Publications by authors named "Thapar N"

Objectives: In a subgroup of children with refractory constipation, colonic function investigations, such as colonic transit scintigraphy (CS) and colonic manometry (CM), are used to define the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms. There are limited studies comparing colonic transit and contractile function. We aimed to correlate CS and CM and assess whether specific manometric patterns might predict the luminal transit findings.

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Objective: Paediatric acute severe colitis (ASC) is a life-threatening gastroenterological emergency and a predictor of poor long-term inflammatory bowel disease outcomes. We report our experience with oral antibiotic combination therapy as rescue therapy for children with ASC failing to respond to conventional medical therapy (CMT).

Methods: We analysed data of children admitted with ASC between January 2020 and January 2023 who failed steroids and infliximab and received the oral antibiotic combination therapy (vancomycin, amoxicillin, metronidazole and doxycycline).

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Introduction: Functional constipation is common in childhood, with chronicity leading to a significant impact on patients and their families. There is a significant range of therapies available to healthcare professionals for this condition, with many novel or recently studied. There is a need for an update to the joint European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN)/North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) guidelines last released in 2014.

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Objectives: Functional defecation disorders (FDDs) are common among children worldwide. The prevalence of these disorders has not been clearly described in Europe. This study performed a systematic review and meta-analysis on the prevalence of FDD in European children and assessed geographical, age, and sex distribution and associated factors.

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Background: Coeliac Disease (CD) affects up to 1.4% of children worldwide, with a rising global incidence. A less typical clinical presentation and the need for a life-long gluten exclusion diet raise challenges for diagnosis, management, and healthcare delivery with considerable impacts for CD patients and families as well as clinical services.

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Objective: Sarpogrelate is a selective serotonin/5-hydroxytryptamine 2A receptor antagonist used in the management of peripheral artery disease (PAD). The drug has emerged as a promising choice for medical management post-endovascular therapy (EVT) due to its anti-platelet aggregation, vasoconstriction, and anti-vascular smooth muscle proliferation properties. The aim of the meta-analysis is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of sarpogrelate-based APT following arterial EVTs in PAD.

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Normal and optimal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is paramount to ensure optimal nutrition through digestion, absorption and motility function. Disruptions in these functions can lead to adverse physiological symptoms, reduced quality of life and increased nutritional risk. When disruption or dysfunction of neuromuscular function occurs, motility disorders can be classified depending on whether coordination or strength/velocity of peristalsis are predominantly impacted.

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In 1958, Apley and Naish authored a groundbreaking paper in Archives of Disease in Childhood, elucidating the epidemiology and risk factors of recurrent abdominal pain in children-a subject that had confounded clinicians of their time. Surprisingly, even after 65 years, there are several unanswered questions regarding the etiology, pathophysiology, and management of pediatric abdominal pain. Contrary to the prevailing notion that children naturally outgrow functional abdominal pain, compelling evidence suggests it's possible these children develop a number of clinically significant psychological issues that could profoundly impact their quality of life and, consequently, future health and educational outcomes.

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Introduction: The diagnosis and management of cow's milk allergy (CMA) is a topic of debate and controversy. Our aim was to compare the opinions of expert groups from the Middle East ( = 14) and the European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) ( = 13).

Methods: These Expert groups voted on statements that were developed by the ESPGHAN group and published in a recent position paper.

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Article Synopsis
  • Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) is a congenital disorder affecting the gastrointestinal tract due to incomplete development of the enteric nervous system (ENS), leading to serious digestive issues that require surgical intervention.
  • Recent research explored generating ENS progenitors from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and tested their integration and functionality in patient-derived HSCR colon tissue through advanced cellular analysis techniques.
  • Results showed that transplanted hPSC-derived ENS progenitors could successfully integrate and enhance contractile activity in HSCR colon samples, indicating a promising alternative treatment for patients suffering from this disorder.
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Background: Hirschsprung disease is a congenital intestinal motility disorder characterized by an absence of enteric ganglion cells. Total colonic aganglionosis and near total or total intestinal aganglionosis, defined as absence of ganglion cells in the entire colon and with variable length of small bowel involved, are life-threatening conditions which affect less than 10 % of all patients with Hirschsprung disease. The aim of this project was to develop clinical consensus statements within ERNICA, the European Reference Network for rare congenital digestive diseases, on four major topics: Surgical treatment of total colonic aganglionosis, surgical treatment of total intestinal aganglionosis, management of poor bowel function in total colonic and/or intestinal aganglionosis and long-term management in total colonic and or intestinal aganglionosis.

