J Prim Care Community Health
June 2021
Anxiety and fear felt by people around the world regarding the coronavirus pandemic is real and can be overwhelming, resulting in strong emotional reactions in adults and children. With depressive and anxiety disorders already highly prevalent in the general population (300 million worldwide), depression and/or anxiety specifically because of the pandemic response is likely. Moreover, the current state of panic in the face of uncertainty is apt to produce significant amounts of stress.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Prim Care Community Health
September 2020
Patient care often refers to the broad spectrum of care, prevention, and treatment that a provider delivers, while the point of a differential diagnosis is to make a distinction between 2 or more conditions that share similar signs or symptoms. A broad differential should be considered for every single patient who is currently ill (eg, all patients with respiratory illnesses); without it, there will likely be an increase of misdiagnosis, unnecessary patient suffering, and an influx of patients to the emergency department. The COVID-19 response has forced many of these basic medical values aside, like providing differential diagnosis or practicing bedside manner through social interaction, while physicians struggle to continue care for patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDisaster Med Public Health Prep
February 2018