J Craniovertebr Junction Spine
September 2022
Introduction: Compared to anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF), the motion preservation of cervical disc arthroplasty (CDA) provides an attractive alternative with similar short-term results. However, there is a paucity of the economics of performing CDA over ACDF.
Study Design: This was retrospective study.
A reduction in carbohydrate intake and low-carbohydrate diets are often advocated to prevent and manage diabetes. However, limiting or eliminating carbohydrates may not be a long-term sustainable and maintainable approach for everyone. Alternatively, diet strategies to modulate glycemia can focus on the glycemic index (GI) of foods and glycemic load (GL) of meals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpecies that inhabit high-shore environments on rocky shores survive prolonged periods of emersion and thermal stress. Using two Hong Kong high-shore littorinids ( and . ) as models, we examined their behavioral repertoire to survive these variable and extreme conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent studies have suggested that increasing habitat complexity of artificial seawalls by modifying surface heterogeneity could enhance exploitable habitat and therefore species richness and abundance. We tested the effects of adding complex tiles (with crevices/ledges) of different heterogeneity (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAims: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) has a 30-day mortality rate of between 10 and 30%. The Caprini score is a VTE risk assessment model, which assigns points to 20 past medical history and current health factors. We hypothesized that the Caprini score could predict VTE incidence and recommend prophylaxis following total joint arthroplasty.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMol Neurobiol
July 2019
Cancer-related cognitive impairment (CRCI) adversely affects cancer patients. We had previously demonstrated that the BDNF Val66Met genetic polymorphism is associated with lower odds of subjective CRCI in the multitasking and verbal ability domains among breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. To further assess our previous findings, we evaluated the association of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism with subjective and objective CRCI in a temporally separate cohort of patients and pooled findings from both the original (n = 145) and current (n = 193) cohorts in a meta-analysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite being a relatively young nation, Singapore has established itself as a leading multifaceted medical hub, both regionally and globally. Although Singapore continues to pursue excellence in oncology care, cancer supportive care and survivorship care remain in the infancy stage. In an effort to advance this important aspect of oncology care in Singapore, the first cancer supportive and survivorship care forum was held in December 2016, involving 74 oncology practitioners.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has an important role in the neurogenesis and neuroplasticity of the brain. This systematic review was designed to examine the association between BDNF Val66Met (rs6265) polymorphism and four cognitive domains-attention and concentration, executive function, verbal fluency, and memory, respectively.
Methodology: Primary literature search was performed using search engines such as PubMed and Scopus.
Background: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been shown to induce neurogenesis in the brain and yield neuroprotective effects. It is hypothesized that chemotherapy reduces circulating VEGF levels and leads to cognitive decline among patients. This multicenter longitudinal study aimed to evaluate the impact of chemotherapy on VEGF levels and the association between VEGF levels and cognitive function.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Well-elucidated survivorship care models are pertinent in the long-term management of cancer survivors. This review aims to update existing literature and evaluate the key components of such models with a focus on breast, colorectal, and adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors.
Methods: The PubMed electronic database were searched comprehensively for relevant publications in English through February 2017.
Health Qual Life Outcomes
January 2018
Background: Currently, several fatigue measurement instruments are available to evaluate and measure cancer-related fatigue. Amongst them, Multidimensional Fatigue Syndrome Inventory-Short Form (MFSI-SF) is a self-reported instrument and a multidimensional scale that aims to capture the global, somatic, affective, cognitive and behavioural symptoms of fatigue. This study examines the psychometric properties and measurement equivalence of the English and Chinese versions of MFSI-SF in breast cancer and lymphoma patients in Singapore.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Currently, there are no studies that have established the self-perceived cognitive trajectories experienced by breast cancer patients (BCPs) post-chemotherapy. Therefore, we characterized the long-term trajectory of self-perceived cognitive function among Asian early-stage BCPs using the minimal clinically important difference of a subjective measure of cognitive function.
Methods: Early-stage BCPs who received chemotherapy were recruited and assessed at 4 time points: Before chemotherapy initiation (T1), 6 weeks post-chemotherapy initiation (T2), 12 weeks post-chemotherapy initiation (T3), and 15-months post-chemotherapy initiation (T4).
Breast Cancer Res Treat
April 2018
Purpose: Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) and chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment (CRCI) are reported to be associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Hence, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content, a biomarker of mitochondrial dysfunction, is hypothesized to correlate with the onset of CRF and CRCI. This study aims to evaluate the association between peripheral blood mtDNA content reduction and severity of CRF and CRCI in patients receiving chemotherapy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Preliminary evidence suggests that changes in plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels may contribute to the occurrence of chemotherapy-associated cognitive impairment (CACI), and a previous study suggested that carriers of the BDNF Met homozygous genotype are protected from CACI.
Methods: This multicenter, prospective cohort study involved chemotherapy-receiving early-stage breast cancer (ESBC) patients. Self-perceived cognitive function was longitudinally assessed using the validated FACT-Cog (ver.
With the long-term goal of optimising the delivery of breast cancer survivorship care in Singapore, we conducted a qualitative study to gather in-depth descriptions from community practitioners (general practitioners and community pharmacists) about their perceptions of community-based cancer survivorship care in Singapore. Sixteen participants (11 general practitioners and five community pharmacists) participated in four structured focus group discussions between August and November 2016. The focus group discussions were analysed using deductive content analysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Pain Symptom Manage
March 2018
Context: The minimal clinically important difference (MCID) of the Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory-Short Form (MFSI-SF), a questionnaire that measures cancer-related fatigue, has not been established in patients with cancer.
Objectives: This study aims to determine the MCID of the MFSI-SF.
Methods: Breast cancer patients completed the MFSI-SF and the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30 (EORTC-QLQ-C30) before chemotherapy and at least three weeks later.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
November 2017
In 2016, 55 jurisdictions in 49 states and six cities in the United States* used immunization information systems (IISs) to collect and manage immunization data and support vaccination providers and immunization programs. To monitor progress toward achieving IIS program goals, CDC surveys jurisdictions through an annual self-administered IIS Annual Report (IISAR). Data from the 2013-2016 IISARs were analyzed to assess progress made in four priority areas: 1) data completeness, 2) bidirectional exchange of data with electronic health record systems, 3) clinical decision support for immunizations, and 4) ability to generate childhood vaccination coverage estimates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Nearly a quarter of preschool-aged Chinese American children are overweight or obese. Children of overweight mothers are at higher risk for obesity. Efforts to prevent obesity among low-income minority children with overweight mothers should start in early childhood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMating preference can be a driver of sexual selection and assortative mating and is, therefore, a key element in evolutionary dynamics. Positive mating preference by similarity is the tendency for the choosy individual to select a mate which possesses a similar variant of a trait. Such preference can be modelled using Gaussian-like mathematical functions that describe the strength of preference, but such functions cannot be applied to empirical data collected from the field.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: As cancer mortality rates improve in Singapore, there is an increasing need to improve the transition to posttreatment survivorship care. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a psychoeducation group (PEG) intervention program compared with usual care to reduce distress for physical symptom and psychological aspects in Asian breast cancer survivors who have completed adjuvant chemotherapy.
Methods: This was a randomized, controlled trial comprising 72 Asian early stage breast cancer survivors who were randomized into the PEG (n = 34) or the control (n = 38) arm.