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Objectives: Refractory functional constipation is a challenging condition to manage in children. The use of transanal irrigation (TAI) is well reported in children with neurological disorders as well as anorectal malformations but less so in children with functional disorders of defecation. The objective of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness, safety and outcomes of TAI in children with functional constipation.

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Functional constipation (FC) is a common condition in childhood in the United Kingdom and worldwide. Various radiological approaches have been established for diagnostic purposes. The radiopaque marker study (ROMS) is universally accepted and used to assess colonic transit time (CTT) in children with FC.

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Objectives: Diagnosis of rumination syndrome (RS) relies on Rome IV criteria. Oesophageal high-resolution impedance manometry (HRIM) can objectively demonstrate the episodes of rumination, but its role in the diagnostic pathway is not yet established. We aimed to demonstrate the clinical contribution of this tool for the timely diagnosis of RS and diagnostic work-up of children with unexplained foregut symptoms deemed to be due to other conditions.

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A previous guideline on cow's milk allergy (CMA) developed by the European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) was published in 2012. This position paper provides an update on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of CMA with focus on gastrointestinal manifestations. All systematic reviews and meta-analyses regarding prevalence, pathophysiology, symptoms, and diagnosis of CMA published after the previous ESPGHAN document were considered.

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Introduction: Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders beyond eosinophilic esophagitis (non-EoE EGIDs) are rare chronic inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms and histologic findings of eosinophilic inflammation after exclusion of a secondary cause or systemic disease. Currently, no guidelines exist for the evaluation of non-EoE EGIDs.

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The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated (Cas) nucleases system (CRISPR/Cas9) is a popular gene-editing technology with an expanding scope in the field of medicine. Recent studies have investigated the role of CRISPR/Cas9 system in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD). Since the risk of occurrence of both conditions is strongly associated with genetic mutations and variations, the use of gene-editing technologies to rectify these genetic errors becomes relevant.

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Introduction: To date, no international guidelines have been published for the treatment of paediatric functional abdominal pain disorders (FAPDs), subcategorised into functional abdominal pain-not otherwise specified (FAP-NOS), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), functional dyspepsia and abdominal migraine (AM). We aim for a treatment guideline, focusing on FAP-NOS, IBS and AM, that appreciates the extensive array of available therapies in this field. We present the prospective operating procedure and technical summary protocol in this manuscript.

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Introduction: Gastrointestinal (GI) motility disorders comprise a wide range of different diseases affecting the structural or functional integrity of the GI neuromusculature. Their clinical presentation and burden of disease depends on the predominant location and extent of gut involvement as well as the component of the gut neuromusculature affected.

Areas Covered: A comprehensive literature review was conducted using the PubMed and Medline databases to identify articles related to GI motility and functional disorders, published between 2016 and 2023.

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Introduction: Pediatric gastrointestinal motility disorders represent some of the most challenging clinical conditions with largely undefined pathogenetic pathways and therefore limited therapeutic options. Herein, we provide an overview of the recent advances in treatment options for these disorders and their clinical impact.

Areas Covered: PubMed and Medline databases were searched for relevant articles related to the treatment of achalasia, esophageal atresia, gastroparesis, PIPO and constipation published between 2017 and 2022.

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Introduction: Disorders of Gut-Brain Interactions (DGBI) are a common clinical problem in children and pose significant challenges to the attending pediatrician. Radiological investigations are commonly ordered to evaluate these children.

Area Covered: This review focuses on the current best practice of using radiological investigations in DGBIs and how novel radiological investigations could revolutionize the assessment and therapeutic approach of DGBI in children.

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Background: Several studies have reported large increases in the incidence of eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE) in the last 20 years. We aimed to systematically review the incidence and prevalence of EoE, focused on all European countries.

Methods: Systematic review and meta-analysis up to 31 December 2022, based on PubMed, CINAHL and extensive hand searching of reference lists.

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Visceral myopathy is a rare, life-threatening disease linked to identified genetic mutations in 60% of cases. Mostly due to the dearth of knowledge regarding its pathogenesis, effective treatments are lacking. The disease is most commonly diagnosed in children with recurrent or persistent disabling episodes of functional intestinal obstruction, which can be life threatening, often requiring long-term parenteral or specialized enteral nutritional support.

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Introduction: Objective evidence of small intestinal dysmotility is a key criterion for the diagnosis of pediatric intestinal pseudo-obstruction (PIPO). Small bowel scintigraphy (SBS) allows for objective measurement of small bowel transit (SBT), but limited data are available in children. We aimed to evaluate the utility of SBS in children suspected of gastrointestinal dysmotility.

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