Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of ultrasound-guided phenol nerve block in the treatment of severe hip adductor spasticity in long-term care patients.
Methods: Double-blind placebo-controlled trial with a 9-month follow-up period.
Setting: A 250-bed long-term care hospital and the infirmary units of 5 regional hospitals.
Objective: To investigate the beneficial effect of constraint-induced movement therapy in improving the function of hemiplegic upper extremity in the early subacute stroke patients.
Design: A prospective, single-blinded, randomized controlled study comparing the effectiveness of constraint-induced movement therapy or control treatment at post intervention and 12 weeks follow-up.
Subjects: The inclusion criteria were 2-16 weeks after stroke, hemiparesis of the affected limb, minimal function of > or =20 degrees wrist extension and > or =10 degrees extension of all digits and Mini-Mental State Examination score > or =17.