Publications by authors named "Teste B"

(1) Background: This study investigates the influence of social networks on young adults, focusing on both positive and negative impacts. It considers problematic social networking site use (PSNSU), emotional intelligence, empathy, and the phenomenon of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO). (2) Methods: A comprehensive online survey was conducted with 442 participants aged 18 to 30 years that used various psychometric tools to assess emotional intelligence, empathy, internet and social media use, and FoMO.

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Background: Local excision (LE) after chemoradiotherapy is a new option in low rectal cancer, but morbidity has never been compared prospectively with total mesorectal excision (TME). Early and late morbidity were compared in patients treated either by LE or TME after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer.

Method: This was a post-hoc analysis from a randomized trial.

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Intraoperative complication during laparoscopic mesorectal excision for rectal cancer is a common complication occurring in 11% to 15% of the cases. They are probably underestimated because not systematically reported. The most frequent intraoperative complications are hemorrhage (3-7%), tumor perforation (1-4%), bowel injury (1-3%), ureter injury (1%), urogenital injury (2%), other organ injury (<1%), and anastomotic complications (1%).

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This research examined whether an individual's endorsement of punishment goals moderates and mediates the effect of a clinical assessment of recidivism risk on the length of prison sentences. We measured participants' endorsement of punishment goals, both before they read a criminal case (i.e.

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Nanomaterials (NMs) are of significant economic interest and have a huge impact on many industries including the food industry. The main application in food industry includes food additives and food packaging. However, the effects of NMs on human health are highly discussed, as well as the need of harmonised analytical methods and risk assessment methodologies.

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This article explores the impact of neuroscience evidence on how expert reports are perceived and their effects on the decisions made by trial judges. Experimental psychology has demonstrated a number of cognitive effects arising from exposure to neuroimaging data which may bias judgments and lead to (mis)interpretations that can affect decisions. We conducted a study on a sample of 62 Swiss and French judges in order to determine whether their perceptions of the credibility, quality and scientific basis of a psychiatric evaluation of a criminal defendant vary according to whether or not the evaluation includes neuroscientific data.

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While sexual misperception does not irrevocably lead to sexual aggression, it remains a significant risk factor. The present study investigated the effects of rape-supportive attitudes, alcohol, and sexual arousal on sexual perception. We used a 2 × 2 between-participants factorial design to randomly assign 135 men from the general population to a condition with or without alcohol (blood alcohol concentration target of .

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The shortage of data on non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) present in food contact material (FCM) limits the ability to ensure food safety. Recent strategies in analytical method development permit NIAS investigation by using chemical exploration, but this has not been sufficiently investigated in risk assessment context. Here, exploration is utilized and followed by risk prioritization on chemical compounds that can potentially migrate to food from two paperboard FCM samples.

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Genetic organization is governed by the interaction of DNA with histone proteins, and differential modifications of these proteins is a fundamental mechanism of gene regulation. Histone modifications are primarily studied through chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays, however conventional ChIP procedures are time consuming, laborious and require a large number of cells. Here we report for the first time the development of ChIP in droplets based on a microfluidic platform combining nanoliter droplets, magnetic beads (MB) and magnetic tweezers (MT).

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Analyses of nucleic acids are routinely performed in hospital laboratories to detect gene alterations for cancer diagnosis and treatment decision. Among the different possible investigations, mRNA analysis provides information on abnormal levels of genes expression. Standard laboratory methods are still not adapted to the isolation and quantitation of low mRNA amounts and new techniques needs to be developed in particular for rare subsets analysis.

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The development of precision medicine, together with the multiplication of targeted therapies and associated molecular biomarkers, call for major progress in genetic analysis methods, allowing increased multiplexing and the implementation of more complex decision trees, without cost increase or loss of robustness. We present a platform combining droplet microfluidics and magnetic tweezers, performing RNA purification, reverse transcription and amplification in a fully automated and programmable way, in droplets of 250nL directly sampled from a microtiter-plate. This platform decreases sample consumption about 100 fold as compared to current robotized platforms and it reduces human manipulations and contamination risk.

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We present a new, rapid method for producing blood platelets in vitro from cultured megakaryocytes based on a microfluidic device. This device consists in a wide array of VWF-coated micropillars. Such pillars act as anchors on megakaryocytes, allowing them to remain trapped in the device and subjected to hydrodynamic shear.

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We present a microfluidic platform that allows undergoing different chemical operations in a nanoliter droplet starting from the colloidal suspension of magnetic iron oxide (γ-Fe2O3) nanoparticles "NPs" (ferrofluid). These operations include: mixing, flocculation, magnetic decantation, colloidal redispersion, washing, surface functionalization, heating and colloidal assembly. To prove the platform capabilities, we produced fluorescent and magnetic nanoassemblies composed of fluorescent silica and magnetic NPs.

