Objective: To compare the achievement of promotional strategies on the participation in two educational modalities for the development of skills for the elaboration of the knowledge (SSEK) in courses of teacher formation (TF).
Methods: A quasi-experimental design was performed in four courses of TF with similar contents and strategies with seven students each one. As independent variable the presence and semipresence modalities were considered.
Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc
August 2010
Objective: To value the psychiatric clinical aptitude (CA) in physical medicine and rehabilitation residents (PMR).
Methods: An instrument of evaluation of the psychiatric clinical aptitude was built, with five summarized real clinical cases, with 120 items to respond, 60 with true answer and 60 with false. The instrument was validated by experts, three psychiatrists and two specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation that coincided completely in 44 % of the answers and in 56 % four of the five experts.
Objective: to evaluate clinical skills indicators (CSI) with summarized real clinical cases (SRCC) by two generations of pregraduates interns.
Methods: with a descriptive survey design 430 SRCC were elaborated according to the CSI: risk factors, clinical diagnosis, laboratory and x-ray diagnosis, commission and omission iatrogenesis procedures, therapeutics, nosology and peer critical medical actions. An evaluation scale for the clinical cases included: a relationship with the clinical experience, and the CSI selected.
Objective: To emphasize the influence of small groups discussion to promote self-learning.
Methodology: Educational strategies aimed at promoting active participation were designed, and evaluated through its effect in developing aptitude to read critically. The experimental group (EG) participated in a three-phased strategy (individual assignment, small group discussion and plenary); the control group participated in a two-phased strategy (individual assignment and plenary).
Objectives: To evaluate the performance through time of the Centro de Investigación Educativa y Formación Docente (Educational Research and Teaching Education Center) at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (Mexican Institute of Social Security), Nuevo León Office using as an indicator the ability for critical reading of theoretical texts of education.
Material And Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was made among professors with and without teaching education, as well as among the several generations of professors that took teaching education courses at the Centro de Investigación Educativa y Formación Docente. A previously validated instrument was used to measure the ability for critical reading.