Background: To evaluate, in a context of innovative multidisciplinary clinical practice, the efficacy of oxaliplatin in adjuvant administration (chemotherapy, CT) in relation to the total administered dose, in terms of prognosis with other clinical and therapeutic factors, in the heterogeneous model of locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC), which is characterized by a risk pattern of dominant systemic progression.
Methods: Observational-analytical, retrospective, unicentric, non-randomized study of two cohorts of patients receiving FOLFOX-4 induction CT in neoadjuvancy, radiochemotherapy and surgery, differing in that one cohort did not receive any adjuvant post-surgical treatment and the other one received adjuvant CT with FOLFOX-4 cycles. A total of 212 patients from the Radiotherapy Oncology Service at the University Hospital Gregorio Marañon were studied: the neoadjuvant CT treatment group with oxaliplatin consisted of 110 patients and adjuvant CT treatment group with oxaliplatin consisted of 102 patients.