Publications by authors named "Theobald J"

Background: The world has experienced devastating extreme weather events, alongside slow-onset processes including increasing temperature means, that scientists agree are manifestations of human-induced climate change. Even with radical action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, effects of climate change will become increasingly severe.

Objectives: The aim of this review was to classify impacts of climate change for people who use alcohol and other drugs (AoD), as reflected in peer reviewed literature.

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The use of alcohol or other drugs to facilitate sexual violence (AOD-facilitated sexual violence) is a public health concern. There are significant gaps in knowledge on victimization, perpetration, contexts, impacts, and attitudes. Using a scoping review method, we mapped existing peer-reviewed, global literature to examine what is known about AOD-facilitated sexual violence to inform the development of AOD-facilitated sexual violence targeted interventions.

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Introduction: Iron products are widely available over the counter and have the potential to cause serious toxicity. Iron concentrations can be used to prognosticate and guide treatment during acute ingestions. Traditionally, a concentration of 350 μg/dL with symptoms, or 500 μg/dL without symptoms, is considered toxic and will likely need treatment to prevent decompensation.

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  • Animals need to stabilize images to gather visual information while moving.
  • Some closely related fruit fly species live in very different visual environments.
  • A recent study reveals these fruit flies have developed specific gaze strategies to adapt to their unique surroundings.
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Temporal ecological niche partitioning is an underappreciated driver of speciation. While insects have long been models for circadian biology, the genes and circuits that allow adaptive changes in diel-niches remain poorly understood. We compared gene expression in closely related day- and night-active non-model wild silk moths, with otherwise similar ecologies.

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Sexual revictimization can have a negative impact on many facets of women's wellbeing, yet limited evidence exists regarding specific interventions that support healing and the reduction of further revictimization. This paper will explore regional and rural women's experience of a group-based empowerment program, the Shark Cage program, in Victoria, Australia. The "Shark Cage" program aims to address revictimization by empowering women and girls to build personal boundaries and assertiveness within the context of gender equality and human rights.

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Background: Insects have evolved complex visual systems and display an astonishing range of adaptations for diverse ecological niches. Species of Drosophila melanogaster subgroup exhibit extensive intra- and interspecific differences in compound eye size. These differences provide an excellent opportunity to better understand variation in insect eye structure and the impact on vision.

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Explanations of why nocturnal insects fly erratically around fires and lamps have included theories of "lunar navigation" and "escape to the light". However, without three-dimensional flight data to test them rigorously, the cause for this odd behaviour has remained unsolved. We employed high-resolution motion capture in the laboratory and stereo-videography in the field to reconstruct the 3D kinematics of insect flights around artificial lights.

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Aggregation in social fishes has evolved to improve safety from predators. The individual interaction mechanisms that govern collective behavior are determined by the sensory systems that translate environmental information into behavior. In dynamic environments, shifts in conditions impede effective visual sensory perception in fish schools, and may induce changes in the collective response.

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Introduction: Phenibut is an unregulated supplement that acts primarily as a gamma-aminobutyric acid type B receptor agonist. Use of phenibut can lead to dependence and subsequent withdrawal when use is stopped. Phenibut withdrawal can cause severe symptoms such as delirium, hallucinations, and seizures.

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Sensory systems gather information from the environment so the nervous system can formulate appropriate responses. But what happens when sensory information is inconsistent? A new study demonstrates how flies respond to incompatible visual evidence of their own motion.

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Objective: Arginine vasopressin deficiency (AVD) following neurosurgical procedures for pituitary disorders is common and can delay discharge. Copeptin, a stable surrogate marker of arginine vasopressin, may predict postoperative AVD. The authors' aim was to assess the optimal postoperative sampling time and cut-point concentration of copeptin to predict the development of postsurgical AVD.

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Introduction: In July 2020, an outbreak of methanol-contaminated hand sanitizers in the United States prompted our regional poison center to implement a more conservative triage guideline for hand sanitizer exposures. All pediatric hand sanitizer ingestions of more than a "taste" were referred to a healthcare facility for assessment. We then evaluated the effect of this change on identifying patients with methanol poisoning.

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Natural light levels vary tremendously, both over the day and from minute to minute, creating a formidable challenge for animals that rely on vision to survive. New work in fruit flies demonstrates the neural mechanisms that produce luminance-invariant perceptions of visual contrast.

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Introduction: Management of patients with salicylate toxicity frequently requires urine alkalinization to enhance excretion of salicylate. One strategy for determining when to stop urine alkalinization is to wait for two consecutive serum salicylate concentrations to be less than 300 mg/L (2.17 mmol/L) and declining.

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With a great variety of shapes and sizes, compound eye morphologies give insight into visual ecology, development, and evolution, and inspire novel engineering. In contrast to our own camera-type eyes, compound eyes reveal their resolution, sensitivity, and field of view externally, provided they have spherical curvature and orthogonal ommatidia. Non-spherical compound eyes with skewed ommatidia require measuring internal structures, such as with MicroCT (µCT).

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Objective: Phenibut is a widely available gamma-aminobutyric acid B receptor agonist. When taken chronically, phenibut causes dependence and subsequent withdrawal if stopped. Baclofen, a gamma-aminobutyric acid B receptor agonist structurally related to phenibut, has been used to manage phenibut withdrawal (PW), although baclofen doses for PW are not well defined and may exceed Food and Drug Administration-approved doses.

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Haematophagous mosquitoes need a blood meal to complete their reproductive cycle. To accomplish this, female mosquitoes seek vertebrate hosts, land on them and bite. As their eggs mature, they shift attention away from hosts and towards finding sites to lay eggs.

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Many drugs carry some risk of QT interval prolongation, which can lead to life-threatening dysrhythmias including Torsades de Pointes (TdP). identifies medications categorized as "Known Risk of TdP" but does not stratify risk in acute supratherapeutic ingestions.

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For many elusive insect species, which are difficult to cover by standard monitoring schemes, innovative survey methods are needed to gain robust data on abundance and population trends. We suggest a monitoring of overwintering larvae for the endangered nymphalid butterfly . We tested different removal and capture-mark-recapture (CMR) approaches in a field study in the "Alb-Donau" region, Germany.

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The annual global production of chickens exceeds 25 billion birds, which are often housed in very large groups, numbering thousands. Distress calling triggered by various sources of stress has been suggested as an 'iceberg indicator' of chicken welfare. However, to date, the identification of distress calls largely relies on manual annotation, which is very labour-intensive and time-consuming.

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Literature widely acknowledges that women who experience Child Sex Abuse (CSA) have a higher risk of experiencing sexual revictimisation later in life, yet less is known about experiences of revictimisation in non-urban areas. The aim of this review is to examine what is known internationally regarding revictimisation of non-urban women, and to provide future research, practice and policy recommendations. A total of 2414 articles were identified through a comprehensive search across five broad health sciences and humanities databases; 11 articles met inclusion criteria and were included in this review.

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