Publications by authors named "Teun Boekhout"

Interspecies hybrids of Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii have only recently been reported. We describe a novel C.

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We used multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) to investigate 35 yeast isolates representing the two genome-sequenced strains plus the type strain of Candida albicans, four isolates originally identified as Candida stellatoidea type I and 28 representing type strains of other species now regarded as synonymous with C. albicans. DNA from all 32 C.

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More than 110 years of study of the Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii species complex has resulted in an enormous accumulation of fundamental and applied biological and clinical knowledge. Recent developments in our understanding of the diversity within the species complex are presented, emphasizing the intraspecific complexity, which includes species, microspecies, hybrids, serotypes and genotypes. Each of these may have different roles in disease.

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Cuban Cryptococcus isolates (n = 165) were tested in vitro against amphotericin B, flucytosine, fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole, and isavuconazole, giving MIC90 values of 0.25, 8, 4, 0.25, 0.

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Candida nivariensis was isolated from an Indonesian human immunodeficiency virus-infected patient who suffered from oropharyngeal candidiasis and was identified with molecular tools. Our isolate demonstrated low MICs to amphotericin B, flucytosine, posaconazole, caspofungin, and isavuconazole and was susceptible to fluconazole, itraconazole, and voriconazole.

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Fungi in the genus Malassezia are ubiquitous skin residents of humans and other warm-blooded animals. Malassezia are involved in disorders including dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis, which together affect >50% of humans. Despite the importance of Malassezia in common skin diseases, remarkably little is known at the molecular level.

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Bioassay-guided fractionation of Chimaphila umbellata (L.) W. Bart (Pyrolaceae) ethanol extracts led to the identification of 2,7-dimethyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (chimaphilin) as the principal antifungal component.

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Septal pore caps occur in many filamentous basidiomycetes located at both sides of the dolipore septum and are at their base connected to the endoplasmic reticulum. The septal pore cap ultrastructure has been described extensively by the use of electron microscopy, but its composition and function are not yet known. To enable biochemical and functional analyses in the future, we here describe an enrichment method for perforate septal pore caps from Rhizoctonia solani.

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Masau are Zimbabwean wild fruits, which are usually eaten raw and/ or processed into products such as porridge, traditional cakes, mahewu and jam. Yeasts, yeast-like fungi, and lactic acid bacteria present on the unripe, ripe and dried fruits, and in the fermented masau fruits collected from Muzarabani district in Zimbabwe were isolated and identified using physiological and molecular methods. The predominant species were identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Issatchenkia orientalis, Pichia fabianii and Aureobasidium pullulans.

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Background: The construction of robust and well resolved phylogenetic trees is important for our understanding of many, if not all biological processes, including speciation and origin of higher taxa, genome evolution, metabolic diversification, multicellularity, origin of life styles, pathogenicity and so on. Many older phylogenies were not well supported due to insufficient phylogenetic signal present in the single or few genes used in phylogenetic reconstructions. Importantly, single gene phylogenies were not always found to be congruent.

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During a study on the occurrence of lipid-dependent Malassezia spp. in domestic animals, some atypical strains, phylogenetically related to Malassezia sympodialis Simmons et Guého, were shown to represent novel species. In this study, we describe two new taxa, Malassezia caprae sp.

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Environmental fungi, in particular primary pathogens and Cryptococcus spp. can be responsible for skin lesions mimicking sporotrichosis. In this paper, we report a case of subcutaneous cryptococcosis in an apparently healthy, young male patient due to a non-C.

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Cryptococcus flavescens (previously reported as C. nodaensis), a biological control agent of Fusarium head blight, has been previously shown to have improved desiccation tolerance after cold adaptation. The goal of the current study was to determine the effect of cold adaptation on the physicochemical properties of C.

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Laser microdissection has been proven a successful technique to isolate single cells or groups of cells from animal and plant tissue. Here, we demonstrate that laser microdissection is suitable to isolate subcellular parts of fungal hyphae. Dolipore septa of Rhizoctonia solani containing septal pore caps were cut by laser microdissection from sections of mycelium and collected by laser pressure catapulting.