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Although passive immuno-agglutination assays consist of one step and simple procedures, they are usually not adapted for high throughput analyses and they require expensive and bulky equipment for quantitation steps. Here we demonstrate a low cost, multimodal and high throughput immuno-agglutination assay that relies on a combination of magnetic beads (MBs), droplets microfluidics and magnetic tweezers. Antibody coated MBs were used as a capture support in the homogeneous phase.

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The present research investigated whether the impact of the Linguistic Intergroup Bias (LIB; Maass, 1999) is related to the effects of linguistic abstraction on social attribution (Yzerbyt & Rogier, 2001). We did this by assessing the impact of abstract descriptions versus concrete descriptions on the generalization of a group member's behaviors to the whole group. A target's behaviors were more attributed to the group when the description was abstract than when it was concrete, and this effect of language abstraction was stronger when the description was positive than when it was negative.

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Core-shell γ-Fe(2)O(3)@SiO(2) nanoparticles (NPs) substituted by PEG and NH(2) groups may be immobilized on metal surfaces (glassy carbon or gold) substituted by 4-carboxyphenyl groups through electrostatic interactions. Such immobilization is evidenced by (i) IRRAS owing to the Si-O band, (ii) SEM images, which show that the surface coverage by the NPs is nearly 100%, and (iii) the NPs film thickness measured by ellipsometry or AFM, which corresponds to about one NPs monolayer. Such NPs film is permeable to redox probes, which allows us to propose electrochemical methods based on direct or local measurements as a way to inspect the NPs assembly steps through their ability to alter mass and charge transfer.

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Nanomaterials have been widely developed for their use in nanomedicine, especially for immunoassay-based diagnosis. In this review we focus on the use of nanomaterials as a nanoplatform for colloidal immunoassays. While conventional heterogeneous immunoassays suffer from mass transfer limitations and consequently long assay time, colloidal immunosupports allow target capture in the entire volume, thus speeding up reaction kinetics and shortening assay time.

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The theory of the norm of internality emphasizes the role of Western individualism in the normativity of internal explanations. The present study examines the link between the social value accorded to targets expressing internal vs. external explanations and individualist vs.

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We report on the development of a simple and easy to use microchip dedicated to allergy diagnosis. This microchip combines both the advantages of homogeneous immunoassays i.e.

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In this paper, we demonstrate the possibility to use magnetic nanoparticles as immunosupports for allergy diagnosis. Most immunoassays used for immunosupports and clinical diagnosis are based on a heterogeneous solid-phase system and suffer from mass-transfer limitation. The nanoparticles' colloidal behavior and magnetic properties bring the advantages of homogeneous immunoassay, i.

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Magnetic core shell nanoparticles (MCSNPs) 30 nm diameter with a magnetic weight of 10% are usually much too small to be trapped in microfluidic systems using classical external magnets. Here, a simple microchip for efficient MCSNPs trapping and release is presented. It comprises a bed of micrometric iron beads (6-8 μm diameter) packed in a microchannel against a physical restriction and presenting a low dead volume of 0.

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The use of nanoparticles (NPs) in immunodiagnostics is a challenging task for many reasons, including the need for miniaturization. In view of the development of an assay dedicated to an original, miniaturized and fully automated immunodiagnostics which aims to mimic in vivo interactions, magnetic zwitterionic bifunctional amino/polyethyleneoxide maghemite core/silica shell NPs functionalized with allergenic alpha-lactalbumin were characterized by CE. Proper analytical performances were obtained through semi-permanent capillary coating with didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB) or permanent capillary wall modification by hydroxypropylcellulose.

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A chemometric approach was developed to optimize the grafting of a bovine milk allergen: alpha-Lactalbumin (alpha-Lac) on colloidal functionalized magnetic core-shell nanoparticles (MCSNP). Such nanoparticles, functionalized with polyethyleneglycol and amino groups, exhibit a 30nm physical diameter and behave as a quasi-homogeneous system. The alpha-Lac immobilization was achieved through the covalent binding between MCSNP amino groups and alpha-Lac carboxylic moieties using the well-known tandem carbodiimide (EDC) and hydroxysulfosuccinimide (NHS).

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In view of employing functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) in the context of an immunodiagnostic, aminated maghemite/silica core/shell particles were synthesized so as to be further coated with an antibody or an antigen via the amino groups at their surface. Different functionalization rates were obtained by coating these maghemite/silica core/shell particles with 3-(aminopropyl)triethoxysilane and 2-[methoxy(polyethyleneoxy)propyl]-trimethoxysilane at different molar ratios. Adequate analytical performances with CE coupled with UV-visible detection were obtained through semi-permanent capillary coating with didodecyldimethyl-ammonium bromide, thus preventing particle adsorption.

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