Microplastic pollution (plastic particles < 5 mm) has potentially harmful impacts on aquatic ecosystems. Understanding the factors that impact microplastic loading and distribution within aquatic ecosystems is crucial for assessing potential threats from microplastics. Here we examine the extent of microplastic pollution in the surface waters and sediments of four small inland lakes in Minnesota, USA that represent a range of human impacts as well as a variety of watershed and lake characteristics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe tubenose goby entered the Great Lakes in the 1990s via ballast water, but remains poorly studied within North America, making it difficult to predict its effects on native ecosystems. Dietary breadth and somatic growth rate have important ramifications for survival, competitiveness, and dispersal ability of a fish species, and thereby its ecological impact. We studied diet and growth of age-0 tubenose goby within the St.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe predator-prey interactions in the offshore food web of Lake Superior have been well documented, but the sensory systems mediating these interactions remain unknown. The deepwater sculpin, (Myoxocephalus thompsoni), siscowet (Salvelinus namaycush siscowet), and kiyi (Coregonus kiyi) inhabit low light level environments. To investigate the potential role of vision in predator-prey interactions, electroretinography was used to determine visual sensitivity for each species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe movement patterns and body size of fishes are influenced by a host of physical and biological conditions, including temperature and oxygen, prey densities and foraging potential, growth optimization, and predation risk. Our objectives were to (1) investigate variability in vertical movement patterns of cisco (Coregonus artedi) in a variety of inland lakes using hydroacoustics, (2) explore the causal mechanisms influencing movements through the use of temperature/oxygen, foraging, growth, and predation risk models, and (3) examine factors that may contribute to variations in cisco body size by considering all available information. Our results show that cisco vertical movements vary substantially, with different populations performing normal diel vertical migrations (DVM), no DVM, and reverse DVM in lakes throughout Minnesota and northern Wisconsin, USA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntegrated, quantitative expressions of anthropogenic stress over large geographic regions can be valuable tools in environmental research and management. Despite the fundamental appeal of a regional approach, development of regional stress measures remains one of the most important current challenges in environmental science. Using publicly available, pre-existing spatial datasets, we developed a geographic information system database of 86 variables related to five classes of anthropogenic stress in the U.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) have invaded many North American lakes, often resulting in the extirpation of native fish populations. Yet, their invasion is incipient and provides the rationale for identifying ecosystems likely to be invaded and where management and prevention efforts should be focused. To predict smelt presence and absence, we constructed a classification-tree model based on habitat data from 354 lakes in the native range for smelt in southern Maine.
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