Publications by authors named "Teplyuk N"

Hailey-Hailey disease (HHD) is a rare genetic benign condition resulting in blisters predominantly on the skin folds. The inheritance is autosomal dominant with complete penetrance, but a variable expressivity in affected family members. It can be triggered by a vast variety of factors such as sweating, weight gain, infection, trauma, pregnancy, and ultraviolet radiation, but the major cause of the disease is a mutation in the ATP2C1 gene.

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miR-10b is silenced in normal neuroglial cells of the brain but commonly activated in glioma, where it assumes an essential tumor-promoting role. We demonstrate that the entire miR-10b-hosting HOXD locus is activated in glioma via the cis-acting mechanism involving 3D chromatin reorganization and CTCF-cohesin-mediated looping. This mechanism requires two interacting lncRNAs, HOXD-AS2 and LINC01116, one associated with HOXD3/HOXD4/miR-10b promoter and another with the remote enhancer.

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Background: miRNAs are regulatory transcripts established as repressors of mRNA stability and translation that have been functionally implicated in carcinogenesis. miR-10b is one of the key onco-miRs associated with multiple forms of cancer. Malignant gliomas exhibit particularly striking dependence on miR-10b.

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Cosmetic tattooing of eyebrow and lips has become very popular and is expected to be paralleled by more frequent complications. We present 4 cases of granulomas in cosmetic tattoos complicated by regional or systemic manifestations of sarcoidosis including affection of the lungs in 2 cases, the activity triggered by the tattoo. Three cases of traditional decorative tattoos on extremities serve as reference.

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The purpose of the work is to assess changes in the functional state of the microvasculature, study of the features of the morphological parameters of the skin by non-invasive research methods for various morphotypes of aging. The study involved 55 patients with involutional changes in the lower third of the face aged 35 to 65 years, included according with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. 4 morphotypes of aging were identified, depending on which patients were divided into corresponding groups: 1st - 19 patients with deformational type, 2nd - 17 with tired type, 3rd - 8 with fine wrinkled type, 4th - 11 with mixed morphotype of aging.

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The aim of the study is to describe a case is of clinical interest as the first known occurrence of skin vasculitis during rituximab treatment. The article describes a case of polymorphic dermal angiitis, a combination of hemorrhagic and ulcerative-necrotic forms against the background of rituximab treatment in a 53-year-old woman suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia (b-CLL). During four hours after the 5th intravenous administration of rituximab, the appearance of painful rashes on the skin of both shins of a patient was observed.

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Buschke-Löwenstein tumor is known to manifest not only in sexually active people and adolescents exposed to violence or drugs, but also in people who do not have any predisposing factors or bad habits. Several studies have shown that in the majority of children with anogenital warts, HPV can be transmitted asexually by hetero- inoculation or through infected objects. To our knowledge, there are currently few reports on BLT in HPV-negative patients in the literature.

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MicroRNA-10b (miR-10b) is a unique oncogenic miRNA that is highly expressed in all GBM subtypes, while absent in normal neuroglial cells of the brain. miR-10b inhibition strongly impairs proliferation and survival of cultured glioma cells, including glioma-initiating stem-like cells (GSC). Although several miR-10b targets have been identified previously, the common mechanism conferring the miR-10b-sustained viability of GSC is unknown.

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2q37 microdeletion syndrome is a rare syndrome characterized by neurodevelopmental delay, bone, cardiovascular, and neurological alterations. This syndrome is typically associated with loss of genetic material of approximately 100 genes in the 2q37 band. However, the genes associated with neurodevelopmental phenotype in this syndrome are still unknown.

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MicroRNA-10b (miR-10b) is commonly elevated in glioblastoma (GBM), while not expressed in normal brain tissues. Targeted inhibition of miR-10b has pleiotropic effects on GBM derived cell lines, it reduces GBM growth in animal models, but does not affect normal neurons and astrocytes. This data raises the possibility of developing miR-10b-targeting GBM therapy.

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Osteosarcoma (OS) is a primary bone tumor that is most prevalent during adolescence. RUNX2, which stimulates differentiation and suppresses proliferation of osteoblasts, is deregulated in OS. Here, we define pathological roles of RUNX2 in the etiology of OS and mechanisms by which RUNX2 expression is stimulated.

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An accurate, nonsurgical diagnostic test for brain tumors is currently unavailable, and the methods of monitoring disease progression are not fully reliable. MicroRNA profiling of biological fluids has recently emerged as a diagnostic tool for several pathologic conditions. Here we tested whether microRNA profiling of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) enables detection of glioblastoma, discrimination between glioblastoma and metastatic brain tumors, and reflects disease activity.

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Aging is considered to be a progressive decline in an organism's functioning over time and is almost universal throughout the living world. Currently, many different aging mechanisms have been reported at all levels of biological organization, with a variety of biochemical, metabolic, and genetic pathways involved. Some of these mechanisms are common across species, and others work different, but each of them is constitutive.

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Single microRNA (miRNA) can regulate expression of several or multiple principal targets in a specific microenvironment. In different cellular contexts, the same miRNA may exhibit diverse functions, depending on the repertoire and stoichiometry of its direct mRNA targets. For instance, in breast cancer, microRNA-10b (miR-10b) promotes invasion and metastasis of tumor cells through post-transcriptional regulation of HOXD10.

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