Publications by authors named "Thatcher J"

Researchers have begun to focus on the influence of political affiliation in organizations. In this context, we investigated how doxing (i.e.

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The genomes of lytic, cluster CT phages, Horseradish and Yummy, are 45,764 and 45,878 bp in length, respectively, and each encodes 71 protein-coding genes. The genomes are identical in sequence with the exception of a 38-bp insertion/deletion in the minor tail protein, gp26.

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Background: Exposing a healthy wound bed for skin grafting is an important step during burn surgery to ensure graft take and maintain good functional outcomes. Currently, the removal of non-viable tissue in the burn wound bed during excision is determined by expert clinician judgment. Using a porcine model of tangential burn excision, we investigated the effectiveness of an intraoperative multispectral imaging device combined with artificial intelligence to aid clinician judgment for the excision of non-viable tissue.

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Currently, the incorrect judgment of burn depth remains common even among experienced surgeons. Contributing to this problem are change in burn appearance throughout the first week requiring periodic evaluation until a confident diagnosis can be made. To overcome these issues, we investigated the feasibility of an artificial intelligence algorithm trained with multispectral images of burn injuries to predict burn depth rapidly and accurately, including burns of indeterminate depth.

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Hemorrhagic intracranial artery dissections are unstable lesions, with a high propensity for rebleeding (up to 40%) in the acute period. Imaging plays an important role in the diagnosis and management of intracranial artery dissections. In this paper, we describe 2 cases in which the dissected intracranial artery underwent rapid morphological change within 3 days or less, highlighting the importance of short-term follow-up imaging in patients with these hemorrhagic lesions.

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Objective: Prediction of amputation wound healing is challenging due to the multifactorial nature of critical limb ischemia and lack of objective assessment tools. Up to one-third of amputations require revision to a more proximal level within 1 year. We tested a novel wound imaging system to predict amputation wound healing at initial evaluation.

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As social distancing and lockdown orders grew more pervasive, individuals increasingly turned to social media for support, entertainment, and connection to others. We posit that global health emergencies - specifically, the COVID-19 pandemic - change how and what individuals self-disclose on social media. We argue that IS research needs to consider how privacy (self-focused) and social (other-focused) calculus have moved some issues outside in (caused by a shift in what is considered socially appropriate) and others inside out (caused by a shift in what information should be shared for the public good).

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Recent research in political science, along with theory in applied psychology, has suggested that political affiliation may be associated with substantial levels of affect and, thus, might influence employment decision-makers. We designed 2 experiments using social media screening tasks to examine the effects of political affiliation similarity on ratings of hireability. Our findings in both studies suggest that the identification (capturing positive affect) and disidentification (capturing negative affect) of a decision-maker with a job applicant's political affiliation were important variables that influenced perceived similarity.

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Background: Use of the radial artery as an access site for neurointerventional procedures is gaining popularity after several studies in interventional cardiology have demonstrated superior patient safety, decreased length of stay, and patient preference compared with femoral artery access. The transradial approach has yet to be characterized for intraoperative cerebral angiography.

Objective: To report a multicenter experience on the use of radial artery access in intraoperative cerebral angiography, including case series and discussion of technical nuances.

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Non-invasive optical imaging techniques have been recently proposed for distinguishing between different types of tissue in burns generated in porcine models. These techniques are designed to assist surgeons during the process of burn debridement, to identify regions requiring excision and their appropriate excision depth. This paper presents a machine learning tool for discriminating between Viable and Non- Viable tissues in human injuries.

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Machine learning techniques have been recently applied for discriminating between Viable and Non-Viable tissues in animal wounds, to help surgeons to identify areas that need to be excised in the process of burn debridement. However, the presence of outliers in the training data set can degrade the performance of that discrimination. This paper presents an outlier removal technique based on the Mahalanobis distance to improve the accuracy detection of Non-Viable skin in human injuries.

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Background: The role of general anesthesia in precipitating aneurysm rupture is not clearly defined. In this study, we aimed to assess the natural history of unruptured aneurysms in patients undergoing non-aneurysm-related procedures requiring general anesthesia.

Methods: Retrospective review of consecutive patients with untreated intracranial aneurysms that underwent unrelated surgery with operative note documentation of general anesthesia.

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The process of burn debridement is a challenging technique requiring significant skills to identify the regions that need excision and their appropriate excision depths. In order to assist surgeons, a machine learning tool is being developed to provide a quantitative assessment of burn-injured tissue. This paper presents three non-invasive optical imaging techniques capable of distinguishing four kinds of tissue-healthy skin, viable wound bed, shallow burn, and deep burn-during serial burn debridement in a porcine model.

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A patient presented with what appeared to be severe urosepsis. After admission and antibiotic administration, a newly developed rash and subsequent facial swelling appeared to be a reaction to penicillin class antibiotics. However, despite changing class of therapy with continued antimicrobial coverage, end organ damage continued, the rash worsened and facial oedema developed.

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Noncontact photoplethysmography (PPG) has been studied as a method to provide low-cost, noninvasive, two-dimensional blood oxygenation measurements and medical imaging for a variety of near-surface pathologies. To evaluate this technology in a laboratory setting, dynamic tissue phantoms were developed with tunable parameters that mimic physiologic properties of the skin, including blood vessel volume change, pulse wave frequency, and tissue scattering and absorption. Tissue phantoms were generated using an elastic tubing to represent a blood vessel where the luminal volume could be modulated with a pulsatile fluid flow.

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Taking a solution for a clinical unmet need from a mere idea to a profitable medical device company is a long and complex process. After developing a prototype solution, the physician-inventor must quickly file a patent to protect his or her intellectual property. After the patent is secured, the first major business decision arrives: should the inventor sell the patent or maintain ownership? If the inventor decides to maintain ownership, he or she will face a series of hurdles from obtaining additional funding to device development, and ultimately, commercialization and marketing of the product.

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Organizational researchers have studied how individuals identify with groups and organizations and how this affiliation influences behavior for decades (e.g., Tajfel, 1982).

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Introduction: Regardless of their specialty, physicians, particularly those practicing primary care in rural areas, typically encounter genetic conditions. Therefore, it is important to incorporate genetic principles into medical training prior to students' clinical rotations.

Methods: The advance preparation assignment for this team-based learning (TBL) resource includes lectures and directed study assignments on the following topics: Mendelian genetics, sexual genetics, population genetics, and pedigree analysis.

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Burn debridement is a challenging technique that requires significant skill to identify regions requiring excision and appropriate excision depth. A machine learning tool is being developed in order to assist surgeons by providing a quantitative assessment of burn-injured tissue. Three noninvasive optical imaging techniques capable of distinguishing between four kinds of tissue-healthy skin, viable wound bed, deep burn, and shallow burn-during serial burn debridement in a porcine model are presented in this paper.

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Extraocular eye movement disorders are relatively common and may be a significant source of discomfort and morbidity for patients. The presence of restricted eye movement can be detected clinically with quick, easily performed, noninvasive maneuvers that assess medial, lateral, upward, and downward gaze. However, detecting the presence of ocular dysmotility may not be sufficient to pinpoint the exact cause of eye restriction.

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Burn assessments, including extent and severity, are some of the most critical diagnoses in burn care, and many recently developed imaging techniques may have the potential to improve the accuracy of these evaluations. Optical devices, telemedicine, and high-frequency ultrasound are among the highlights in recent burn imaging advancements. We present another promising technology, multispectral imaging (MSI), which also has the potential to impact current medical practice in burn care, among a variety of other specialties.

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