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Our understanding of the tree of life (TOL) is still fragmentary. Until recently, molecular phylogeneticists have built trees based on ribosomal RNA sequences and selected protein sequences, which, however, usually suffered from lack of support for the deeper branches and inconsistencies probably due to limited subsampling of the entire genome. Now, phylogenetic hypotheses can be based on the analysis of full genomes.

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The effect of inoculations with yeasts occurring on apple surfaces and fungicide treatments on the russeting of Elstar apples was studied. Captan, dithianon and a water treatment were implemented to study the interaction between the fungicides, the inoculated yeast species and Aureobasidium pullulans, and the development of russet. All yeast inoculations aggravated russet, but Rhodotorula glutinis, Sporidiobolus pararoseus and A.

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Background: With the increased availability of sequenced genomes there have been several initiatives to infer evolutionary relationships by whole genome characteristics. One of these studies suggested good congruence between genome synteny, shared gene content, 16S ribosomal DNA identity, codon usage and the genome signature in prokaryotes. Here we rigorously test the phylogenetic signal of the genome signature, which consists of the genome-specific relative frequencies of dinucleotides, on 334 sequenced prokaryotic genome sequences.

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Five yeast isolates obtained from cashew tree flowers in Nigeria resembled Cryptococcus neoformans phenotypically by producing brown pigmented colonies on niger seed agar, expressing a capsule, and being able to grow at 37 degrees C. However, rRNA gene sequences, including the 18S rRNA gene, the D1/D2 domains of the 26S rRNA gene and the ITS1+2 regions, suggested that these yeasts form a basal lineage within the Trichosporonales (Tremellomycetidae, Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota, Fungi). Since the isolates could not be identified with any known genus and species within the Trichosporonales, we describe them as Cryptotrichosporon anacardii gen.

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Article Synopsis
  • Yeasts from the Malassezia genus are linked to various skin disorders in humans and animals, prompting a need for advanced identification methods due to the discovery of new species.
  • A new bead suspension culture-based array combines nucleic acid hybridization analysis with Luminex technology for rapid and accurate species identification, using specific fluorescent probes based on rRNA sequences.
  • This high-throughput array allows for multiplex detection, can differentiate between target and non-target sequences with precision, and can be expanded to include more pathogenic species, streamlining the diagnostic process.
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The phylogenetic position of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe in the fungal Tree of Life is still controversial. Three alternative phylogenetic positions have been proposed in the literature, namely (1) a position basal to the Hemiascomycetes and Euascomycetes, (2) a position as a sister group to the Euascomycetes with the Hemiascomycetes as a basal branch, or (3) a sister group to the Hemiascomycetes with Euascomycetes as a basal branch. Here we compared 91 clusters of orthologous proteins containing a single orthologue that are shared by 19 eukaryote genomes.

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Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii are yeasts that cause meningoencephalitis, but that differ in host range and geographical distribution. Cryptococcus neoformans occurs world-wide and mostly infects immunocompromised patients, whereas C. gattii occurs mainly in (sub)tropical regions and infects healthy individuals.

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Colonization of apples by ballistoconidium-forming fungi causes a new disorder, here named 'white haze'. White haze may occur in mild form in the field, but only becomes problematic after Ultra-Low Oxygen storage, and, therefore, may be considered as a postharvest disorder. All isolates, obtained using the spore-fall method, were morphologically identified as anamorphs of smut fungi belonging to the genus Tilletiopsis.

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The human and animal pathogenic yeast genus Malassezia has received considerable attention in recent years from dermatologists, other clinicians, veterinarians and mycologists. Some points highlighted in this review include recent advances in the technological developments related to detection, identification, and classification of Malassezia species. The clinical association of Malassezia species with a number of mammalian dermatological diseases including dandruff, seborrhoeic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor, psoriasis, folliculitis and otitis is also discussed.

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