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFScand J Rheumatol
October 2015
Objectives: To assess the prevalence of overweight in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) between 2003 and 2012 and to determine correlates of overweight relevant to the change in the overweight rate.
Method: Annual overweight prevalence was determined in the National Paediatric Rheumatological Database (NPRD) between 2003 and 2012. The prevalence of overweight in JIA was compared to representative data from Germany in 2005.
Objective: To analyze the prevalence of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and diabetes end points in pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes.
Study Design: Patients with type 1 diabetes, recorded from 1995 up to September 2013 in the Diabetes Patienten Verlaufsdokumentation database (n = 54,911, <16 years of age, 47% girls), were analyzed. The patients' height, weight, and body mass index SDS, glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c); insulin dose; hypertension and dyslipidemia prevalence; rate of hypoglycemic events; and ketoacidosis were compared between patients with and without JIA.
Aim: Children and adolescents with a molecular diagnosis of HNF1A-MODY should be treated with oral sulfonylurea according to current International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) guidelines.
Methods: We surveyed the German-Austrian DPV database of 50 043 people and included 114 patients with a confirmed molecular-genetic diagnosis of HNF1A mutation and diabetes onset at below age 18 years. We analysed hypoglycaemic episodes, metabolic control (HbA1c ) and other clinical variables according to treatment groups.
Background & Aims: In cystic fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD), energy needs differ from type 1 (T1D) or type 2 diabetes, and endogenous insulin secretion is not totally absent. We analyzed whether daily carbohydrate intake, its diurnal distribution and insulin requirement per 11 g of carbohydrate differ between CFRD and T1D.
Methods: Anonymized data of 223 CFRD and 36,780 T1D patients aged from 10 to <30 years from the multicenter diabetes registry DPV were studied.
Background: In type 1 diabetes (T1D), the use of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) has increased steadily in the last years. Compared with conventional insulin injection regimes, major advantages might be a nearly physiological insulin secretion, lower rates of hypoglycemia, higher flexibility in daily life, and increased quality of life. Data on CSII in cystic fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD) are scarce.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: In Germany/Austria, data on medical care for cystic fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD) is limited.
Methods: Anonymized data from 659 CFRD patients were analyzed and compared to the latest ADA/CFF guidelines.
Results: Specialized diabetes clinics were attended less frequently than recommended (3.