Background: Since 1992, when the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) acknowledged pain medicine as a subspecialty, the field has experienced significant growth in its number of programs, diversity of sponsoring specialties, treatment algorithms, and popularity among applicants. These shifts prompted changes to the educational model, overseen by program directors (PDs) and the ACGME. The pool of pain fellowship applicants also changed during that period.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) approved the first pain medicine fellowship programs over three decades ago, designed around a pharmacological philosophy. Following that, there has been a rise in the transition of pain medicine education toward a multidisciplinary interventional model based on a tremendous surge of contemporaneous literature in these areas. This trend has created variability in clinical experience and education amongst accredited pain medicine programs with minimal literature evaluating the differences and commonalities in education and experience of different pain medicine fellowships through Program Director (PD) experiences.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStandard clinical care of neonates and the ventilation status of human patients affected with coronavirus disease involves continuous CO monitoring. However, existing noninvasive methods are inadequate owing to the rigidity of hard-wired devices, insubstantial gas permeability and high operating temperature. Here, we report a cost-effective transcutaneous CO sensing device comprising elastomeric sponges impregnated with oxidized single-walled carbon nanotubes (oxSWCNTs)-based composites.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStandard opioid tapers tend to be associated with increased patient anxiety and higher pain ratings. Pre-authorized concealed opioid reductions may minimize expectations such as fear of increased pain due to the reduction of opioids and, prolong analgesic benefits in experimental settings. We recently observed that patients and clinicians are open to concealed opioid tapering.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Spinal cord stimulation has been shown to be beneficial in various postsurgical neuropathic pain syndromes, but the already small cervical epidural space due to epidural fibrosis makes cervical spinal cord stimulator placement very difficult. We present a case of successful cervical cord stimulator implantation in a patient with a history of anterior cervical discectomy and fusion, posterior cervical fusion, and significant epidural fibrosis.
Methods: A 48-year-old woman with a history of type 2 diabetes, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, and fibromyalgia presented with trauma-induced cervicalgia and bilateral upper extremity radiculopathy.
Introduction: Peripheral nerve stimulators have emerged as a new generation of advanced modalities to treat chronic pain and avoid opioids. They transmit electrical stimulation through implanted leads and wireless, wearable, external generators. Common complications include infection, nerve damage, and migration of stimulating leads.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Limited research of how to best taper opioids brings about an ethical and clinical dilemma. Experiments using overt and concealed administration of opioids have demonstrated the benefits of a concealed reduction to eliminate negative expectations and prolong analgesic benefits. This may allow for opioid tapering without significant increases in pain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe placebo effect is a complex phenomenon that can be described from neurobiological, psychosocial, and epistemological perspectives. Different leaders in the field have proposed multiple theories and models that attempt to describe both the nature and the mechanisms of action underlying placebo effects. This article focuses on the most relevant psychological models that have been suggested for characterizing the different mechanisms underlying the placebo effect.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt Rev Neurobiol
February 2019
Introduction: Placebo and nocebo effects form part of all therapeutic environments and play a significant role in the effectiveness of treatment outcomes. Patient expectancies drive these phenomena, which can be shaped through contextual factors including verbal suggestions, conditioning, and social observation.
Objectives: This review seeks to identify the biopsychosocial factors of the patient-practitioner interaction that play a role in the development of placebo and nocebo effects, as well as the anthropological elements of the biodynamic process of relating that are meaningful in the development of expectancies.
Objectives: The primary objective of this case report was to demonstrate the therapeutic benefit of stellate ganglion block in trigeminal postherpetic neuralgia.
Methods: This was a case report on a single patient who presented with debilitating photophobia secondary to left-sided trigeminal postherpetic neuralgia. A left-sided stellate ganglion block was performed on the patient under fluoroscopic guidance.
Background And Objectives: No consensus guidelines exist on surgical privilege credentialing for nonsurgeons. We queried a group of academic interventional pain physicians about their experiences acquiring such credentials after training, how this process reflected their training, and their current attitudes toward both processes.
Methods: We designed an interactive, computer-based questionnaire and sent this electronically to the directors of all 93 accredited pain medicine subspecialty fellowship programs in the United States.