Publications by authors named "Taylor Hill"

Background: Motorcycling, whether thought of as a leisure activity, hobby, or social activity, can add quality to one's life. Being a member of a motorcycle club may promote a sense of community, while motorcycling itself may increase feelings of awe and joy. When conceptualized as part of one's social identity, motorcycling tends to be associated with an unfavourable image or stereotype, wherein motorcyclists' personalities are characterized as rebellious, prone to risk-taking behaviour, and masculine (regardless of the motorcyclist's gender).

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Mental health literacy (MHL) was introduced 25 years ago as knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders which aid in their recognition, management, or prevention. This scoping review mapped the peer-reviewed literature to assess characteristics of secondary school-based surveys in school-attending youth and explore components of school-based programs for fostering MHL in this population. The search was performed following the method for scoping reviews by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI).

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Given that individuals with chronic diseases comorbid with psychological distress experience worse clinical outcomes than those without psychological distress, treatment of the psychological sequalae that accompanies chronic diseases is of utmost importance. Thus, the present study aimed to examine group treatment preferences among adults living with chronic disease in Saskatchewan, Canada. An online survey regarding group treatment preferences was administered to 207 participants living with chronic disease comorbid with psychological distress.

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Internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (ICBT) aims to support people with mental health concerns using online treatment materials. Client stories (either real or a composite based on many clients) are often used in ICBT to facilitate learning. However, these stories remain understudied in terms of how they are perceived by clients, as well as their relationship to ICBT engagement, satisfaction, and outcomes.

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The purpose of this study was to explore the relative importance of lifestyle factors and living conditions when predicting loneliness and sense of community (SOC) in a representative sample of 12,871 participants from Nova Scotia collected in 2019. Using multiple regression and measures of relative importance based on the Lindeman, Merenda and Gold (lmg) method, we identified which variables are most important to predicting measures of loneliness and SOC. Twenty-two predictors accounted for 46% of the variance in SOC and the top 10 predictors accounted for 36% of the variance: satisfaction with quality of the natural environment in the neighborhood (ri = 0.

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Framed by the socio-ecological model of well-being, we examined the relative importance of factors contributing to three dimensions of well-being (child, parent, and family) during the COVID-19 pandemic. A sample of 536 participants from the Atlantic provinces of Canada answered a cross-sectional survey in 2021, covering experiences during the pandemic (eg, changes in family life and well-being). Well-being was assessed with 3 single-item measures on positive change in the life of children, parents, and families during the pandemic.

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Introduction: Protecting and promoting the mental health of youth under 30 years of age is a priority, globally. Yet investment in mental health promotion, which seeks to strengthen the determinants of positive mental health and wellbeing, remains limited relative to prevention, treatment, and recovery. The aim of this paper is to contribute empirical evidence to guide innovation in youth mental health promotion, detailing the early outcomes of Agenda Gap, an intervention centering youth-led policy advocacy to influence positive mental health for individuals, families, communities and society.

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Article Synopsis
  • Palliative care is becoming more important for helping people with serious illnesses, and good communication is key to making it work better.
  • Researchers looked at how health, social, and community sectors can share care plans for older adults by reviewing different studies and articles.
  • They found that strong professional relationships, the role of community helpers, and detailed care plans are essential for providing high-quality care and better support for patients.
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Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder that exists at the more extreme end of a spectrum of diseases, and significantly affects daily functioning. Cardiovascular adverse effects of antipsychotic medications are well known, and include changes in blood pressure and arrhythmias. Sudden cardiac death is the leading cause of death worldwide, and antipsychotic medications are associated with numerous cardiac side effects.

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Volunteer programs that support older persons can assist them in accessing healthcare in an efficient and effective manner. Community-based initiatives that train volunteers to support patients with advancing illness is an important advance for public health. As part of implementing an effective community-based volunteer-based program, volunteers need to be sufficiently trained.

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Studies concerning the process of aging for women tend to focus on age-related physical changes and their correlates, often overlooking the psychosocial aspects of aging. The current study aims to understand women's experiences of aging, while also validating recently developed separate Q-sort scales of ego integrity and despair. Data drawn from a larger study of older college-educated women were used to examine relationships between health, concern about aging, ego integrity, despair, and well-being.

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Background: Implementing community-based innovations for older adults with serious illness, who are appropriate for a palliative approach to care, requires developing partnerships between health and community. Nav-CARE is an evidence-based innovation wherein trained volunteer navigators advocate, facilitate community connections, coordinate access to resources, and promote active engagement of older adults within their communities. Acknowledging the importance of partnerships between organizations, the aim of our study was to use the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) to explore organizational (Inner Setting) and community or health system level (Outer Setting) barriers and facilitators to Nav-CARE implementation.

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In functional neuroimaging studies, individuals with dyslexia frequently exhibit both hypoactivation, often in the left parietotemporal cortex, and hyperactivation, often in the left inferior frontal cortex, but there has been no evidence to suggest how to interpret the differential relations of hypoactivation and hyperactivation to dyslexia. To address this question, we measured brain activation by functional MRI during visual word rhyme judgment compared with visual cross-hair fixation rest, and we measured gray matter morphology by voxel-based morphometry in dyslexic adolescents in comparison with (i) an age-matched group, and (ii) a reading-matched group younger than the dyslexic group but equal to the dyslexic group in reading performance. Relative to the age-matched group (n = 19; mean 14.

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Adults and children with developmental dyslexia exhibit reduced parietotemporal activation in functional neuroimaging studies of phonological processing. These studies used age-matched and/or intelligence quotient-matched control groups whose reading ability and scanner task performance were often superior to that of the dyslexic group. It is unknown, therefore, whether differences in activation reflect simply poorer performance in the scanner, the underlying level of reading ability, or more specific neural correlates of dyslexia.

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