Publications by authors named "Thomas Bastien"

Article Synopsis
  • * Researchers created a three-compartment model to describe mercury accumulation, including the exposure medium, phycosphere, and internalized mercury, using sorption, uptake, and release rates.
  • * The findings support the significance of the phycosphere in accumulating mercury and apply successfully to data on mercury accumulation in various marine phytoplankton, helping to enhance understanding of mercury's role in aquatic food webs.
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The behavior, and history of lead (Pb) contamination in the ecosystem of the Loire estuary was examined using elemental concentrations and Pb isotope data in water, sediment, bivalves, shrimps, and fish. In the estuary and in the surrounding coastal area, Pb concentrations in water and sediment decreased compared to concentrations determined in the 1980s, with concentrations ranging from 15.8 to 65.

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Plankton plays a prominent role in the bioaccumulation of mercury (Hg). The MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE campaign was carried out in spring 2019 along a north-south transect including coastal and offshore areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Sampling of sea water and plankton by pumping and nets was carried out in the chlorophyll maximum layer.

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This paper looks at experiential feedback and the technical and scientific challenges tied to the MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE cruise that took place in the Mediterranean Sea in spring 2019. This cruise proposes an innovative approach to investigate the accumulation and transfer of inorganic and organic contaminants within the planktonic food webs. We present detailed information on how the cruise worked, including 1) the cruise track and sampling stations, 2) the overall strategy, based mainly on the collection of plankton, suspended particles and water at the deep chlorophyll maximum, and the separation of these particles and planktonic organisms into various size fractions, as well as the collection of atmospheric deposition, 3) the operations performed and material used at each station, and 4) the sequence of operations and main parameters analysed.

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Purpose: The study aims (1) to examine the long-term effects (i.e., at 12 months) of the Montreal museum of fine arts (MMFA) participatory art-based activities on frailty in a subset of participants of the Art and Health (A-Health) study and (2) to compare these long-term effects with short-term effects (i.

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Background: Recently, we demonstrated that the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts' (MMFA) participatory art-based activity, known as "Thursdays at the Museum," improved the well-being, quality of life, and physical health (i.e., frailty) of older community dwellers by using a pre-post intervention, single arm, prospective and longitudinal experimental design.

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Background: Participatory art-based activities enhance the well-being and quality of life of patients. Few studies have examined the effects of these activities in community-dwelling older adults. This study aims to examine changes in well-being, quality of life and frailty associated with a weekly art-based activity, known as "Thursday at the Museum", performed at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) in community-dwelling older adults.

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Trace metal contamination in the European sardine and anchovy food web was investigated in the Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean Sea, including seawater and size fractions of plankton. The results highlighted: i) higher and more variable concentrations in the smaller plankton size classes for all metals except cadmium; ii) higher concentrations in anchovy versus sardine for all elements except lead; iii) different patterns of metal bioaccumulation through the food web: cobalt, nickel, copper, silver, lead and zinc displayed continuously decreasing concentrations (with the exception of increased zinc in fish only), while mercury concentrations dropped considerably in larger plankton size classes and rose significantly in fish. Lastly, cadmium concentrations were found to be highest in intermediate plankton size classes, with very low levels in fish.

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Mercury (Hg) is a global contaminant of environmental concern. Numerous factors influencing its bioaccumulation in marine organisms have already been described at both individual and species levels (e.g.

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Albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) is a highly commercial fish species harvested in the world's Oceans. Identifying the potential links between populations is one of the key tools that can improve the current management across fisheries areas. In addition to characterising populations' contamination state, chemical compounds can help refine foraging areas, individual flows and populations' structure, especially when combined with other intrinsic biogeochemical (trophic) markers such as carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes.

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Background: Alpha-gliadins form a multigene protein family encoded by multiple alpha-gliadin (Gli-2) genes at three genomic loci, Gli-A2, Gli-B2 and Gli-D2, respectively located on the homoeologous wheat chromosomes 6AS, 6BS, and 6DS. These proteins contain a number of important celiac disease (CD)-immunogenic domains. The alpha-gliadins expressed from the Gli-B2 locus harbour fewer conserved CD-epitopes than those from Gli-A2, whereas the Gli-D2 gliadins have the highest CD-immunogenic potential.

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