Over the last 20 years, we have dramatically improved hydrometeorological data including isotopes, but are we making the most of this data? Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in the water molecule (stable water isotopes - SWI) are well known tracers of the global hydrological cycle producing critical climate science. Despite this, stable water isotopes are not explicitly included in influential climate reports (e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFundamental approaches to the study of groundwater rely on investigating the spatial and temporal distribution of stable and radioactive isotopes and other anthropogenic compounds in natural waterbodies. The most often used tracers for estimating groundwater flow paths and residence times, groundwater/surface water interaction as well as tracing chemical (contamination) sources include stable isotopes of water (δ O and δ H), radiocarbon (C; t = 5730 a), tritium (H; t = 12.43 a) as well as unreactive fluorine-containing gases (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecently, δO and its excess (Δ'O) have become increasingly significant "triple-oxygen-isotope" indicators of distinctive hydrological processes in hydrology and climatology. This situation mirrors the research regarding δO and δH in the 1960s towards a solid theoretical base and a surge in application examples and field studies worldwide. Currently, systematic global measurements for δO in precipitation are still lacking.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFO and Δ'O are emerging tracers increasingly used in isotope hydrology, climatology, and biochemistry. Differentiating small relative abundance changes in the rare O isotope from the strong covariance with O imposes ultra-high precision requirements for this isotope analysis. Measurements of O by Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy (CRDS) are attractive due to the ease of sample preparation, automated throughput, and avoidance of chemical conversions needed for isotope-ratio mass spectrometry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTritium (H) in Earth's precipitation is vigilantly monitored since historical nuclear bomb tests because of radiological protection considerations and its invaluable role as a tracer of the global water cycle in quantifying surface, groundwater, and oceanic fluxes. For hydrological applications, accurate knowledge of H in contemporary local precipitation is prerequisite for dating of critical zone water and calibrating hydrogeologic transport and groundwater protection models. However, local tritium input in precipitation is hard to constrain due to few H observation sites.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRationale: Stable isotope analyses of environmental waters (δ H, δ O) are an important assay in hydrology and environmental research with rising interest in δ O, which requires ultra-precise assays. We evaluated isotope analyses of six test water samples for 281 laboratory submissions measuring δ H and δ O along with a subset analyzing δ O and Δ O by laser spectrometry and isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS).
Methods: Six test waters were distributed to laboratories spanning a wide δ range of natural waters for δ H, δ O and δ O and Δ O.
Rationale: A widespread problem observed in global water isotope (δ O, δ H) proficiency tests is compromised working reference materials due to storage-dispensing evaporation effects. Proper storage requires no evaporation or leakage, which causes isotopic drift and bias. Surveys by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) show most isotope laboratories use glass or plastic bottles to store working reference materials, with frequent opening and closings that pose evaporation risks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnalysis of low-level tritium (H) in environmental waters requires pre-concentration using electrolytic enrichment prior to decay counting. Accurate and precise electrolytic enrichment factors (EF) are required to determine the sample's environmental H concentration. Two methods are used to determine EFs: i) the Spike Proxy Method (SPM) and ii) the Deuterium Method (DM) with each having several modalities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe use of stable isotopes ( H and O) is widespread in water resources studies. In the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region, the application of isotope techniques has increased in the past decade, but there remains room to gain self-reliance in environmental isotope studies, necessitating easy and fast access to good-quality isotope data. To that end, in 2018 the IAEA carried out the first regional interlaboratory comparison exercise, testing the analytical performance of 25 laboratories using isotope-ratio mass spectrometry and laser absorption spectroscopy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRationale: Tritium ( H) is an important hydrological tracer that has been commonly used for over 60 years to evaluate water residence times and water dynamics in shallow/recent groundwaters, streams, lakes and the ocean. We tested the analytical performance of 78 international laboratories engaged in low-level H assays for water age dating and monitoring of environmental waters.
Methods: Seven test waters were distributed by the IAEA to 78 international tritium laboratories.
Accurate and precise measurements of low levels of tritium (H) in environmental waters are difficult to attain due to complex steps of sample preparation, electrolytic enrichment, liquid scintillation decay counting, and extensive data processing. We present a Microsoft Access™ relational database application, TRIMS (Tritium Information Management System) to assist with sample and data processing of tritium analysis by managing the processes from sample registration and analysis to reporting and archiving. A complete uncertainty propagation algorithm ensures tritium results are reported with robust uncertainty metrics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRationale: Water stable isotope ratios (δ H and δ O values) are widely used tracers in environmental studies; hence, accurate and precise assays are required for providing sound scientific information. We tested the analytical performance of 235 international laboratories conducting water isotope analyses using dual-inlet and continuous-flow isotope ratio mass spectrometers and laser spectrometers through a water isotope inter-comparison test.
Methods: Eight test water samples were distributed by the IAEA to international stable isotope laboratories.