Disaster Med Public Health Prep
April 2023
The California Medical Assistance Team (CAL-MAT) program is coordinated by the California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA). The program was developed to deploy and support medical personnel for disaster medical response. During the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the program and missions grew rapidly in response to medical surge, programs for testing and vaccination, and other concurrent disasters.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiomed Instrum Technol
January 2010
Product recalls due to non-sterility occurred between 1993 and 1994 among manufacturers that were sterilizing cotton products sourced from China using ethylene oxide (EO). The primary contaminant was identified as a pyrophilous mold from the class Discomycetes, Pyronema domesticum. Multiple references suggest this organism has special needs for reproducing and maintaining the two assumed resistant stages of this organism (ascospores and sclerotia).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrehosp Disaster Med
October 2005
Introduction: Traditional strategies to determine hospital bed surge capacity have relied on cross-sectional hospital census data, which underestimate the true surge capacity in the event of a mass-casualty incident.
Objective: To determine hospital bed surge capacity for the County more accurately using physician and nurse manager assessments for the disposition of all in-patients at multiple facilities.
Methods: Overnight- and day-shift nurse managers from each in-patient unit at four different hospitals were approached to make assessments for each patient as to their predicted disposition at 2, 24, and 72 hours post-event in the case of a mass-casualty incident, including transfer to a hypothetical, onsite nursing facility.